Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
-Some Legendary items are only available to drop if you are playing on a Seasonal character, until the Season Ends, at which point they enter the general pool.
-Getting a seasonal character to 70 grants you "unique" appearance gear
-Completing the weird little season quest journal they're adding in season 4 gets you a mount in Heroes of the Storm or some other cross-promotional thingamabobber
-Some people have fun doing the 'start from scratch' phase with others, even if that phase is down to 2days-1week at this point.
-If you have 24/7 playschedule, you can totally grind so much paragon and then beat people on the Leader Boards during the last 24 hours of the Season.

Sir Funk

Lord Nagafen Raider
At the beginning of each season it's fun to get all the items you want and are interested in and praying they roll good. After you've tried your luck at your initial RNG it stops being fun for the most part, or at least becomes just as fun as non-seasonal.

But when you get a nice ancient weapon very early on in the season it is a blast! When you are just waiting for perfectly rolled ancients or some very specific item it is not much fun....until it drops.


As long as I'm playing with friends, this game will never lose its fun factor to me. And I am SO glad that Trials are gone from Grifts....they were getting so terrible to do.


Murder Apologist
I did s1 but I haven't bothered rolling new season chars since. I usually don't have all the gear I'm looking for from the last season before the current one ends anyway.

Maybe they'll incentivize seasons by making new systems seasons-only at some point. Until then, most the sets/builds haven't been a big enough carrot tbh.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I enjoy the seasons mostly because it's nice starting off on an even playing field if only for a little while. Also running around getting upgrades and killing shit is fun for a while but as this game tapers off and you have most of the cookie cutter gear and you are just hoping for gear with higher stats or a better secondary while DEing 99.999% of all the other shit it gets old. It's also the reason nonseasonal seems worthless to me.


<Silver Donator>
I can see them taking the map system and maybe the leagues/races, but that's about it. Have they actually said whether there is another expansion coming ? I know their old roadmaps said that D3 was supposed to have 2 expansions, but they seem to be introducing some rather big changes with the patches already.
Well if they are I think we'd hear about it soonish, so we'll see. I don't know what their plans are, but it'd be weird if they just stopped doing anything diablo related(I mean they still do patches, but at some point they'll stop that too since it doesn't make money). I guess they could start working on D4, but it seems fairly pointless as the game still feels "new" and they don't really need an entire new engine and shit, they can just make more expansions instead.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well if they are I think we'd hear about it soonish, so we'll see. I don't know what their plans are, but it'd be weird if they just stopped doing anything diablo related(I mean they still do patches, but at some point they'll stop that too since it doesn't make money). I guess they could start working on D4, but it seems fairly pointless as the game still feels "new" and they don't really need an entire new engine and shit, they can just make more expansions instead.
I think D3 is trying to garner some trust with their fanbase prior to attempting to milk them for another expansion and/or release. RoS was a FANTASTIC step in the right direction but it still gets stale after a month or so of playing (being generous here.) Until they announce something or make steps towards actual end-game content to make it relevant for me to actually log in and kill shit after I've completed my seasonal sets I'm not sure myself or many other people are that willing to fork out cash for the next iteration of D3.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The ending for RoS strongly suggested more to come within this generation. D3 is important enough to blizz for them to scrap the RMAH and totally redesign the reward loop to protect the franchise, so I'm sure there's more to come. As much as folks shit on it in the US and EU,D3 is phenomenally successful for Blizzard globally, selling 30 million units and is now the 10th best-selling game by their metrics.
Don't forget many of these sales are predicated on D2. I know people in my office and even my own brother (who doesn't play games at all) purchased D3 because of nostalgia related to D2. None of them play it any more. None even gave RoS a whirl. D3 was that underwhelming.


<Silver Donator>
They do get the patches, not sure when they're getting this though, maybe next week. I think I read they were thinking about adding seasons to console, but from what I understand console is full of cheaters and is way less regulated so there's probably not a huge incentive to do them unless they go and fix that somehow.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I logged in long enough to grab Kanai's Cube. I'll probably run some bounties later to build up crafting mats.