I don't run ad revenue here and haven't, it's entirely donations that fund the site. But to have a blank site that the public can see because you assholes are too autistic to control your sperging isn't a good idea either.
Either way, this isn't a polite suggestion, to you or topopsicledeath . The next post that mentions politics in any form in this thread or any other gaming thread here, is getting points.
Based on this is my forum and you do what the fuck I tell you. I've warned you twice now, this is strike three.Based on what rule? Asking honestly. Being personally upset and threatening mod action because people are discussing topics linked directly to a game that is being brought into the game and it's development by the devs themselves is pretty fucking lame.
And now it's any gaming thread? Anything you personally deem political?
We're to ignore what the devs are doing and saying as it relates to a specific game and it's development?
Or take it to already very traffic heavy threads constantly buried in off topic bullshit and where everything our Lord and Moderaters try to funnel everything they don't want to get complaints about?
Because suddenly you're just so above it all and have a honorable site to run for the sake of public appearance? Or just because you say so and are our moral leader now?
Maybe just make plans to move on and step down... Because we've seen where this sort of burnout and bringing in personal shit ends up and you're normally a pretty chill dude but seem affected.
I think the slightly more cartoonish character design is neat. gives it some identity. but the tone of this trailer. oh wow. its that dnd movie. honor among theives.I tried looking at this objectively and without bias and figure out what makes me disinterested in it. I think for a trailer showing off the team being built I just see a group of rag tag losers who I need to give constant pep talks to in order to help them overcome the same emotional baggage I've been helping Bioware NPCs overcome for decades.
Not sure I understand your boundaries for what and what cannot be discussed about a game in its own thread? Take a look at the Xbox showcase today, it was nearly 100% pandering to the DEI crowd. The tech aspects of a game can be respected, but if the presentation of characters/story is clearly from a political agenda it should be fine to support or criticize it.Based on this is my forum and you do what the fuck I tell you. I've warned you twice now, this is strike three.
You can have a week in the rickshaw to think about it.
EDIT: You might have a point about the thread title, however, so joke is rescinded due to autists autisming.
Just looked up the trailers for DAO.I think the slightly more cartoonish character design is neat. gives it some identity. but the tone of this trailer. oh wow. its that dnd movie. honor among theives.
dragonage was pretty solidly dark fantasy.. this is.. cringe jokes.
damn, comments all saying the same thing.
Oh they’re making a mobile gay(me). Retards
The trailer erased the 1-2% hope I had that this might be palatable.
As predicted, this game is going to be another massive financial flop.
You're acting like a cuntBased on this is my forum and you do what the fuck I tell you. I've warned you twice now, this is strike three.
Well we all knew when MS bought Bioware that it would turn to shit.....and it did.
Sad state of affairs when I'm more jazzed about a flight simulator than an AAA RPG.
Just looked up the trailers for DAO.
Blood, violence, sex, honor and sacrifice. In the DA Veilguard these are all second-class concepts to the cartoony hijinx with a carefully diverse cast.
If the new DA trailers were anything like that I'd be looking forward to the reviews at the very least, but Bioware is incapable of putting out a trailer like this, so they're incapable of making a game like DAO again.
good point I forgot EA raped them before MS raped their rotted corpse. After they rambled around in my head I'm surprised I remember my own damn name.Bioware hasn't made a good game since Mass Effect 2 so i'm not sure why you think MS has anything to do with it? also did you mean EA? EA has owned Bioware since before ME 1 released.