Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Anyone has any tips on which conquests to do ?
I did 350 kills (cursed peat), GR75 and three gems to 65. GR75 was a bitch, even though my gear is pretty damn good now. Even with mostly ancient gear and 600+ paragon you need to drop most of your defense in order to kill shit fast enough to beat the clock and even then it's still fairly easy to fail if you get really shitty rifts.

And if you're setting up UE speedfarming gear, don't make the same mistake I made. It's a kick in the nuts to realize cold>>>>fire after you've tossed about 20 Frostburns while trying to get ancient UE gloves from Kadala (20k+ shards later, they just randomly dropped....sigh).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I used something similar toFlash Fire Wizard ??" T10 Speeds - Wizard - Diablo III Builds - Diablo Fanslast season, and it appears to still be king in S6 as well.

Seems like it should be even easier to dump Firebird for Sage's this time, seeing as Tal Rasha is much stronger than it was. Pretty sure I used an Avarice Band and either a SoJ or CoE too. F+R was overkill and having to use a primary attack every 5 seconds is annoying for a build that is basically on autopilot (with a mouse macro that hammers all the keys so you don't give yourself a RSI).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I use a variation of the Flashfire that swaps Orb of Infinite Depths + Tal's belt for Firebird source and Goldwrap and it works for both TX rifts and through GR65s. Flashfire is mainly interested in giving you every +runspeed boost they can while relying on the armor from gold, but honestly if you're using in-geom you're chain teleporting anyways.

As for conquests I managed a TX in 2 minutes with my brother, the first floor was the newest woods map with an early conduit pylon so we split up and hit 90% on the floor and triggered the RG barely into the 2nd level. After that I jumped over on my hardly optimized DH and we did double multi-shot Cursed Peat and easily racked up 400+. I'm sure we could do the boss run too but gems to 65 and gr75 is somewhat you want to get anyways so why put the effort in.


Is there a specific bounty for the cursed peat? If so what is the bounty name? I try and do all the nonhardcore conquests but can't find it and it's one of my last ones.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Is there a specific bounty for the cursed peat? If so what is the bounty name? I try and do all the nonhardcore conquests but can't find it and it's one of my last ones.
It's just called Cursed Peat. A5, Path of the Drowned. It's pretty rare though so I would suggest joining the Conquest community if you're in a hurry.


<Silver Donator>
What build are you Wizard's using for bounty speed farms?
Can use Flashfire as linked, but for bounties I think it's pretty weak. Ingeom doesn't work that well in bounties, not enough elites.

I much prefer going for the Spectral Blades Talrasha build. It uses Aether Walker in cube so you can teleport around fine, and the damage output is relatively similar, other than having to stop a bit more so it's kinda slower, but doesn't rely on Ingeom buff. Basically, Depth diggers in cube, Fragment of Destiny and Belt of Delserre, 6pc talrasha(either actual 6pc, or you can use 5+rorg in cube then use sage, if you do you need talrash amulet+orb+chest+legs+gloves/helm/boots and gloves/helm/boots sage 2pc), F+R, Nemesis or whatever bracers you want.

Spectral blades thrown blade for lightning rune to replace the lightning spell, Simplicity's Strength if you want more damage by replacing a legendary gem but I find it works fine with wreath+greed+trapped if your bane of the trapped is higher level than simplicity.

Then you just blink, spectral a couple of times to kill stuff, and keep moving like that. Spectral ensures you're always full on arcane power(from the belt) so you can move entirely with blinking, and if you have to stop to kill an elite or whatever, you frost nova+explosive blast(using the instant one is good for bounties imo, it's less dmg than the repeating but no waiting so it makes the meteor land faster instead of wasting it). Much more flexible than flashfire if you have to run around a bunch like on some of the shittier bounties and also a lot better if you want to do the bosses. That's the spec I used with some tweaks for the 20mins boss clear.


The Scientific Shitlord
Late to the party because I'm a pleb casual, but finally finished my One Punch Monk gear set. Was a race between that or the Uliana's EP build as to which would finish first, and Sunwoko's won out!

Was using Inna's EP/mystic ally starter build, and went from Grift 42, and barely surviving elites in TX to Grift 50 so far, and stomping through TX. Made a HUGE difference, and is so damn awesome. Can't wait to farm more!!
I was sad as fuck to see Inna's got no boost this season. It's why I went WD.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
So... this happened while I was upgrading yellow wands



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Tried out Uliana's EP/SSS build tonight on a new monk I PLed up, and I'm not feeling it. The gear is far from optimized, but just seemed like a lot of work. But I suppose that's the difference between a solo GR build and a TX speed build. The GR build is gonna take some finesse to make it work at GR 80, etc.

I'm just enjoying blasting through TX at this point.


Trakanon Raider
I need to figure out how to not get blown up while running UE in TX, it's mostly fine, but every once in a while I get instakilled and I don't want to give up any passives for the second life, because "muh clearing speed" Probably need to up my HP since I only have like 440k, maybe I'll finally use some of those 200 amethysts sitting in my stash


How are you dying in TX with UE? Did you roll enough Cooldown to have Vengeance up permanently? I have 400k hit points and I haven't died on TX yet. Stuff should also be dead long before it gets to you. With UE I average about 3:30 per clear of TX. Here's my profile not that it's anything special -Fyff - Community - Diablo III


Trakanon Raider
How are you dying in TX with UE? Did you roll enough Cooldown to have Vengeance up permanently? I have 400k hit points and I haven't died on TX yet. Stuff should also be dead long before it gets to you. With UE I average about 3:30 per clear of TX. Here's my profile not that it's anything special -Fyff - Community - Diablo III
That is pretty sick Hellfire amy
The guide I was following recommended cindercoat in the cube, no idea why. Switched to Visage of Gunes and everything is much better. That said, I think I need a better Dead Man's legacy, since mine is without discipline and only 50% roll.


Once you start hitting GRift 75-80ish you get one shot with Visage anyways so more damage = better. I one shot mobs in TX anyways so not sure why anyone would put it in the cube for farming TX (if you were looking at a farming build).


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Once you start hitting GRift 75-80ish you get one shot with Visage anyways so more damage = better. I one shot mobs in TX anyways so not sure why anyone would put it in the cube for farming TX (if you were looking at a farming build).
Because the effect is 30% RCR for fire. You don't need damage in TX but you can still run out of hatred if you aren't careful or don't have really good gear (esp. the Yang's). That said, I don't use it either.

I put on Goldwrap, Nemesis, and a HFA with Tactical, swap Trapped and Zei's gems for Hoarder and Wreath of Lightning, and cube Warzechian and Avarice Band instead of Gunes/CoE. Passives get swapped too, instead of Thrill/Cull I use Hot Pursuit/Blood Vengeance.


I can't see once you get Yangs and CDR to 35.06 or whatever the magic number is why anyone would ever need the RCR. I guess if you changed Evasive Focus to something else? I don't get it. I honestly don't change anything up in my set up for pushing or regular TX. I can solo TX in under 4 minutes consistently while going at a nice leisurely pace and not pushing myself. If I were to change anything I would try the shadow/sage DB gathering build.


Knows nothing.
That's a pretty good chantodo. Here's mine. Also, anyone feel free to add me for PLs or speeds. #Madruk1843



Silver Baronet of the Realm
I can't see once you get Yangs and CDR to 35.06 or whatever the magic number is why anyone would ever need the RCR. I guess if you changed Evasive Focus to something else? I don't get it. I honestly don't change anything up in my set up for pushing or regular TX. I can solo TX in under 4 minutes consistently while going at a nice leisurely pace and not pushing myself. If I were to change anything I would try the shadow/sage DB gathering build.
Well, for TX you really don't want to use Evasive Shot more than once per 5 seconds to proc F+R. If you need to use it to regen hatred you're slowing yourself down a lot. I'd switch to cold multishot if I could but I don't have the SoJ for it. Got a perfect fire one, but of course that's useless when you have to reroll vit to socket.

I do TX rifts in about 2.5 min so over the course of an hour or two that's a pretty big difference compared to doing them in ~4 minutes. Plus I gather enough gold from Hoarder and ~8000% gold find to pay to empower all the GRs I do while leveling gems. If I ever get a cold SoJ I can probably drop that down to right around the 2 minute mark on all but the shittiest rifts. Losing interest already though; Caldesann's and soloing for paragon past 650 is just way too much of a fucking grind. I peaked at 498 on the solo leaderboard last night and that's probably as far as I'll get this season.