I'm not sure what's more ridiculous, actually giving a shit about what a random pug has to say in a dota match or thinking they'll actually apologize when they're wrong. But as far as Troll/Jugg/Axe pickers, just need to do what you do against tinker pickers.So fucking bored of seeing troll / jug (STILL!) / Axe. Especially fucking Axe. Axe I used to actually appreciate seeing play, but now I'm so fucking burnt out on seeing him I hate him as much as pre-nerf Tinker. A few games back playing Necro I blew almost every ult I had on axe, just because he picked axe. He started beaning out in chat and the game was a stomp for us thankfully.
Edit today:
Just had an hour and 15 minute year beast game. I KOTL rat'd the shit out of the other team with travs and shadowblade. At the beginning of a game we had a sniper on our team who was all "HURR REPORT KOTL NOT HELPING," but I ended up having a huge impact on the game, and we would have lost ~30 minutes in if it weren't for me pressuring lanes constantly. Good times. Of course the dickhead never apologized even though the rest of the team at the end said sorry for doubting your strategy.
noooo my free mmrs. I'd actually have to learn doto to get out of the Mariana trench then!Jugg needs to be nerfed more
Are you seriously asking why the children of the dota community are complaining about something?What's up with all the bitching about the event ? sure it shifts the balance in favor of teamfighters a bit, but I think it's fun and not really obnoxious. The rewards are rather tame compared to the past and it doesn't feel like it competes with the normal games too much.
what happened?Game uninstalled, someone call me when Icefrog stops pretending he's part of the Blizzard balance team.
Game is no longer fun in this meta. Jugg or euls SF every game. The fact that the current iteration of juggernaut is allowed to stay in the game goes to show how oblivious icefrog really is. It's tinker all over again.what happened?