There were a few things that stuck out to me before Manila about him that I think disagreed with the general feeling of Razor. And I may not be right at all, but I did feel like we were primed to see him come back in to play, at least for teams to try and see where he might fit.
He's a lane bully / winner which is important right now (and really always, just differently) if you have to pick and chose where you want to win and let the other two lanes have more resources. Also with LC being such a huge pick right now Razor is probably one of only a few that can reliably lane against her (Ursa another one). If she falls out we may see him as a counter go as well.
In general with the meta seemingly favoring run at you melee heroes like Ursa, Troll, Juggling, etc... The static link still plays a huge roll. Force Staff on support or not you're still creating a situation the opposing team has to deal with. It means they don't have it to save themselves or anyone else if you're specifically using it to "potentially" break link. It isn't even as reliable as using it to break linkens. Plus with your own team having a great general purpose item like Eula, Razor building move speed, your own team having force, Razor having Pike... I just wasn't on the same page as everyone being worried about link breaking. Plus, who cares if you don't link the core. Drain that from whoever you want and you're still rocking 100+ damage bonus while racecaring around the team fight with lighting bolts coming out of your ass.
Also his flash farming I think was underestimated. People talked about him like he's windranger or something. His Q is a great wave clear at almost all stages (until creeps get a few too many HP). It can hit multiple jungle / stacks at once, so you stand in the middle and clear out a jungle in one spawn cycle. His ult also has basically a 50% up time, which makes it easier to further accelerate his farming. I mean he's never going to catch up to hyper carry flash farmers, but he's hardly stunted.
The whole bullying and winning the lane thing should in theory propel you in to mid game with some early items. And I do agree, even with the above paragraph, getting behind sucks on him. But you still have link, ult, and Q and have to be targeted in teams fights. Not sure you can just ignore a Razor and ark the rest of the team.
He's still niche though. I don't think you can drop him in any draft or against any line up. His talents are pretty great too. Unstable Current talented can be crazy if you don't think you need the cast range, but it is shared level and that helps link...
Oh well that's my rambling on a conference call and trying to type this shit on mobile. Like I said, I may be way off, but I don't think so.