Not true, really. The root lies in ancient Mesopotamia with the Zoroastrianism faith. The first testament is what the Tribe started with. The second is a mix of carried old ancient Zoroastrian myths merged with stories about Jesus (which may or may not had some historical basis in fact) that got merged together 4 centuries after the death of Christ by a bunch of priests at their big conclave. The Second is SUPPOSED to supplant the first, but just like most religions people pick and choose what they want so you get shit like Leviticus and God being an asshole contrasted against the more peaceful constructive messages of the second, usually to push an agenda.Not really. Jews were the OG sky fairy grifters.
Romans saw how good their grift was with all the suicide bombers n shit at Masada. Figured damn after we wipe these guys off the map we can incorporate some of this bullshit into our own kids and make them fight a little harder.
Muslims I'm sure saw the same bullshit when they were taking over Jew lands and killing them off.
The Tribe took it in the ass from Hadrian because they tried to Pearl Harbor them and Rome was having none of that shit. Islam took it to them because fundamentally Islam and Judaism are alike in that both are really political systems masquerading as religions. Unfortunately for the Durkas, they went into decline and the Tribe is more experienced and pervasive with that racket. And believe it or not, the grudge they have against western society for what Hadrian did to them is why we have zipper tits and pronouns in this fucking gay as game.
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