Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Molten Core Raider
Started back up, if anyone has some Monk equips they don't want/ want to get rid of cheaply I have 1 mil to my name! Rahh.


Molten Core Raider
My monk focuses on Poison/AR and I quit after beating Inferno back when it was OMFGACT3RAPESBABIES difficulty.
Kinda miss that kind of diff. level - I spent about 1m already mainly on a good weapon (some shenlong fist) but I'm at like 50k dps - no where near the point of being effective as a monk.


Silver Squire
I got some strongarm bracers with poison resist and a pair of crappy shenlongs. If you want them, you're welcome to it. When I first came back to the game a few weeks ago, I was at around 50k dps also. I just farmed act3 at monster power 0 til I got some drops I could sell for some upgrades.


Silver Squire
Just started again and finally killed Diablo on Inferno today. So now that's out of the way and I need some uber gear. What do you guys recommend I do?


Silver Squire
Drops are that bad, eh?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What do you expect? Do you want us to tell you of the secret uber loot place where all the uberest of uber loot drops that only this forum knows about?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Drops are that bad, eh?
It's not so much that drops are bad like they used to be, its that as the game ages what constitutes a good drop gets progressively smaller. The good part is that you can actually buy a lot just with gold you find in the game and minimize your auction house time.

The best way to farm gear is to just speed clear high density areas like act 3 or vault of the assassin at a monster power level where you can fly through it incredibly fast. You're looking at maximizing your slot pulls.


Vyemm Raider
232 hours played and the highest I ever got for an item was 7 mil. The most I paid for any item I have was 8 mil. And when I search for an upgrade I have to scroll about 40 pages before I get to get anything under 50m. The economics of D3 are completely backwards - supply goes up, prices go up. I put items on the AH for 1k bid 50k b/o over and over for a month and sold nothing. Not just random shit, but actual usable crap with the magic combination of primary + vitality + all resist or gold/magic find.

When paragon was put in, I got to para9 and got two legendaries. Both sold for less than the cost of a brimstone. (17k)

All that and my barb is sitting at 40k dps. People say you can get that for 100k. Sure, if you are somehow the most luckiest fuck on earth and don't get outbid by millions on EVERYTHING YOU EVER BID ON like I do. People set lv1 greys at 5 mil buyouts so I'm not sure where these amazing deals are being found.

Fuck random loot. Fuck it FOREVER. This was the most I'd played a game in this piece of shit genre - the only one with gameplay beyond "put all your points into one skill and spam it" And 232 hours later I have a piece of shit joke of a character to show for it. I'd have cashed out, if I had anything that would sell for $1.

I have nothing but hate for the random loot of D3. And that's the most popular feature of the whole genre. People who enjoy this shit have some sort of sickness.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
You have horrid luck then. I have been back for about 4 weeeks now and my Barbarian was paragon 2 when I started with your DPS range. Now he is 120k "Base" DPS with 45k/500 hitpoints/resists and I farm MP6. Most stuff no longer sells, but I have managed to sell items for 50,000- 2mi. I even played the market with skorns and made an extra 6 mil with buyouts. I could have sold the amulet I got to drop for around 45 Mil if I wanted to, but realized that the upgrade was just to good to pass up.My old amulet had +37% MF and so was kind of hard to give up being Paragon 23. I have found multiple Legendaries half of which have sold for 300k+, the others I just brimestoned in anticipation for the next patch. Tenks has had better luck than me so I know I am not at the high end of the luck factor. The paragon levels are what make this game easier to play. I know eveutually I will have a near perfect MF/GF and be farming MP7-8 if I wish thus increasing the drop rates I get. It is really just a matter of time as eventually you do get the legendaries.

Also as a barbarian I did not follow everyone(Save Tenk but he knows what I am talking about) else's wind spec, and so I was able to get a lot of what I wear fairly cheaply. I do just fine with Cleave/Rend and have proved it on multiple occasions when grouped with others doing Ubers..


Vyemm Raider
From para1-9 the highest I sold anything was 100k. Not once in inferno did I get a dropped upgrade.


Kreugen, I understand your frustration, when I played my wizard, my first toon, I didn't get shit for drops, almost every item he has on him was purchased from the AH.

Since 1.06 though, the law of averages seems to have kicked into effect and gone in my favor, maybe it will for you also. I play a monk as my main now, and I actually have gotten lucky and gotten several upgrades worth tens of millions. Link to my monk:


The Mempo's, Witching Hour, Strongarm bracers, and rare gloves were all drops. My rare ring I got lucky shopping on the AH and picked it up for 1.5 million, it's worth tens of millions imo. The Strongarm bracers actually replaced a pair of nice Lacuni's I had drop, but I like the PUR so I use those instead of the Lacunis. I also have gotten good drops to sell, I had an amulet with +200 str, 9.5 cc, 91% cd I sold for like 50 million.

I think part of it maybe is knowing what sells. For example, after I got my Strongarm bracers, I found out that having Pick Up Radius (PUR) on bracers and gloves adds millions to the value, which I didn't really factor in before. Weapons you might think are crappy, like 800 dps 1 handers, sell for millions if they have the right stats, like cd, ls, and a socket.

If you like the game at all, give it another go, you could get a Skorn that will up your dps significantly now for a few hundred thousand I would imagine. When I switched to my monk, his dps was like 40k. In the short time I've played him, I've made more gold on him than the hundreds of hours I played on my wizard, maybe like 100x more gold. I don't think I ever had a single item that sold for more than 10 million drop pre-1.06. Since then, I think I've sold more than 10 items worth more than 5 million. Before I would have never dreamed I could have afforded a 100% cd green gem, let alone two, and yet I've managed to buy those with just the money I've earned on my monk. Again, I realize I've been above-average on luck with drops with my monk, but I'd like to think that just evens out with all the crappy luck I had on my wizard. I hope the law of averages works in your favor as well.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Legendary and set items drop frequently enough now that you are bound to get a decent one eventually. I personally still loot everything 61+ just in case, but it's extremely rare that I find a yellow that would sell. Generally the yellows that sell are good weapons (socket and good damage), decent items with +range, decent items with -level (over 10), stuff with both CC and CD on it.

Maybe I've been lucky, but 4 of the items I'm wearing I found myself (legs, ring, mojo, chest).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Really the only items worth picking up, in general, are:

1H Mace/dagger/axe

For the most part everything else BiS for the various classes comes from set/legendary. I still pick up most things that are 61+ just to get DE materials for the crafting patch.


Forgot bracers.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You should pick up all 1 handers except hand crossbows and ceremonial knives.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I guess monks may want a 1h lance/sword? I don't know that class very well. I know since weapon master exists barbs really only want a mace/axe on the MH and a dagger with ls/cd/socket offhand.