Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


<Bronze Donator>
Hammer barbs might be competitive, someone did a GR69 on the PTR after IK6 was buffed to 250%. WoTW6 + BK2 will likely(and I think did) clear higher since it has a shit-ton more healing. I do like hammer/raekors for speedfarming though.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Played a bit, I feel like there will be a lot of complaining about the grind for bounty materials and to level gems, since you can't really fast track that.

My favorite change is the game going "no, you idiot, your bounty objective is HERE, duh" once you don't reach it in about 30 seconds. Reminds of watching somebody totally new play a game you have mastered and resisting the urge to tell them exactly what to do.
Oh did they change it from 10 minutes down to a shorter time? Thats a good change.


<Silver Donator>
I don't see necro happening with WD already, Druid actually makes sense. They could go for something kinda new/different and have transformations from Druid rolled in the new class too, kinda similar to how the original classes were designed. Like it doesn't have to be werewolf/bear.

And yeah the bounty timer change is great, it also feels they increased the range on the first detection so it points you in the right direction faster, don't waste time doing bounties.

The bounty grind, I don't think it's that bad, you get a bunch of bloodshards at the end(like 100 on T1?) and you get 6materials even on T1(8 on T7+) so you can get the extracting fairly quickly, for the rerolling it's another story but rerolling is really for the high end stuff and mostly it'll be for your weapon as I don't think spending 45mins-1hour to reroll a piece of armor twice is worth it. I think it's more like you grind the normal way, and once you're ready to push GRs and shit, you grind bounties for a while to reroll whatever you're missing, rather than try to reroll ancient everything at once.

Gems is the same? Actually, a bit better than before cause you don't have to do trials and shit, so you can just spam GR40 or whatever to level your gems as much as you can.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You get a bonus chest killing bosses on T7+ now too it looked like when I was playing around last night. T7/T6 are pretty close to same speed for me but still not super fast, may scale down just to farm the act mats so I can clean out my stash of junk legendaries finally. Didn't realize you got 6 still on T1.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I got a Ring of Royal Grandeur last night, and promptly transmuted into my Kanai's Cube.

Now I can remove 1 piece from Delsere's set, and look at what I can do with the extra slot it opens up.

I was wondering if I could pull off Tal Rasha 4 piece bonus with necklace, belt and 1 piece switch from Delsere and Tal Rasha whichever is the best one.

I probably wouldn't be able to rotate all 4 elements, but 2 or 3 I think I could make it work.

Not sure if that would be good.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Oh god, I didn't even think about transmuting RoRG. That would make life so much easier for an altaholic like me. I transmuted the arcane damage absorbing amulet just cause I had an extra laying around :p I have got some serious work to do


Trakanon Raider
Oh god, I didn't even think about transmuting RoRG. That would make life so much easier for an altaholic like me. I transmuted the arcane damage absorbing amulet just cause I had an extra laying around :p I have got some serious work to do
RoRG is like first thing you should melt. Doubly so because I always got some shit with AS/primary/Vit/regen. Definitely opens up a lot of options and neatly eliminates the problem of the set bonus being required over any other stats.


I really just want a another class at this point, I think Druid would fit nicely.
I'll take a Bard-like class that has the fastest movement speed in the game but takes a bit longer to kill stuff. Speed in this game is fun as hell.


I cubed my Ess of Johan and it was pretty fun seeing mobs get sucked in everywhere. Then I got a skullgrasp for the 400% WW damage.


Murder Apologist
What's the %chance to proc the ess of johan? It seemed pretty low when I used it, granted that was ages ago.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Haven't tried cubing yet, when you melt down an item to cube that has one of the "range" legendary attributes (EG, "Increases Damage by [30-40]%.") does it snapshot the random number you had on that legendary, or does it just do the max value?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll take a Bard-like class that has the fastest movement speed in the game but takes a bit longer to kill stuff. Speed in this game is fun as hell.
Sounds like you should just play Barb. They move at light speed AND they kill stuff instantly. And you don't have to be wearing a faggy hat with a feather in it playing a lute!


<Bronze Donator>
I cubed my Ess of Johan and it was pretty fun seeing mobs get sucked in everywhere. Then I got a skullgrasp for the 400% WW damage.
Skullgrasp is additive, it should never be used.

What's the %chance to proc the ess of johan? It seemed pretty low when I used it, granted that was ages ago.
High proc chance, even higher ICD. At least 20s, and I want to say maybe even 30s.

There aren't a whole lot of strong amulets, rings are going to be the cubing choice.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah the max value is nice. I cubed some Firewalkers and apparently they buffed them at some point cause it's 400% weapon dmg per second, which when you're farming normal rifts is quite a decent amount of damage. I kinda have shit for armor so I'm using that atm, also breaks shit while I run around.

Btw shields count as armor I assume, but what about offhands, also armor?

Playing Crusader atm since I know I won't bother playing one in season, seems to have improved a decent amount, or it's just the cube stuff+better gear. The sets are fucking retarded though, no set is actually good until you have at least 4pc and mostly 6pc. Makes gearing up a pain in the ass. Like if you 2pc WW or Talrasha or Helltooth and I think Sunwuko, you can do T4 pretty easy with the rest of semi decent gear, but with Crusader you don't get any big boost until you get several pieces it sucks. DH is the same, fucking shit 2 pc sets, Marauder being the best and that's not that great.