This was the first Diablo I’ve ever played that I didn’t complete.
I think I got to level 50? Can’t remember. Story? Don’t remember anything about it at all. I tried a rogue and just tried to power my way through to see if it would get better but I was so bored by the whole thing.
Getting to max? No thank you, too boring.
Try out some alts? No thank you, too boring.
Ramp up difficulty? Bros, I barely even care.
Such a disappointment considering how much joy I got from 1 and 2, and even the amount of time I had in 3 even though it was the start of the fall.
This is what happens when companies hire people that hate the fans that made it possible in the first place.
I’m a little depressed today and just realizing how much I hate the infiltration that has taken over all of my favorite hobbies.
Fucking assholes.