Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any of you planning to do CE this weekend? I'm hoping to at least do abyss and bridge for shards and a shot at chest piece.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Have they recently changed how the ce bridge works? Was duoing it on normal.

Crossed the bridge and hid on front left edge. Partner stayed on far size of bridge to snipe stuff. We never got ogres to spawn. Same knight plus 2 acolytes kept spawning over and over like script was stuck.

We tried again and this time partner killed himself once i was across. Got ogres to spawn but then the totems suddenly went off for no reason and i died.

third try totems went off randomly when i was still killing stuff to make ogres spawn.

was it bugged or are we missing some new mechanic?


Trakanon Raider
The beginning side must be considered empty to trigger the event. Warlocks can die and self rez a few seconds later. All 3 classes can climb up high enough on the parapets to trigger the same despawn that used to work on those crates in the back.


FPS noob
hasn't changed, one person has to be across but not too far from center platform (and can't be on top of it either since that triggers bridge building). other person (from starting side) has to either die & rez or do a titan jump up to the very, very top like way way way above. The first time since he never died on the start side the ogres won't spawn.

Second and third times you moving around triggered the totems, you have to stay still in the "hiding" spot in front of the left lamp. The ogres trigger the totems if people aren't near them just like bridge phase, but somehow the lantern hiding spot disables that trigger (but you can't move off it).

a titan can also super-jump across by launching from the start side totems, if you jump up on top of it and your friend starts the event when you jump you go higher than normal (totem animation i guess) and then you can smash all the way across, lets you skip the whole first sword and bridge build.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
I really hope Bungie does not put out another raid encounter like Crota. Its totally dependent on only 1 person (the sword carrier). Get a good one and things are smooth, get a bad one and they are not. The other 5 characters are a total non factor, as long as you have either Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota all you need to do is fire a rocket when told to and then not die. My secondary group that I raid with does not have a sword carrier so they always have to get one of LFG and those fuckers have an elitist mentality. Its really turning me off to doing this raid at all going forward. Already have the scout rifle and don't really give a shit about anything else but the had cannon and even there I am sorta meh about it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I really hope Bungie does not put out another raid encounter like Crota. Its totally dependent on only 1 person (the sword carrier). Get a good one and things are smooth, get a bad one and they are not. The other 5 characters are a total non factor, as long as you have either Gjallarhorn or Hunger of Crota all you need to do is fire a rocket when told to and then not die. My secondary group that I raid with does not have a sword carrier so they always have to get one of LFG and those fuckers have an elitist mentality. Its really turning me off to doing this raid at all going forward. Already have the scout rifle and don't really give a shit about anything else but the had cannon and even there I am sorta meh about it.
Ironic that they have an elitist mentality but not a one of them carries sword? I think most people are just too afraid to fuck up w/ it. It's not hard at all. Have carried on all three classes. There is this wierd stigma that people think the person MUST be a hunter and that sword bearing is some magical gift. Just spend a few attempts and most people tend to get it. Hardest part is gauging groups dps if nobody has gjal's


FPS noob
yeah any class can be a sword bearer, a hunter just makes it faster but frankly its just as easy to fuck things up as a hunter since there are a lot of points that can go wrong (melee stab, invis drop, invis pickup, etc). A warlock or titan can jump up from either side rock and go kill him just as easily, and there are three different ways to keep the boomers off his back:

1. any person can go on the walls behind the towers (towards the far end of the area) and just melee/shoot towards the boomers above them. this keeps the boomers attention on them the entire time, they can just stay there the whole fight and be safe. this is a great job for a 30/31.

2. a titan can drop a bubble every time on the side the runner is going up, where two skulls are on the ground (you'll see it). titan uses the +5 sec bubble perk and just stays inside the bubble, a pro one can side step a bit and gallahorn crota but not really needed if you have 4 other people with galla/HoC.

3. a sniper can just ping shoot the two boomers the entire time the sword bearer is active, he can even take one out before you run back in to make the run inside easier (or you can all stay outside and huddle on the opposite side ledge of crota).

that said none of the crota HM drops are worth doing the fight for, the handcannon sucks the crux weapon sucks fang is all right but imo abyss defiant is generally better.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
Ironic that they have an elitist mentality but not a one of them carries sword? I think most people are just too afraid to fuck up w/ it. It's not hard at all. Have carried on all three classes. There is this wierd stigma that people think the person MUST be a hunter and that sword bearing is some magical gift. Just spend a few attempts and most people tend to get it. Hardest part is gauging groups dps if nobody has gjal's
Sorry, I meant the sword carriers that we got off LFG had elitist mentalities. They kept trying to change the strat all around to be just the way they wanted it and it was never their fault when they died etc etc. Got on my fucking nerves.


Karazhan Raider
Sorry, I meant the sword carriers that we got off LFG had elitist mentalities. They kept trying to change the strat all around to be just the way they wanted it and it was never their fault when they died etc etc. Got on my fucking nerves.
So I'm allowed to be an elitist dick? Shit, I've been doing this wrong.

Also, I'm definitely going to get Crota in 2 swords/4 downs with my hunter next week


FPS noob
next dlc content



Infinite Supers in pvp

1: Make a party of 4 defender titans, and 2 hunters or warlocks.
2: Have the titans equip Crest of Alpha Lupi so the titans spawn 3 orbs per bubble shield, making it a total of 12 orbs (it takes approx. 7 orbs for a super)
3: Go in to Destiny PVP and wait for everyone to get their super
4: Group up and have the titans spawn their bubbles non stop (I recommend having armor, blessing, and weapons of light)
5: Have your hunters/warlocks grab orbs and kill any enemies around you.
6: Enjoy infinite supers



Also Deej made answered some questions today on Neogaf.

1) Xur is 100% randomized ( not sure why people thought he was not)
2) it is alright to use autofire modded gamepads ( they only care if you use a device that can do something that the game has maximums on I.E. running faster then normal etc)


Trakanon Raider
There is a video where he said Xur wasn't random, that's probably where they got the idea. Although, it does sound like he's joking when he says it.


Trump's Staff
He clarified. He said that they know what he is going to be selling ahead of time, but said that they don't choose what it is.


Karazhan Raider
While it may be randomly selected, there's no way that they don't have a weighting system in place. Every item being a DLC exotic twice? No way the DlC exotics aren't weighted


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well, they clearly have a weighted item system. Some exotics are great in very specific situations and terrible in everything else, while others are mildly beneficial in most situations but don't really shine in any particular encounter. Then you have items like gjallerhorn and icebreaker which were just amazing in every situation. Notice how those items arent sold often? They are clearly weighted so that they arent sold often. If gjallerhorn dropped for me, I'd basically stop playing. That's the only carrot I care about right now. Bungie knows that.

It's that can't make too many exotics that are on par with IB jellyhorn because then PvP gets completely out of control. I mean I don't reply care about PvP but there's a lot of unintended consequences when it comes to PvP. It's the same issue with auto rifles. Everything has low impact high RoF because the reverse will always win in PvP (generalized statement, I'm aware).

If it was just PvP you could introduce all kinds of crazy exotics with goofy, op effects on them and it would just make the game more fun. You or those same things in PvP and people get frustrated real quick.


Trump's Staff
. 2 Red Death
. 1 Gjallarhorn
. 2 SUROS Regime
. 2 Ice Breaker
. 3 Truth
. 2 Patience and Time
. 2 The Last Word
. 1 MIDA Multi Tool
. 2 Plan C
. 2 No Land Beyond
. 2 Dragon's Breath

Yeah, Xur loot definitely seems weighted... to befair. Statistics and RNG, how do they work?