Alright, fuck it. As embarrassing as this may be, and disregarding the high chance that I will either be met with ridicule or sheer apathy, I need to get this off my chest somewhere regardless. This might not be about depression strictly speaking, but it can?t be far off.
I have been living as what might as well be called a recluse for the last 7 years. God damn, that IS embarrassing AND pathetic when you see it written out like that! Ah well, no turning back now.
So yeah, I don?t even know where to begin with this. Please bear with me if you decide to read this. I quit high school when I was 17. Pretty much burned out on that thanks to years of bullying which has left me what I?m guessing to be emotionally scarred to the point where I don?t have any self-esteem to speak of. Ever since then, and I?m 24 years old right now, I?ve been living with my parents and younger sister, keeping myself busy with gaming and other worthless bullshit. I gradually, over the course of 3 years, also cut all ties with the two remaining friends I had left from high school out of pure shame of my situation.
Mind you, I?m not necessarily a TOTALLY lazy guy. I have made some attempts to get out of this slump. I went from 300 pounds to 240. I been done with smoking for over 2 years now. I half-assedly searched for a job. I went to adult schooling for a year, during which time I made exactly one acquaintance thanks to my social inability (I spent a year there, and I hadn't stayed in the school building a single time during lunch, out of sheer fear of being social. Instead, I walked around town, alone). I attempted higher education, but I dropped out after a month (got sick for a week, had to stay at home, had flashbacks to the time where I would stay at home during high school out of fear of being bullied, saw myself going down the same path of social ineptitude again, didn't dare show my face at school again afterwards). I spent about a month or two landscaping a piece of land my dad bought, digging out a dozen trees and making it viable for farming.
Back in January of this year, I spent about a month or so on Khan Academy, seeing as I'm trying to get my GED through home schooling. I got pretty far in as well during that time, to the point where I nearly passed the math?s exam. After about a month though, I hit this brick wall.
The thing is, every time I try to do something, I have this enormous amount of anxiety constantly looming over me. Or otherwise stated, I?m unable to deal with the fact that I?ve essentially fucked my life up to the point where I won?t ever be able to make up for those 7 lost years. And it?s tearing me up inside, to the point where I feel panicked whenever I try to start studying, or have to show my face in public, or do basically ANYTHING that doesn't occupy my mind 100%. Mind you, not panic attacks or some such. That?s something I haven?t ever been diagnosed with.
Anyway, now I?m at this point where it?s either do or die, and I?m thinking it's going to end up being the latter. NOT SUICIDE BY THE WAY, perhaps I should have picked a better idiom, but I don?t know any. I have a history exam in about 3 week for which I haven?t even opened my books yet. Every time I try, the vastness of my screw-up dawns on me, and I panic at the idea of how much SHIT I have to catch up on. Not only in terms of what I need to teach myself when it comes to study material, but things like eventually being social again. Actually learning how to make friends. GETTING A GIRLFRIEND for god?s sake. Altogether learning to be a functional member of society again. And all of this needs to get done by August 2015, seeing as I?m planning on signing up for Computer Science classes then. Oh right, have I mentioned that I need to teach myself the required maths for that as well? That?s kind of a side-question. Is something like that even possible?
Anyway, am I just lazy? Is that it? Do I just need to grow a pair and get my shit together? The fuck do I do? Where do I go from where I?m at? I have this nagging feeling that I might be too far gone to be salvageable.
Apologies for the melodrama.