Yeah, I know humor is tough for SJWs. I'll say something not funny later so you can see the difference.This is what I didn't know you were talking about. I guess this was an attempt to be funny or something.
No, I was just guessing you didn't know them and that kids today didn't know them. That was the original statement, that in 20 years young people would not know his name because of this. I was just pointing out that young people pretty much never know about comedians from 50+ years ago. Those people I named all had their own problems, and you don't hear about them everytime they're mentioned, do you? If there had been an internet, I bet retards like you would have been saying Pryor's legacy was done more than once.You are wrong. As the Bill Burr example attests, he had plenty of stuff going on and was popular. Now no one, including Bill Burr, wants anything to do with him. His legacy is absolutely getting killed and acting like "no one knows" those other comedians is amazingly ignorant. Bill Cosby on the other hand, yeah, you are an idiot if you think this won't affect his legacy. Every story about him from now on is going to, at the very minimum, have a huge portion of it taken up by this. Yes, plenty of people don't know about great comedians from the past. To say they don't have legacies though, is dumb as shit. Cosby managed to shit all over his.
Basically, what I'm saying is that from a legacy standpoint, this shit will pass. He was funny, so he will continue to influence young comedians who really want to study the art.
For fuck's sake, even Michael Jackson's legacy hasn't taken as big a hit as people like to pretend. In 20 years, I bet it will come as a surprise to young people that he was diddling kids. Jerry Lee Lewis fucking his underaged cousin is nothing more than a trivia question these days. What about tyson? I guess his legacy took a hit, but only because he went fucking crazy, not so much because he was convicted of rape. Did Kobe's legacy take a hit?