Destiny: Rise of Iron 9.20.16


Trakanon Raider
I realize its not quite the point, but can't you turn that energy you don't need into shards with Eris?
I'm about 1000 reputation short. Then the trades cost 500 glimmer and a black wax idol. So, I'll be able to this week but it's going to be a ton of grinding since glimmer is horribly boring and tedious to farm.


Trump's Staff
Buy a vanguard vendor item and dismantle, you don't need the marks anyway. I did that last week, 75 marks for an instant 3 shards, gave zero fucks.


Trakanon Raider
Buy a vanguard vendor item and dismantle, you don't need the marks anyway. I did that last week, 75 marks for an instant 3 shards, gave zero fucks.
Crota raid gear uses a different type of shard than the ascendant ones from light level 33 vendor gear.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yup, sucks if you have bad luck rolls in Crota since it's the only way to level up gear to hit 32. Do radient shards still sometimes drop from the PEs or was that an error in the last patch?

I'm in the same boat as you Angel. Need a handful of shards to hit 32, but at the rate I'm going, I'll be 31 until the next DLC hits.


Useless lazy bastard.
Too bad you can't use the crux to upgrade VoG legendaries to 331, that would have been a cool idea Not sure I would ever use necrocasm
Got the crux last night, was pleasantly suprised that it upgraded the weapon to 339 instead of 331. But you are right, it would have been wonderful to slap that onto the Faithbringer instead

(Not that the Necro is a bad weapon, I actually like it quite a lot... but then I prefer auto-rifles to handguns despite their compared preformance).


Karazhan Raider
I messed around with word of crota yesterday and I am very unimpressed. It's honestly worse than my devil you don't that has field scout, crowd control, and spray and play. Outside of killing Hive majors and void burn I can't see myself really using it.

The scout rifle is pretty much a VoC without autofire and with spray and play


Lord Nagafen Raider
so the crux is dropping? Cool. I haven't played in about a week. Did ps2 through the weekend mostly.


Gunnar Durden
SOOOOOO I got a Hezen Vengeance yesterday. With it only maxing at 300 damage is the cluster bomb perk worth it over a 331 normal launcher?

Just give me a fucking Gjallahorn already!

Seriously my loot is taking a backwards slide.

Finished VOG hard last night and got Atheons Epilogue and Hezen vengance. Did it on easy and got Plan C at 331....

Make any sense?

Then I did Crota run and got all the way to Crota with nothing but shards and energies. Couldnt beat Crota because we had all 31s that have never been swordbearer. I volunteered (I know what to do, ust need to play around with it and do it) but instead of trying, half the group bailed saying "Fuck that we cant do it if we dont have someone whos done it"

thats been my big peeve, people expect someone else to fill that role every time, and either wont learn or give you a chance to do it. So then we refill group, another guy decides to try, does a decent job (Timing was a bit off as he was figuring that part out) then he goes to jump down after attack and Crota moves to the left side, and the guy didnt know and got killed. Easy mistake and a few more tries and we would have it I think but 3 out of 6 bail with "omg you guys suck"

really making "raiding" with randoms something I am against. And Its my only option.



FPS noob
so the crux is dropping? Cool. I haven't played in about a week. Did ps2 through the weekend mostly.
it only drops (small chance) if you previously killed crota HM on that character. Nothing else matters, you just had to have killed crota HM in a previous week. You don't need to equip eidolon or glohoo, be the SB, kill the gatekeeper, etc.


<Gold Donor>
Thats how it is in every game where you play with randoms, even if they are formed in LFG sites. It was the same way in WoW raid finder. People had way higher equipment expectations than what was needed, and most bailed at the first sign of fail. And I dont really blame them because I have been in raids in both games where there was hours of wipes wasting all of our time.

Noble Savage

Kang of Kangz
<Bronze Donator>
LOL today was my first experience using destinylfg. Used it to get a pug for a nightfall and it was terrible. Probably the worst group I have ever been in. It was pure comedic gold though and entertaining.


I actually have had decent luck with Found me a raid group I run with now through it. Our first HM for the reset qe 1 shotted crota. Bridge took longer because 1 guy dc'd so we hid for 20min while he got back online.


Trakanon Raider
Killed hard mode crota last night for the first time (didn't kill normal mode after reset either), got my 3rd helm, wtf =/


FPS noob
pugs are definitely getting better, even though i said i dont wanna run crota HM anymore after I finished Sr4 i was bored so pugged it three times and killed him within 5-6 tries, i think the key is having an amazing swordbearer (warlock did it twice doesnt really need to be a hunter), a person who is good at holding the boomers (titan or sniper), and a team who can stay alive (healing helm) and having enough gallahorns (2) to make sure you get that shield down fast.

no crux still

someone cheesed crota using the atheon way, but i think its probably due to lag since the wall behind crota despawns and the guy just walks through the starting window



Karazhan Raider
I think the person who did that said they were lag switching, so not a viable cheese. Apparently you can reliably get out of crystal room before shield spawns, but you can't push crota off edge


New blog update today.

They say the heavy ammo bug is something they are not able to fix easily, but one of there coders has come with a fix that will be deployed the end of February.