obviously before, though no doubt ossoi wouldn't mind that stiff corpse donger up his heiny hole.Before or after he was dead?
I don't buy that theory either.thats because its a conspiracy by the left wing media to silence Bill Cosby before Ferguson. Bill Cosby is the one of the few conservative black men in America alongside Michael Steele and the Supreme Court judge who flavors his coca colas with pubic hair to denounce the lazy, welfare-beholden education aspirations of black America. The SJWs and liberals could not tolerate a strong black man opposing them so they organized a massive conspiracy to bring him down.
on the other hand it did take a man to bring this issue to the forefront, checkmate women
There was also a guy once who set himself on fire to protest the vietnam war. So cosby could have done that too.If all you're saying is that it's possible... well, sure. But it really does seem like you're saying more than that.
Oh really?Navy revokes Cosby's honorary titlewe also learned, if you are famous and you have a scandal, its best for it to happen when a major news story hits so your scandal is mostly ignored.
I don't know man, it seems more likely one person is a liar than 20 independent people. Not to mention Cosby has not even denied the accusations. Sure he does not have to deny it, 99% percent of people in this situation will at least deny the claim. We are well past, I wont even dignify the accusations with a response. That may work for 1 accuser, but not 20...to be honest, i dunno if all those women are fucking liars, but im betting most of them are . the sad part is because a bunch of goldiggers came out of the woodwork, it tinges any real accusations from women who were actually "raped" by cosby. im still going with cosby was a pimp daddy and he promised these chicks stardom and he only gave them his pudding pop and now they want revenge.