Frenzied Wombat
Potato del Grande
I will need to go review the posts in question, but "feeding people their assholes" is one of the forum hallmarks that make this place great.Tanoomba said that he wanted to read a bunch of report posts from members here about him, calling them whiny.
I pointed out, entirely factually, that the only really whiny reports they receive have all been from Tanoomba.
Lurking dropped one of his stale one liners about how Tanoomba and I should fuck, and I fed him his own asshole.
Tarrant tried to white knight him. I fed him his own asshole.
Soygen, Abe, The Ancient and others all tried to jump in the fray to take me out and I fed all them their assholes.
Brahma banned me because he's a nub and doesn't know how to work the back end yet. Note that this is in violation of Tuco's mandate that the Ask A Mod thread is a moderation free zone.
Tarrant or Noodle undid my ban and shawed me. I have no infraction emails, and was not shawed for any particular post.
I was shawed because I was basically destroying everyone who came at me and wasn't going to stop until they stopped.
Note that they started it. My comment about Tanoomba was 100% factual and Lurking and Tarrant tried to troll me about me being "angry" and me and Tanoomba needing to have sex, and I turned that shit right back around at them and fed it to them cold.
IMHO, 'shawing/banning should be reserved for spammers, doxxers, real life related threats, and inappropriate photos. I may be missing a few others but outside of those anything goes on my opinion.
The Tarrant/marriage comment may have been in poor taste and asshole-ish, but so are Charlie Hebdo cartoons. This board needs assholes just like it needs white knights. Diversity yo!