Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The hydra is nice, but it would be nicer with the right gear. The thing that irritates me about the wizard is the lack of the random system wanting to drop any of the real wands. I have gotten two wands to drop and both have been the place holder variety. Any one of the good wands can change a build. Obviously the Wand of WoH is the top end wand but I would not mind even getting the wand that adds a hydra as it would be fun to try a different approach.

That is the problem this game has with the current incarnation of the loot system. I want to try other builds but have no control on the loot that drops for those builds. I went Wizard because I could not get any descent gear to drop for my WD and kept getting gear that was nice for a fire build wizard.

The game controls how a player must play, instead of the player being able to control how they want to play.


Confirmed Male
So yea, the RNG gods are a fickle bunch. Got my RoRG last week after running countless public split bounties. I am happy to say meteors are raining down from the heavens. I was able to piece together that, 4 pc Blackthorne's set bonus and Aughild's 3 pc set bonus, and it has turned my wizard into pretty much face tank on public T4 rifts. My only concern is frozen+beams/thunder. I was even able to roll in a public T5 group holding my own in DPS and without deaths, although I did not get to do that many due to the fact that public games past T4 are a joke (newbies joining the game to be carried I suppose).

Also made some friends in a few public games, really good monk tanked for my regular private group and we face rolled T4 rifts quite effeciently over and over again. So I am pretty happy with the wizard. Starting to work on my DH now, and this is where the RNG gods turned on me.

Got a Helltrapper from doing public split bounties on normal. Awesome, great, fabulous... Rolls are great, all I need is a socket. Here is where it gets bad. 27 rolls to get a socket. 27 legendaries and somewhere around 15-20 million gold spent to get one socket on a hand crossbow. Wow, just wow. Anyways, that fucking bow is being used for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time. I dont give a fuck if another better 1h pops, that bow I have is fucking expensive.

Last thing, a cool place to farm for easy xp/gold. This maybe old news for some, but I figure I would share anyways:

This is a party friendly deal, so the more people you have the better. This is generally not solo friendly. Created a bounty game on T6, check Act 4, look for CLEAR HELL RIFT bounty. If you get this, make your way to Hell Rift level 2, then tell your party to join your game. Proceed to clear the rift, a VERY small change of a super unique, but he is easily kiteable. This bounty consists mainly of clear white trash mobs, the bounty should net you 65-80? million xp and around 400-600k gold, basically the more people in your party the greater the reward. Very easy clear, and sometimes you will get a chest event that has a 50/50 chance of just clear some trash mobs in 30 seconds, again this will net you an additional 25 million xp + 200k+ gold. So at best you will net around 100 million xp + 800k gold in about 5 to 10 minutes (generally less than 10 minutes). I was able to grind about 6 paragon levels in about 2 hours doing this.

Great thing about this, it is not an exploit, you have to have the DPS gear to clear it, if you can do T3 you can do T6 trash. Anyways, enjoy.

Edit: profile =Distortion - Community - Diablo III


I dabbled with my alts (wiz/wd/monk mostly), but not having one of those defining weapons/quadfecta jewelry/RoRG makes switching to a low-gear alt pretty painful. Kind of the problem with smart loot- I don't get enough off-class gear to actually make the alt viable. So when off-stat/wrong class set items do drop, it's just a pain rather than an "oh gee now I'll try my other character." Are there any barb weapons that really change skills? I can't really think of any outside of the 300 spear. Nothing like Wand of Woh/Mirrorball/that crusader shield stuff that radically changes how you play. The fjord cutter mighty weapon has an aura but it's bugged if you dual wield with it (glad they got to "fixing the bug" with SoH but the same ICD dual wield reset is present in the cutter and went untouched).

Pretty much in sludge until I get the EQ set to drop. I finally got my second piece of it yesterday and... it was a dupe of the only piece I had. Great. I'm sure it will be long nerfed by the time I get it, since they seem to nerf whatever build Alkaizer is using. The boulder toss build has really grown on me but I feel my gear won't improve much for it at this point unless I get some higher damage weapons. The "good" weapons that drop for me are always low damage rolls + no socket. I do wonder when they'll fix the infinite avalanche/fury bug from tectonic rift. Seems much more of an "exploit" than SoH ever was and it happens to my build all the time just on accident from normal play.

I think they should add a passive to each class which coverts any primary stat on a piece of gear to your own. (IE a wizard using a barb's str chest coverts the str to int) You basically give up a passive slot to use the gear you already have until you farm new, class appropriate stuff.


<Bronze Donator>
So, I don't group much. But I'm just about done farming stuff that's feasible to get solo(stupid Aughild's helm is taking forever). I need a RORG and a Burst of Wrath. How does one go about split farming in public games? I went poking around the public game list and there doesn't seem a way to specify bounties and which act.


Confirmed Male
So, I don't group much. But I'm just about done farming stuff that's feasible to get solo(stupid Aughild's helm is taking forever). I need a RORG and a Burst of Wrath. How does one go about split farming in public games? I went poking around the public game list and there doesn't seem a way to specify bounties and which act.
Depends on what you are wanting. If you are looking for specific cache drops, set your game settings to normal difficulty, monster slaying (public), then join game. MOST of the time everyone heads for Act 1 bounties, but if you are looking for something specific in another Act it is actually to your advantage. Start doing the other Act while they work on Act 1, no one gives a damn because they are all in "get it done" mode. You will have most of your Act bounties done by the time they are done with Act 1, so you get a bonus cache along with the one you were working on. Hell sometimes you may even get help from them since they will just finish up what you started since it is like an additional 5 minutes for another cache (thats what I do anyways).

It takes almost no time to do normal split bounties, SUPER efficient


So, I don't group much. But I'm just about done farming stuff that's feasible to get solo(stupid Aughild's helm is taking forever). I need a RORG and a Burst of Wrath. How does one go about split farming in public games? I went poking around the public game list and there doesn't seem a way to specify bounties and which act.
I would join the Bounty Runz community instead of trying public games. It's pretty big and there's always people asking/coordinating.

Whenever I join a public game and it's bounties people never want to split up. Even if they're in one spot and I start a bounty somewhere else all three of them will teleport to me for some reason and abandon the one they already started. The only group I ever got kicked from was when I went to a bounty, they all teleported to me and I was sprinting around looking for the cursed chest (didn't have to clear mobs in the zone). I assume they were mad that I wasn't clearing useless white mobs with them.


<Bronze Donator>
I think they should add a passive to each class which coverts any primary stat on a piece of gear to your own. (IE a wizard using a barb's str chest coverts the str to int) You basically give up a passive slot to use the gear you already have until you farm new, class appropriate stuff.
Primary stats are required in every slot, that makes it a boring stat. Really easy to tell if I have a shardable weapon if it's missing primary and socket. Just get rid of them and rebalance around it.

I want to try a no-builder fire monk but I don't want to actually play my monk until he has the gear to do so. A slow 2H like Maximus would be perfect. Too bad if that drops on my crusader, it'll probably be wrong for my monk.


Confirmed Male
I would join the Bounty Runz community instead of trying public games. It's pretty big and there's always people asking/coordinating.

Whenever I join a public game and it's bounties people never want to split up. Even if they're in one spot and I start a bounty somewhere else all three of them will teleport to me for some reason and abandon the one they already started. The only group I ever got kicked from was when I went to a bounty, they all teleported to me and I was sprinting around looking for the cursed chest (didn't have to clear mobs in the zone). I assume they were mad that I wasn't clearing useless white mobs with them.
I have never experienced this running normal split bounties in public games. 99% of the time, everyone heads to their bounties in Act 1 to start clearing. 1% you may have the guy clearing another Act bounties obviously farming for something completely different than a RoRG. Retarded monkeys could clear normal Act 1 bounties IMHO


I have never experienced this running normal split bounties in public games. 99% of the time, everyone heads to their bounties in Act 1 to start clearing. 1% you may have the guy clearing another Act bounties obviously farming for something completely different than a RoRG. Retarded monkeys could clear normal Act 1 bounties IMHO
Do you get a lot of leeching? Just realized my situation happened on a torment difficulty. There's no good reason to do bounties on the torment settings I join (to leech rifts), so the people doing them there are probably just retarded. Maybe I'll try it on normal difficulty later.


<WoW Guild Officer>
post in clan chat you want to do them. most of the time people will come in and you can faceroll through them. I know I'm always looking for a group to do anything with (so I normally just start popping open t1 rifts and speed clearing while letting others join in).

I had a ton of fun with a few guys doing split bounties. I don't feel like I carry my weight though, as I'm easily distracted (so I'm not cruising for my objective fast enough) and don't kill nearly as fast as the guys.

Anyone have advice for what to spend Paragon points on? I've been focusing on Crit Chance, Run Speed, Resist All, and Life On Hit. LoH fucking blows though, as my channel is slow, my pets don't get a benefit, and it's not per enemy it's per tick of my channel. At least, that's my impression.


Confirmed Male
Do you get a lot of leeching? Just realized my situation happened on a torment difficulty. There's no good reason to do bounties on the torment settings I join (to leech rifts), so the people doing them there are probably just retarded. Maybe I'll try it on normal difficulty later.
Meh, there maybe some, and by some I mean the 1 percenters who may leech. But even with 3 folks split bounties it is super fast. You will hardly notice it. 4 people pulling their weight on a normal should take less than 5 minutes. 3 people pulling their weight should take at or less than 5 minutes.

@Dashel - they dont, people just do it, I have accidentally ported on someone before and I just port to the next open bounty. Again, my retarded monkey comment.


<WoW Guild Officer>
How do people coordinate who goes to which bounty in the public A1 runs?
Just pick one? If someone else is there, teleport to another. Who ever finishes first goes to the 5th bounty, and whoever finishes second helps on the 5th bounty, and then you just stack until they're all done.

You're overthinking if you have to pick.


<Bronze Donator>
Anyone have advice for what to spend Paragon points on? I've been focusing on Crit Chance, Run Speed, Resist All, and Life On Hit. LoH fucking blows though, as my channel is slow, my pets don't get a benefit, and it's not per enemy it's per tick of my channel. At least, that's my impression.
Depends way too much on build/class/gear. 2-3 in each tab have their usefulness. For example, I just picked up reaper wraps last night and I'm considering, after maxing out move speed, dumping the remaining points into max wrath instead of str. In the next tab, I maxed out CDR first. 3rd tab, resist all first is about the only gimmie. 4th tab, I went area hit to get my bouncy shields better trash clearing and then resource cost reduction.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Women are the antichrist of loot, you get near them and youll be sent on an errand for a tomato or other IRL junk loot.
My moonlight ward laughs at your paltry RNG

Docan - Community - Diablo III