I agree with the others I wouldn't even worry about the story it's to far gone with retarded butterflies killing Cain and other moronic shit. This is just "Space Ball 2: The search for more money" and who knows they might run a Starcraft style chain on this hooker and slap on another xpac or two down the road. It's like you guys forget that Bobby fucking no fun cash cow Kotick is and always will be calling the shots. Of course there is always the real fucking 1,000,000 to 1 long shot that they make the game good and slap in some ladder modes, unfuck itemization, tack on a non-AH server, let you name your own games, add more than 4 people in co-op, make it so weapon damage it's dumb as fuck, move away from wow stats, and make runes and customization meaning full, although I wouldn't hold my breath.
That being said if it's anything like Diablo III's release then binge playing and taking advantage of every exploit that they will nerf shortly after for the first week or two of release will justify the box cost since you can probably rake in $500-$2,000 off the RMAH and the shitmongers who will be buying the newest and latest before the AH get flooded again like current.