Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Not for nothing...What's this gotta do with Diablo? Like where's the Diablo?
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Not for nothing...What's this gotta do with Diablo? Like where's the Diablo?
Not for nothing...What's this gotta do with Diablo? Like where's the Diablo?
You didn't really get that many did you, or am I just being retarded?81 grandfathers.
It's actually more useful than I thought it would be. It lags behind you like necro/druid pets do, so it's good at picking up gold and mats that you have already zoomed out of range of.HA! I thought, "cool a dog" - "ill log in for that, sure." ... Only to read the description when I claim it, and it collects gold. I look forward to playing an ARPG version of Black Desert, I guess.
Don't ya know that the Monk class and martial arts used in western products, like D&D/Pathfinder, is now cultural appropriation, so they are just trying to get out in front of that. Plus Spiritborn is kinda similar to two-spirit, which is what some American Indians called the gays or "trans" or some such shit.Spiritborn is such a shit name for a class, all the others you have an idea of it from just the name.
Sounds like it's a Monk with a Witch Doctor skin. Exciting.
You didn't really get that many did you, or am I just being retarded?![]()
I did a 26 NMD and the end boss dropped a 2GA item (int/life staff, so basically good for any build) that was 816. Fuck that shit. Unless your build is completely gimped, do the 41+ ones. And if you actually want to get good xp and a not-completely-annoying amount of glyph XP stick to the usual rec for leveling, which is never kill mobs that are less than 10 levels higher than you.
I think that's still pretty good isn't it...I got 2![]()
I know, was referring to the video where he's saying to just spam 26-30's because the loot goblins only need to be level 80 to drop all 925. That's great and all until you get fucked by a random drop. It's not like there's any significant difference in difficulty between 26-30 and 41-50 anyway. They do cost a lot more to craft but after salvaging all the useless ones that the goblins drop you still more or less break even on mats.Gotta do atleast 41 to guarantee a 925.
In case you missed this:
Works great. I just farmed about 40 yellow and 6 orange bags in an hour. Also if you need gold, all of the sigils dropped by goblins are "gold find".
Log on, get your dog, and get rich...
Image Edit: Loots
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I’ve got 2 stacks of orange bags and some were between 300-320 yellow bags. Sorcerer and Necromancer are my favorite classes thus far, will probably open them on the necro and at least there will be overlap with the sorc.
I’m running 90-100 NMD not killing anything skipping past shit unless it’s a kill all mobs and even then I’m skipping past that in case there’s a greed shrine, kill nothing click shrine and murder shit. Get around 5 bags per shrine, 9+ if it’s a cursed or I click a feed and a cursed shrine isn’t to far away.I just ran 12 NMD's w extra shrine buff and got 6-7 in a row with no greed shrines. How tf do you have that many bags?