Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Vyemm Raider
So... I'm arcane... and I still burned 20 souls + flawless imp amethysts and still didn't get a single crit damage roll on this. For now you can all worship it
My moonlight ward laughs at your paltry RNG



Molten Core Raider
Got a few more upgrades. I can farm T3 rifts solo in about 15 minutes now.
Mastodon - Community - Diablo III

The synergy between Tgods, Fulminator, and Sweeping Wind: Cyclone melts shit. Mantra of Healing's OP shields and 10k life on hit makes it so I can face tank everything except arcane sentries.

Also, that moonlight ward is hawt.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
instructions for the EXP exploit, just got a friend 1-70 in less than an hour doing this.

1.Lvl 70 thats boosting make a game Act1> Quest5 > Khazra den (on T6, don't worry you don't need to kill anything on that difficulty)
2.Guy getting boosted joins your game
3.Leave game
4.Give party leader to lvl1 guy
5.Start game (should be level 1 T6 game now)
6.Lvl 70 guy do the quest(will be piss easy since its lvl1 torment 6 game), pick the sword, DO NOT GIVE SWORD TO CAIN
7.Leave game
8.Disband party
9.Lvl70 make game torment 6 ofc, and invite ur friend in
10.Now lvl 70 guy position ur char far enough from cain that you can still left click him to walk to him and have enough time to press escape before you get to him
11.Left click on cain > press ESC while walking twords him> When u hear ur char talking to cain about quest LEAVE GAME
12.Lvl1 guy gets quest done, leaves game
13.Lvl70 guy start game again (game will still be on hand in the sword to cain quest)
14.Rinse and repeat last 5 steps
Hope they don't patch! Been fun leveling friends up! haha


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yea, Hoggfight (not sure of his name here) was kind enough to boost my WD from 31 to 70 doing that, and I made right around seven million gold.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
Also, if anyone is interested in the 2 minute rift achievement, all you have to do is clear a rift up to the boss with someone else, drop game and party, start up your own game and open a rift, then join the original game and finish the rift and turn in the quest. The timer only counts from the time you open a rift to the time you close a rift, doesn't matter which game.


A Mod Real Quick
Recently hit 70 on my Wizard. Can someone give me a quick rundown on where to start?

Right now I'm playing with Electrocute/Disintegrate and I think I have Teleport, Black hole, archon, and the enchanted or whatever weapon on hot keys. I'm terrible with skill names. I think as a fresh 70 I have around 300k paper DPS.

Are Wizards speccing in accordance to what they roll for +elemental damage? What should I gamble on? I got a Triumvirate the other day and stopped there, but should I be going for a Mirror+2?

Thanks bros, any help appreciated.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Coming into work to read all the loot QQ on Mondays is awesome, some people need to get the fuck outside or touch a woman.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Recently hit 70 on my Wizard. Can someone give me a quick rundown on where to start?

Right now I'm playing with Electrocute/Disintegrate and I think I have Teleport, Black hole, archon, and the enchanted or whatever weapon on hot keys. I'm terrible with skill names. I think as a fresh 70 I have around 300k paper DPS.

Are Wizards speccing in accordance to what they roll for +elemental damage? What should I gamble on? I got a Triumvirate the other day and stopped there, but should I be going for a Mirror+2?

Thanks bros, any help appreciated.
I've only had experience with fire and ice and I'm still pretty new myself but...some things I've picked up along the way re: Wizards

- Yes a +2 mirrorball would be very helpful. If you get one, you can go %fire and %Magic Missile where possible. Spec Magic missile with conflagrate rune and pew pew.
- Frozen Orb is still powerful (arcane orb/frozen orb rune), +%cold/Arcane Orb where possible
- I found this link very useful to slot gear:How to prioritize gear affixes! [guide] - Forums - Diablo III
- Get crit chance up to ~45-50 and crit damage above 300 when possible
- magic Weapon / force weapon for dps, magic weapon / deflection for survivability
- Familiar / sparkflint for damage
- Energy armor/ Prismatic armor for toughness, pinpoint barrier for more crit


Molten Core Raider
Recently hit 70 on my Wizard. Can someone give me a quick rundown on where to start?

Right now I'm playing with Electrocute/Disintegrate and I think I have Teleport, Black hole, archon, and the enchanted or whatever weapon on hot keys. I'm terrible with skill names. I think as a fresh 70 I have around 300k paper DPS.

Are Wizards speccing in accordance to what they roll for +elemental damage? What should I gamble on? I got a Triumvirate the other day and stopped there, but should I be going for a Mirror+2?

Thanks bros, any help appreciated.
Wiz is my only 70 atm. I've been struggling with getting it going. What's working for me now is using Disintegrate and gearing for +crit chance and return Arcane power on crit, then increase crit dmg and increase arcane power as secondaries. Astral Power as a passive to increase arcane power and arcane power regen. Black Hole works well with it to clump groups of mobs together.

Idea is just to keep Disintegrate up as much as possible and it doesn't seem hard to get uptime to 90%+. It's by no means a mid or end game strat but it's allowed me to hold my own starting off in T1. The strength of it is it's very easy to reroll yellows to get it running. Once you get some legendaries in you can re-assess and start working towards more traditional stat goals.

The pain is the only half decent legendaries I've had drop are +Fire dmg (Andariels Visage, Lidless Wall, Kymbos Gold) and I can't get a Fire build to work well. I don't know if I'm doing it wrong but I find Meteor just awful.

edit : Just read Dashels post - I like Magic Missle/Conflagrate but it's no disintegrate - now if there was a decent Fire finisher I'd be all over it.


Trakanon Raider
Disintegrate/Arcane torrent with arcane, if you have trouble with AP while channeling, get the passive that boosts regeneration and you can also get the lightning armor with the rune that reduces AP cost by 3.

Frozen Orb/Ray of Frost if you get the orb that gives it pierce and you want %frost dmg

Lightning/fire are a bit meh unless you combo them with elemental exposure for extra dps

Pick an element and get crit/crit dmg + %element or skill on rares, legendary weapon with your main stat and socket, some even wands even have % elemental damage which is godly. 2handers are crap


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wiz is my only 70 atm. I've been struggling with getting it going. What's working for me now is using Disintegrate and gearing for +crit chance and return Arcane power on crit, then increase crit dmg and increase arcane power as secondaries. Astral Power as a passive to increase arcane power and arcane power regen. Black Hole works well with it to clump groups of mobs together.

Idea is just to keep Disintegrate up as much as possible and it doesn't seem hard to get uptime to 90%+. It's by no means a mid or end game strat but it's allowed me to hold my own starting off in T1. The strength of it is it's very easy to reroll yellows to get it running. Once you get some legendaries in you can re-assess and start working towards more traditional stat goals.

The pain is the only half decent legendaries I've had drop are +Fire dmg (Andariels Visage, Lidless Wall, Kymbos Gold) and I can't get a Fire build to work well. I don't know if I'm doing it wrong but I find Meteor just awful.

edit : Just read Dashels post - I like Magic Missle/Conflagrate but it's no disintegrate - now if there was a decent Fire finisher I'd be all over it.
I've also been getting Fire% on my fresh Wiz, been using MM-conflag for a builder and then using the Hydra that lays down the ground fire lines and Force Wave - Heat Wave for my spender.

It's been working alright, after 2-3 fire pieces I can run through T1 pretty quick.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Here is what I'm using for a wizard fire build and I'm having fun with it/its working fine.
Markl - Community - Diablo III
I want to eventually hit the lottery and get a wand of woh so I wanted to start building towards +fire and cooldown reduction now. I haven't actually even tried arcane missile yet, but I suspect its not that good without a mirrorball, so I'm using the fire rune of spectral blades, it very often will give +10% fire damage and with large packs of mobs can get up to +30% fire damage. I'm loving black hole and its already up fairly often with the little cooldown reduction I've gotten so far and looking forward to more. I find this build a lot more bursty than a frozen orb build which I like as I was used to the burst dps on my dh. You unload a wave of meteors and black hole them into place. It may not be the best build, but its another option, particularly if you want to build towards fire. Also I love the physics with the explosion of black hole, corpses go flying all over my screen.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Recently hit 70 on my Wizard. Can someone give me a quick rundown on where to start?

Right now I'm playing with Electrocute/Disintegrate and I think I have Teleport, Black hole, archon, and the enchanted or whatever weapon on hot keys. I'm terrible with skill names. I think as a fresh 70 I have around 300k paper DPS.

Are Wizards speccing in accordance to what they roll for +elemental damage? What should I gamble on? I got a Triumvirate the other day and stopped there, but should I be going for a Mirror+2?

Thanks bros, any help appreciated.
Not much is going to beat fire at the end game, arcane comes close though if you dont like fire specs. You can check out my build for fire but ignore the Mirrorball its lol. It was there just so I could test what all the hoopla was about and its going back into the bank until I get a trium or well rolled cosmic strand. Malakriss is an arcane Wiz if you want to look at one of their setups / gear.