Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Plus, you'd need to nerf the drop rate on legendaries because targeted farming leads to quicker item generation.
You seem to have a strange idea that Diablo 3 should be a game that you can -- and indeed, MUST, if you want to get anything approaching an ideal set of items -- literally play forever. Why should Blizzard care if the carrot can be reached in a sane amount of time? It's not like they're collecting a monthly sub from anyone.

People are giving up once they get to the point where it's obvious that no further upgrades are attainable without exponentially increasing the amount of time played. How many do you suppose gave up after seeing what it's like on one character and realizing that it would be a complete waste of time to do the same thing again on another only to hit the same wall? If, instead, the game let you get what you want in that same amount of time, how many would move on to another character and effectively increase their time played by up to 6x?


Molten Core Raider
the problem is very few items have game changing affixes, its probably never going to happen but if every leg had a special affix (ok not every leg but a realllllly good portion) it would really open up the game, im not sure what blizzard is afraid of by making this game full out fun, its lacking in the fun loot so bad.


Log Wizard
They need to have a trade setup. No gold, no selling, just trading. Gold spammers won't be a thing. Real life $ for items will be, but a lot of people are clamoring for that type of shit especially after RMAH shut down. I'm fairly certain still that trading will come out in some sort of implementation during seasons.


I just came back to Diablo after a long hiatus. Now that the Ah is gone it makes the game more enjoyable.

I just dinged 70, what should I be focusing on as a Barbarian? Paragon levels?


A quick fix is to bump up drop rates on desired legs...I mean give them a hefty boost, yet don't nerf the affix roll rates at all. Yeah, there's a chance that some % of the people will gear out and quit, but that's the same % that's going to quit due to boredom or frustration, anyway. In 210 hours of play, I've gotten ONE Thunderchicken and ZERO SoH. This has to stop.

Give us something to do with Achievement Points. Every 250 or so AP, we get some cool passive rewards:

-For every 250 AP we get a boost to orb and money PU radius (thus removing it from gear) up to a cap of x_yards at y_AP.
-For every 250 AP, the objective pointer increases by x_percent. By 1500 AP, the objective pointer covers the entire zone.
-At 1000 AP, the player is given a Goblin Loot Butler, who will sell your magic and rare items for you every 10 minutes. At 1500 AP, he will also deposit gems, mats and legs into your bank, and sell items every 5 minutes.
-Starting at 1500AP, the run speed cap is lifted to 35%, with a passive % bonus every 250 AP up to the 35% max at 2000AP.
-Et cetera.

Other stuff:

Your first max level character grants a 50% bonus to xp and loot to every other L60 and under character on your account. Every other max level character on your account confers a 10% bonus to this, with a cap at 100%.


I just came back to Diablo after a long hiatus. Now that the Ah is gone it makes the game more enjoyable.

I just dinged 70, what should I be focusing on as a Barbarian? Paragon levels?
Getting loot until you can effectively solo T1+ (if you can't already). After that, loot and paragon levels march in the same time.


Well, I'm having no problems soloing everything on Hard. Master is challenging but not consistent. I'm not sure if you mean T1 is Torment difficulty?


Trakanon Raider
You seem to have a strange idea that Diablo 3 should be a game that you can -- and indeed, MUST, if you want to get anything approaching an ideal set of items -- literally play forever. Why should Blizzard care if the carrot can be reached in a sane amount of time? It's not like they're collecting a monthly sub from anyone.

People are giving up once they get to the point where it's obvious that no further upgrades are attainable without exponentially increasing the amount of time played. How many do you suppose gave up after seeing what it's like on one character and realizing that it would be a complete waste of time to do the same thing again on another only to hit the same wall? If, instead, the game let you get what you want in that same amount of time, how many would move on to another character and effectively increase their time played by up to 6x?
How is any of this related to the "It's not like they're collecting a monthly sub from anyone."

My monk was ranked 240 on d3progress (NA) for elemental elite dps 2 weeks ago, I'm now down to 628. For a few people, keeping up with the joneses is pretty important, and would continue to play that character to maintain it's fairly high ranking but getting that 1% upgrade.

Me? I started playing my Witch Doctor (after rolling a new one that was female because the meth shakes of the male one annoyed me), which is now ranked about 15,771 in NA. My gear is sub optimal, it's a work in progress, and that's important to me. I'm actively playing a gimpy version of a WD to get better shit so I can stomp faces with an awesome WD.

Increasing my play time with a certain character grants me better gear over the long term. I won't be smashing T6 any time soon, but that's the goal. Blizzard doesn't profit, or lose profit by me playing or not. 3rd party sites don't profit from it either.

Turn trading back on, and all that changes very, very quickly.

The only middle ground I've thought of is a second server set that allows trading. Kinda like FV was for EQ (no xp bonus though). That way those kinda people can play in their little neck of the woods, and I can play in mine. Softcore, Hardcore and Lootcore. Yeah, that sounds awesome.


Trakanon Raider
Well, I'm having no problems soloing everything on Hard. Master is challenging but not consistent. I'm not sure if you mean T1 is Torment difficulty?
Assuming you're not playing Hardcore, just test the waters. Kill speed means a great deal, but so does getting into T1 (Torment 1) pronto.

Add me, we'll go stomp some shit.


Useless lazy bastard.
I wish they would at least turn on trading for clan members (who were members at the time of the drop).

Been playing my DH a lot lately, and I keep getting the same shit over and over. I have so far dissed two green hand crossbows, two boots, one chest and one shoulder due to already having them, and to the "joy" of our other hunters who cant get them to drop whatever they do. Meanwhile they get all the items Im looking for but since we didnt play together we cant even help eachother with this simple thing.

I get it, Blizzard dont want people to make money off D3 since they failed at it themselves. Fine. But making it possible to trade amongst clan members (who were members at the time of the drop, this is the key to limit RL money making) would help a lot.

Also, ffs fix the drops. I do not want the same chest item or amulet to keep dropping 3 times a day. Make a list where it makes a note that "hey! Aquila Cuirass dropped for Faith today, lets make it impossible for that to drop the next 3-4 days!". I got 4 of those the last 2 days.... The odds of that happening with the pool of possible legendary chests availiable are lower then a new religion being founded around the contents of my coffe cup.


I feel like a nice compromise would be trading between your account and someone in your clan or friends list for x period of time. The PS version of Diablo comes with a bunch of options PC doesn't get, like mail and the "gift" option, which rolls a dupe legendary of the one that just dropped for you, unidentified and then you can send it to your friend, who can then ID it specific to their class type.

Allowing trading in such a manner would at least let you share things among friends, but would also pretty much discourage bots etc cashing in on it. IE, can't trade with anyone who hasn't been on your friends list for say, 3 or more weeks, and in your clan for more than 4. That way unless it's some fucking ridiculous item you're paying shit tons of money for, no one is going to sit on a friends request for 4 weeks just to trade something.

AND I'd get to stop hearing how my friends totally got a super awesome Crusader item and they don't even have a Crusader so into the bank it went!

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Targeted farming is in the game in three ways: Bounty-specific legendaries, Kadala, and crafting recipes. I think that is enough or at least close to enough, I dont want them to add ways to target-farm every item under the sun.

It would be nice if they could do a pass through the crafted legendaries and make them interesting though, most are vanilla 6 random affixes which is boring. Especially compared to the very good set recipes. Adjust Kadala in some way that allows you to target weapons better without giving away shards of hate every 10 minutes. Maybe add a recipe/mat to every boss like they did with Malthael, although that might already be going too far. Add bounty-specific items to act 4. That's really all the changes I'd want regarding target-farming, there's the risk of WoWifying it too much otherwise.

Please, find a legitimate use for explosive blast outside of using it where wave of force wouldn't be better
For starters wave of force does less damage, and you can even pre-cast it before jumping into the pack. Tbh that's reaon enough depending on build. But this is a dead end argument because you are arguing from a "BiS or gtfo" postion and I'm ok with less efficient combinations because experimenting with builds is fun to me. I would even say "that's the game". And dont get me wrong Wand Woh is awesome and takes explosive blast to a whole new level, no argument there. I'm saying just because there is an item that greatly enhances a skill doesnt mean I wont touch that skill without having the item, which was what you said.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Big shout out to Nadiar and Booze for helping me realize I even had a good item! (Didn't know WoW wand was so good)



Golden Knight of the Realm
Haven't played in a few weeks after the boredom of not being able to find upgrades kicked in (you can only gamble so many thousands of blood shards for a shot at ToT gloves before you give up) but I'm wondering if they've made any mentions as to when they'll patch the game? I'd still like to play but I feel like there's some issues that needs to be resolved before I come back, but I haven't seen any news in a while that isn't some shitty build