Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I'm lost likely taking a break. Seriously this amount of content is insulting. Compared to what it should have been this game is an absolute disgrace. When you really sit down and think about what it has to offer its terrible.
I'm in this camp sort of but not completely in regards to the expansion. I'm still a little bitter that at E3 the idea was presented that you would be on a planet or whatever open situation and a Public Quest would spawn that you would want to tackle with your friends and/or faction. As more people show up you also run the risk of opposing factions wanting to take down the Public Quest and the boss for the loot. So not only do you have the challenge of this encounter but you have to hold off everyone else. That's what I was wanting more so than all these instances, strikes, and matches.

I really thought that was where this game was going.


FPS noob
i was bored and decided to see what it'll take to hit level 31. its been about 7 hours of game play today, but most of that is spent just leveling gear. it really helps having 2 (or 3) of the same class since you can swap and redo bounties, daily story, etc and put the gear you want to level on. I guess I shoulda used one of those items that boosts your XP but I couldn't be fucked.

anyways was pretty simple, on char 2 bought the gloves/boots from vanguard for 150 tokens total (i think), put them in the bank for char 1, then did a whole bunch of bounties and patrol missions. oh did the nightfall earlier for the 20% rep boost. after about 4 hours i was done leveling vanguard a rank (could have done strikes too but I was playing solo in the day). Got a bit lucky, the vanguard rep up package gave me the new warlock chest and a token. Used the token to buy a helm, bam now I have 4 pieces of light +33 gear which should get me to level 31 when they are all maxxed out. Even swapping to char #2 and doing some bounties wasn't enough to fully level up the items, I'd have to do another hour or two of patrols or PVP to probably max it out.

Anyways thats it, didn't really require a single thing from VoG and I could have done it all as a fresh level 20, just needed vanguard rank 3, 270 tokens (across 2 chars), and shitloads and shitloads of mats. If the next DLC is the same, best thing to do is max out all your tokens, get your vanguard and crucible rep a hair below the next rank and leave it there, get 10 bounties done and ready for turnin, and farm stacks and stacks of upgrade mats.

When the DLC hits you can more or less immediately buy 2 pieces of gear, turn in bounties for rep up, maybe get some free gear otherwise buy helm/chest with tokens. Doing it with 2 chars of the same class makes it a cakewalk, and you will be immediately ready for the next raid.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Was it just me or was the new strike really difficult (in the boss room with all the adds mainly)? I seemed to die a lot and I don't know if it was just the arc burn or if it was really that much harder than all the other strikes in the game. Nightfall must be seriously brutal.


It was pretty hard on heroic, but I enjoy it. There are a shit ton of adds, and getting multiple knights can be pretty brutal, but more pew pew and its all good.


Karazhan Raider
So I saw a video of a hunter soloing the first run part. I'm like 99% sure that I can do it too, gonna give it a try tomorrow. All it involved was invis and jumping on top of the light posts


Useless lazy bastard.
There needs to be a deserter debuff when fuckers leave a strike. Its so god damn annoying
Well.... unfortunatly some bounties are easiest to do in some specific part of a strike, so since bosses dont drop loot (really? who thought THAT was a good idea?) why bother completing it? That said: Let us chose if we want to do a matchmaking strike or go at it solo/duo. I always feel bad doing a strike with a friend just to kill XX of XX then ditch the poor bastard that the game forced upon us.

Edit: Obviously only apply to the "normal" strikes, not the strikelist. On the other hand, with their server stability issues where it seems almost certain to kick someone from your group every other strike just because, a deserter debuff would currently be impossible to implement in a fair way. If you get it for "return to orbit" people would just terminate the game and re-launch so /shrug.


Was it just me or was the new strike really difficult (in the boss room with all the adds mainly)? I seemed to die a lot and I don't know if it was just the arc burn or if it was really that much harder than all the other strikes in the game. Nightfall must be seriously brutal.
There's a cheese for groups where one person can hide in a safe spot and rez the party over and over as they kill the boss and ignore the adds.

I just sat in the entrance area, running back or jumping onto the balcony ledge thing every time she spawned more melee. The strategy doesn't feel right or very fun but then none of the nightfall strikes do. I never feel like I'm doing any of content the way it was intended. I'd love to see a Bungie team run a nightfall and see how they do it.


Useless lazy bastard.
You think bungie has a team playing this game?!

But yeah, hear what you are saying. It has devolved into "how can we do this in the quickest, easiest way, preferable by cheating", but then so does most games after the new shiney factor has worn off. Problem here is that there is so little content, if they had thrown in som random placement of bosses, random "dungeons" and such it would have lasted longer.

Its like they wanna be a FPS Diablo but failed to identify why people played D2 for years (and still do).


Karazhan Raider
Also, for those that didn't know, if you get full exp on an exotic (don't have to actually upgrade it) it gives you 2 shards instead of one. Makes it better to buy an exotic armor piece from xur rather than upgrade it, assuming he has it for sale


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Goddamn it's depressing watching my icebreaker, thorn and last word all reset. So much work leveling up exotics, fml.


Karazhan Raider
Apparently the Urn quest only gives you 33 light level gloves after what is effectively an exotic bounty


Pretty pleased Xur has Ice Breaker and SUROS Regime for upgrade. Going to be out of town and unable to play over the weekend, so I will hate not being able to get the Ice Breaker re-upgraded before the next raid. I should be able to get to 31 tonight after farming some glimmer, though...

Bummer about the Urn of Sacrifice quest. Why make us wait until the weekend for that? I guess the vanguard gloves do require a commendation, but still...


Karazhan Raider
The raid auto rifle looks badass, has the slow shooting perk when aiming that Suros has. It starts out with slightly more impact than Atheons epilogue, so hopefully the extra damage will make it viable.