Yeah always reminds me of how FF14 builds up the visual language of boss telegraphing gradually throughout the game until you have extremely complex one shot mechanics which you can competently navigate by the end of the game.You know what's really good game design. 1 shot game mechanics in a game with screens filled with pig shit. How these American Inventors have jobs is beyond me at times.
My wind sheer set up was getting killed by Tormented Duriel (fight lasted too long and every small thing became a 1 shot) and Lilith just fine... but I was only able to get to 60% baseline haste and a 89% chance to proc a double wind sheer. I dunno how you get to 80% haste baseline, let alone 110%+ without weeks of farming shit (Helltide for items and Pit for upgrade mats). Of course normal Duriel dies within seconds, which is why I thought I would give tormented a try. The Pit was starting to slow down in the 50s, where I was only getting 1 promotion level at a time, so that became too dull to continue too.Helltide rep moves super fast if you cheese it for perma-enrage. My druid hit max rep at 90 (for comparison my necro is 100 and still only halfway through the last rank), probably would've been 83-85 ish if I hadn't done a chunk of leveling in NMDs to get my mandatory rank 15 glyphs. Also I didn't start doing it I'd already been in WT4 a while; started at 50 so probably around 55-57 when I first setup the cheese. Going to level up a Bash barb next, should be interesting to see how much faster I can hit max rep with it.
Downside is that it can be really fucking hard to loot any chests if you aren't a necro. Also, don't sit at maiden, especially when leveling still. A lot of the mobs she spawns give zero xp or rep, and also the hellworms/elite spawns slow way down if you stay in one spot for a while. I pretty much just mark a chest and walk to it, and I get so many shards on the way that even the most expensive chests can be opened by the time I get there. And it probably goes without saying that you need a rather tanky build to pull it off. It's almost impossible for my druid to die because of how the wind shear build works, but it has happened a couple times when I got distracted. You can log out as much as you want and keep it rolling, but you can't die (even in NMD or Pit) and I don't think you can switch characters without losing it.
It's also pretty hilarious when you have a couple other people who are clearly using the exploit around you. The screen is just full of elites constantly.
My buddy plays frozen orb, I'm playing barb. 99% of my deaths are me dying to a ground effect I never get to see because of pulsing white-blue shit everywhere.You know what's really good game design. 1 shot game mechanics in a game with screens filled with pig shit. How these American Inventors have jobs is beyond me at times.
Supposedly you also get a title for finishing 100% in all the season pass tiers. I opted out of that because it requires killing uber Lillith and doing pvp shit.So, to make sure I'm not missing anything, the only permanent thing the last tier (Destroyer) of the seasonal journey rewards are 2 extra words in the title selection screen?
I switched the wind sheer druid build, and it was much better than the always out of mana on bosses tornado build, but the amount of grinding to get the gear leveled up to kill tormented level 200 bosses is far too much for me.
Also,popsicledeath , regarding an earlier post about leaving legos laying around in Helltides, I think as long as you pick the items up, then drop them, they will stay until you come back to pick them up. I didn't try leaving 50+ items on the ground when a Helltide despawned, but I have left form yellows to vendor, that were still there when porting back. I did start to just drop all non-star legos and yellows on the ground, when a killing Maiden, then make ~3 trips to the bank, once the 15 min mark hit. So 60+ items sitting around stayed there as I ported to town and back.
Next week?! Meh, doubt I will still be playing by then. Switched to Tornado from Pulverize at 91, did a HellTide and a Pit run; while Tornado is nice on trash, I spend something like 14+ seconds dancing around out of mana, which is bore. Might not even make level 100, depending on if I want to do the last tier of Season's Journey, which looks to only award... a shitty title?!?
We've talked about a fair bit of things they have improved upon on this game since release and regardless of any improvements they may have made or maybe will make the biggest issue at the moment is how piss poor dog shit this game runs over 1/2 the fucking time. The amount of hidden walls, rubber banding, and other retard American Inventor shit probably because they are too fucking stupid to code the game right so it's probably loading up about 10,000 fucking things it doesn't fucking need to like random dick American Inventor 02's stash space or whatever poorly coded nonsense they added. Makes the game fucking unplayable.
Helltide rep moves super fast if you cheese it for perma-enrage. My druid hit max rep at 90 (for comparison my necro is 100 and still only halfway through the last rank), probably would've been 83-85 ish if I hadn't done a chunk of leveling in NMDs to get my mandatory rank 15 glyphs. Also I didn't start doing it I'd already been in WT4 a while; started at 50 so probably around 55-57 when I first setup the cheese. Going to level up a Bash barb next, should be interesting to see how much faster I can hit max rep with it.
Downside is that it can be really fucking hard to loot any chests if you aren't a necro. Also, don't sit at maiden, especially when leveling still. A lot of the mobs she spawns give zero xp or rep, and also the hellworms/elite spawns slow way down if you stay in one spot for a while. I pretty much just mark a chest and walk to it, and I get so many shards on the way that even the most expensive chests can be opened by the time I get there. And it probably goes without saying that you need a rather tanky build to pull it off. It's almost impossible for my druid to die because of how the wind shear build works, but it has happened a couple times when I got distracted. You can log out as much as you want and keep it rolling, but you can't die (even in NMD or Pit) and I don't think you can switch characters without losing it.
It's also pretty hilarious when you have a couple other people who are clearly using the exploit around you. The screen is just full of elites constantly.
I was using trample on cooldown for bosses and I was still standing (running) around OOM most of the time. Don't remember any talent to reduce cooldown, just the aspect that resets the cooldown on kill. So it's great for zipping around clearing a zone, but incredibly dull if the dungeon has a boss with zero adds.Gotta use trample to keep the mana. Be sure to get the cd talent for it too.
I was using trample on cooldown for bosses and I was still standing (running) around OOM most of the time. Don't remember any talent to reduce cooldown, just the aspect that resets the cooldown on kill. So it's great for zipping around clearing a zone, but incredibly dull if the dungeons has a boss with zero adds.
I switched to Wind Sheer shortly after hitting 100 and never looked back. Was a little dubious that I would like Wind Sheer, since it's not as tanky, but it turned out to be much more fun.