Fucking shit I looked up Susan to see what book she comes back in and the first like 3 words after her name give away the major plot spoiler.Oh yeah, Susan will be back all right <dun dun dun!> Actually, imo the most fucked up book of the series so far, but I won't tease ya any more! Super good though.
That's not even the major plot spoiler, so take heart!Fucking shit I looked up Susan to see what book she comes back in and the first like 3 words after her name give away the major plot spoiler.sigh.Harry knocked her up
More than one unused sword. Take more heart that we don't know anymore of the swords' future than you do. ;-)Ok good, and all the talk about the unused sword and blood ties to kings has me leaning toward Murphy being a princess and she will get the sword which would be badass, but just a guess.
Thanks but I go hard cover or nothing at all.Pm me your email address and I can send you the rest of them via epub.