Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Not really anything interesting in 2.2 for WDs so far either. The changes to sets are nothing like what's happening with wizard stuff, it's all really boring.

They're still going to be required for zdps in all serious grift groups, although the long overdue nerf to stop people from abusing retarded legacy items for 0dog builds is kind of shitty in that it also stops ALL their orb production and not just the cheesy-exploit stuff. If that's your thing it's still a worthwhile class to play, but be aware that gearing a zdps WD takes like 10x the effort of gearing a zdps Crusader. The WD is more important to have though.


<Silver Donator>
Well the nerf to 0dog health orb shit comes with Barbs replacing DH so you don't really need the orbs anymore, so not a big deal. Shit looks boring as all fuck though, I guess that's zDPS but eh. It's also most likely eventually getting nerfed, however doesn't seem like it'll be this time.

For soloing, well on one hand, you have a bunch of "improvements" to pet stuff with zuni, but it's half assed shit and you can't use all the good pet legendaries AND full zuni because they put all that shit on the same slots, so it's a fucking game of what piece of loot do you want to replace and all of it seems kinda so so regardless, pets just don't kill shit super fast it seems. Then on the other side of things, you have Jade Doctor which has gotten some nice buffs to the set and the poison rune on haunt and at the same time is pretty much a lot shittier than on live because of the immunity change. It doesn't look too bad but it's not like great. And every other build is still only viable for low GR/T6 farming.

So meh, doesn't seem terribly good next patch for WD, more of the same really with a few nerfs/buffs balancing each other out. There's some cool item(fetish belt and garg ring) but they don't really add much to the gameplay. Helltooth is still garbage and half of the skills are still super situational/unusable, though that's the norm for every class.

The classes that seem better off are Barb obviously by a huge marging, though I'd expect nerfs, I don't think they want people soloing GR 60+ when every other classes is at 50ish and Wizards due to Tal Rasha being a fuckton better than Firebird and also a lot more fun, while the new set is a nice novelty but probably isn't that viable past a certain level due to being reliant on arcane orb which fucking sucks(probably because of the frozen orb wiz era nerfs). DH seems more or less the same, the new set is nice for glass cannon gameplay but it's not really that much better than M6, if better at all, and Nat strafe seems it'll be ridiculously good at clearing T6 faster than any other class, though wether or not that matters isn't a sure thing. Crusaders look like they still suck, other than now having a godlike spec at killing 3 or less mobs, which is of limited use I'd say especially at the expense of a lot of survivability and Monks are virtually the same or a bit better and MIGHT have a viable meleeish build though it's kinda clunky.

That's what I'm getting from reddit posts and PTR leaderboards and shit like that.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone playing non-seasonal characters still? Or all you bros still playing Seasonal? I can't for the life of me get any of my fucking characters past t3. Just have the worst luck. Anyone got some advice? (I'd link my profiles but for some reason can't get the wow ones to gtfo and replaced with diablos) None of my characters have any 4+ set bonuses. Working on my Barb right now, hes got 3 set IK (2 pieces and RROG). 55% Fire, Decent weapon (using poison gem (12), bleed gem (12) and smite (5), like 900k DPS and 9 mil toughness. Doing a whirlwind fire build while looking for leapquake set pieces. I've gambled probably 7k shards on armor and haven't got shit. Please help bros, tired of not being able to do t6 or past Grift 22.


I don't play seasonal at all. It's a net loss unless you are a poopsocker and even then the only gain is epeen. If you need a carry for a bit add me fyff#1893


Trakanon Raider
Man.. the D3 boards are pretty whiny. Maybe they have a right as I've been away from D3 for a while and don't quite understand all their points but you would think they would welcome this patch/season after the disappointing season 2.


<Silver Donator>
Not sure if its been mentioned but I noticed multi gem combines happen in 1 progress bar. QOL ftw.


<Bronze Donator>
I think I'm going to start wearing a xepherian amulet during trials. Exorcists are just great at ending your trial really early.


Log Wizard
Fun thing to test on PTR is the new Occulus ring. Always rolls stat/attackspeed/allresist/reduced dmg from elites, but the proc is a 30-40% dmg circle chance on kill. What's REALLY interesting is currently it works if ANYONE in party kills something. Pretty amazing for zDPS people.


<Silver Donator>
Fun thing to test on PTR is the new Occulus ring. Always rolls stat/attackspeed/allresist/reduced dmg from elites, but the proc is a 30-40% dmg circle chance on kill. What's REALLY interesting is currently it works if ANYONE in party kills something. Pretty amazing for zDPS people.
I found it to be really garbage cause the circle spawns under the mob that proc it, rather than under you, so you constantly have to move, and it seems there can only be one circle at a time so it changes spots and shit. That and seeing the circle in the middle of a bunch of exploding shit is hard. I tested it for like a rift then changed back to another ring cause it just wasn't worth the trouble of findinng the circle, moving into it, benefitting from it for a few seconds, then finding the next circle etc. Would be good for bosses though if they summon adds, since there wouldn't be nearly as much moving.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That's about the only thing it does that's [borderline] in cheat territory. Pretty much everything else it shows should be part of the default UI, if the default UI wasn't such a pile of garbage.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
After looking at it I wonder why Blizzard doesn't add some of that shit to the default UI. Or at least make it available to toggle on/off if they are afraid Timmy McRetard would be afraid of information overload. It's almost like the advanced talent system. Not sure why that isn't the default choice but meh.

I saw a video of the new wings on MMO champ, while they are pretty cool it also looks like they are testing to see if they can pluck dollars out of peoples wallets instead of fixing shit like the trails. I have pretty much quit playing season 2 because there is no reliable way to get 40+ keys solo as a Wiz without rerolling a different character and that is enough to kill my drive to play.

Originally Posted by Blizzard

@candlesan Are you guys happy with how hard it is to get a specific ancient weapon? I am honestly curious, no ill will intended.

@Raz_Matt Getting a specific legendary ancient weapon is rare, but I believe the root cause is the power gap between weapons. (Twitter)

Rather than make a specific ancient weapon easier to get, we'd rather improve underperforming weapons so it's not as much about "the one" (Twitter)

@candlesan Be careful not to move away from the "rarity = power" concept you introduced with RoS, finding rare items is exciting.

@MonstrousD3 @TheAngzt yes, agree. Also, items should be more than a boring stat stick like Furnace. More Wormwood, Torch, etc. (Twitter)
Also if they know the Ancient weapons are currently gayer than aids, and that they want to make cooler weapons to be on par with the Furnace, then why not take a fucking day and go through the current weapons before the new patch is released. It's funny they often agree certain aspects of the game are fucked up, wrong, or misguided then they refer to some magical time in the future when they will work on it. I don't know about the rest of you but I couldn't care less about changes planned a year out or more.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
To b fair they're right that Furnace is absolutely no fun. It is just a flat damage increase with no cool effects. Shard of Hate is probably the coolest weapon in the game. They should go that route.