
<Silver Donator>
Matchmaking Update | Dota 2

Pretty big changes to matchmaking. Have to link a phone to play ranked, solo queue has an option to only match with solo players, ranked penalty for ppl who get low prio too often on top of having to get out, bunch of anti botting and anti griefing changes apparently. Seems like pretty good stuff, although who knows how that'll be abused.


Toe Sucker
Those are great changes, although i don't think 'Prime' (unique phone number attached to your account for ranked) did very much for CSGO cheaters. Either way it should cut down on smurf accounts and griefers by a pretty good margin


Trakanon Raider
Dota's needed to have these few things tweaked. I'm glad people can stop blaming their solo MMR on two man parties so heavily.

Edit: This restriction is actually an opt in option in the advanced game tab.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel like the smurf thing is a bit overblown - I would hazard it only really affects the top 10% or so? Seems nice for them but doesn't have much impact on a lot of the community.

Low priority preventing ranked matchmaking afterwards seems like just inflicting the retards on the normal queue :/


Trakanon Raider
I heavily dislike this phone number thing and don't understand how it truly prevents a lot of smurfing but whatever. I can ask my roommate, my brother, my Mom or Dad, my girlfriend, my best friend, fucking endless people to use their phone number to smurf. Unless I'm missing something? Like even if they need to confirm a code from the phone or something I could easily do that with all of the above people. That's like 5 extra accounts off the top of my head and I don't even have a particularly strong interest in smurfing however I have always had a 'practice' account to get rid of the rust of being gone for so long. I don't know why that's such a big deal for people. I guess smurfing can be frustrating a bit as someone is playing somewhere they heavily don't belong, but after like 800 matches in the past six months I never found it to be an issue more than like 5 to 10 times, if that. Oh well, whatever I guess if it helps to make better games for some people then so be it.

Happy with Solo Q coming back.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I heavily dislike this phone number thing and don't understand how it truly prevents a lot of smurfing but whatever. I can ask my roommate, my brother, my Mom or Dad, my girlfriend, my best friend, fucking endless people to use their phone number to smurf. Unless I'm missing something? Like even if they need to confirm a code from the phone or something I could easily do that with all of the above people. That's like 5 extra accounts off the top of my head and I don't even have a particularly strong interest in smurfing however I have always had a 'practice' account to get rid of the rust of being gone for so long. I don't know why that's such a big deal for people. I guess smurfing can be frustrating a bit as someone is playing somewhere they heavily don't belong, but after like 800 matches in the past six months I never found it to be an issue more than like 5 to 10 times, if that. Oh well, whatever I guess if it helps to make better games for some people then so be it.

Happy with Solo Q coming back.

lol I could ask 100 people in my extended family to share their phone number with me and totally use their codes but I really don't care about smurfing lul wtf is this lol I don't understand.

Are you a faggot?
  • 1Salty
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Trakanon Raider
Practice account can still be used to do anything but play ranked. Selling a 5k smurf is now a whole lot more steps and delays. With changing of number rules, and they will track sellers if they reuse the same numbers after they sell the account
  • 1Solidarity
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Trakanon Raider
This targets mostly people who sell boosted accounts - now you need a phone number for each or you can't play ranked. Having a few smurfs was never going to be a huge issue, but systemic abuse is.


Trakanon Raider
lol I could ask 100 people in my extended family to share their phone number with me and totally use their codes but I really don't care about smurfing lul wtf is this lol I don't understand.

Are you a faggot?
My point is what's the fucking point? How does something as simple as a phone number prevent or fix anything? Why are you such a douchebag?

The account boosting is a good point I guess since they prevent online systems that provide phone numbers. I thought of smurfing more as the competitive aspect and completely forgot about the whole slew of boosters, buyers, and sellers.
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Toe Sucker
has treant been banned/picked often since he got added to captain's mode?

91 damage at lvl 1 LOL (nvm i think that was with lycan's howl)
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
My point is what's the fucking point? How does something as simple as a phone number prevent or fix anything? Why are you such a douchebag?

The account boosting is a good point I guess since they prevent online systems that provide phone numbers. I thought of smurfing more as the competitive aspect and completely forgot about the whole slew of boosters, buyers, and sellers.

In my defense I was super drunk and triggered after an hour and ten minute Spirit Breaker loss game. But yeah....

I think the point I was trying to make was it is an extra level of hassle / effort to overcome. Valve isn't worried about people that have family and extended family and people who will go out of their way to register 1800 different phone numbers. Those people are the extreme fringe and will find a way around anything. It is just the low energy, low effort, cut through the chaff.

Its hard to tell where my brain was. Went to bed happy though, won the next 3.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Slacks, Sunsfan and Conrad have a podcast, not sure where else its available but its in Slack's twitch videos.


Trakanon Raider
Is it possible this could be the most interesting TI of all time with the current meta and recent patches or should I not be expecting much?

It's the rosters that have me worried. Everyone keeps constantly flipping and rotating or completely rebuilding - and as soon as I get comfortable with a team and rooting for them or they do well for a while, something happens and they fuck up for a consistent few important games or something happens to the roster. What do you guys think? We're getting closer and closer. I still think OG looks very good, but I'm not sure how things are going to change between now and then and of course the nerves are a real factor when it comes down to actually competing in TI.


Trakanon Raider
OG in its first iteration lasted an entire year before swapping out 3 after TI 6. I would expect the current iteration to stick together at minimum through TI 7, possibly longer depending on performance. They won Boston and will most likely be Finalists if not Winners of Kiev. Granted they won Manila and flamed out badly at TI 6, so, it remains to be seen. In all honesty it is the same as regular sports, players get traded all the time, here there is just no league format or seasons, so individual players move themselves around at will based on the Majors schedule.

That said, TI 6 was amazing and the amount of cool new shit they did there compared to TI 5 was pretty phenomenal. The weatherman technology is now standard at big tournaments, along with the Augmented Reality. Also, it is West's turn to win this year, so... fuck yeah! The meta is in a good spot right now, hero diversity is still at a high (albeit a bit less than pre 7.0), it is a good time to watch competitive DotA.


Trakanon Raider
TI has been a consistently good tournament every year. I'd expect nothing less. One thing will be certain, more and more teams are becoming more sophisticated in both their mental and actual preparation. As long as the state of balance is (as) relatively good as years past it won't disappoint. The environment will have a hard time not producing more ridiculous moments. I think year over year the number of teams in the field who could win has increased.


Trakanon Raider
I don't think the meta will be better this year, unless Icefrog busts out some crazy patch, the map feels a lot more cramped thanks to the shrines and the talents are too uneven.

First rule of TI: the favorite never wins. It's always the dark horse that has something new nobody else can find an answer to. I'd argue that Liquid has all the talent to win, but so far it really is a crapshoot.


Trakanon Raider
IDK, I'd say EG, Alliance, Navi, and IG were all more or less favorites going into their respective TI's.