Edge of Tomorrow (2014)


> Than U
This dude went full retard.

Anyways, if it took $170 million to make( and market ) then it will need $350 million to break even being it varies by contract but the movie usually gets 55% or so of the ticket sales. Less overseas.
For some reason studio's rarely consider after theater sales into that margin. Even if it does super well and makes a fortune on digital/blu-ray


Even if the movie had a lukewarm start at the box office, the critical acclaim, the continued marketing push and the satisfaction of most the viewers generating word of mouth could allow it to have some staying power. IF, and that's a big 'if', theater owners keep it on their screens.


Trump's Staff
This was about as sci fi as motherfucking Star Wars.

Give me some real Sci Fi not this fantasy garbage like Pacific Rim.

The movie should have been a skull fucking war movie,and it turned out to be another shitty Cruise gets the girl, and saves the world...

If you are not getting any sex, maybe you can fuck this movie right up its flabby ass..
"Original" sci-fi movies, namely ones that aren't based on avery well knownpre-existing franchise, have almost a 100% failure rate unless they're directed by James Cameron. Yeah, this movie was based on a manga, but nobody outside of Japan knew it existed before the movie. Seriously, in the near two-decade gap between Terminator 2 and Avatar, the only original sci-fi movies I can think of that were major successes were The Matrix and Independence Day.

The best example of this would be the original Fantastic Four movie and The Island, which came out at the same time. The former made gobs and gobs of money while the latter was one of the biggest box office bombs ever, despite the fact that The Island was a far better movie.

This is why Hollywood often does things like buy the rights to some IP and then hastily staple it to an almost completely unrelated movie, sometimes entirely in post-production, and we get stuff like the I, Robot movie. It's because nobody will go watch it if the franchise isn't recognizable.


Yeah it doesn't hold up to scrutiny, like most sci-fi, it was really entertaining though and I don't feel like I wasted money.

8/10, go see it.


<Prior Amod>
I really enjoyed this, lots of action...nice to see a sci fi flick do well in theaters.

90% on RT, 92% from regular peeps.

8/10 from me.


The movie was quite funny as well.

Also, there have been plenty of successful (from a profit standpoint) original sci-fi movies: Source Code, District 9, Minority Report just to name a few. The one common thread among these movies is that they didn't have outrageous budgets.


You're looking at it scrub.

now go back to being invisible...
Yeah that's pretty much what I thought. Even you know all of your posts are terrible. Go back and read through your post history and ask yourself, if someone else made those posts, wouldn't you think that person has trouble making coherent points? Also, that person probably uses terribly outdated memes because they have trouble coming up with original thoughts.


This weekend's new opening movies give no real competition to this movie, so don't be surprised if it does well into the 2nd weekend (even though it probably has a zero percent chance of beating how to train your dragon 2)


Murder Apologist
That's rarely the case anytime and almost never the case during summer. All the reasons to think it could happen to THIS movie apply equally well to the other movies that bumped it down to third in the first place.


Blackwing Lair Raider
We had one of ours in town finish renovations. Reclining lazy boys, reserved seating, can purchase online (it's not a chain theatre that uses fandango etc) and Tuesdays all movies are 5 bucks.
We have the same thing here in Omaha, too bad the real theater has worse picture and sound than my basement theater...


Murder Apologist
Hollywood--and more importantly theater owners--are figuring out that the switching to chickflicks/YA adaptations are where the industry is gonna be saved so if you think the industry needs more spectacular 3D-animated IMAX stuff prepare for a bleak ass future.

It's not that there isn't any demand for cinema it's what the demand is FOR. The traditional demographic that drove blockbuster ticket sales in decades prior are EXACTLY the demographic that build multi-thousand-dollar 4K hd home theater setups in their dens/apartments/man-caves to watch pirated bluerays in: males 18-35. Some spreadsheet jockeys figured out that those males 18-35 will only pay $12 bucks at the cineplex for precisely two reasons: to get laid or to avoid hiring babysitters. And Transformers 12 isn't going to be the optimal product to pursue those objectives.

So yeah, get ready for a generation's worth of The Notebook, Bridesmaids and The Fault in Our Stars and Harry Potter/Hunger Games/family shit.


<Gold Donor>
Well this would make sense if still to this date some of the biggest all time blockbusters were all pretty much NOT big budget action flicks, but they are. So there goes that therory...

You are forgetting the biggest moviegoers or motivators to get people into the movies in your equation, and that is the kids. Ask yourself what drives people to go tot he movies? Its the fucking kids, man, not some 18-35 demographic or chicks with dates wahting to see some chick flick.

And 18-35 yr olds building multi (tens of) thousands $$ 4K HD home setups? What fucking world do you live in? Do you know what a small demographic you are looking at?


Golden Knight of the Realm
This was great, was totally into it, probably my favourite movie of the year. The ending and plot require some supsension of disbelief, but I loved it. Felt like a groundhog day vs starship troopers mashup. I liked source code a lot too though, maybe Im just a sucker for these types of movies. Was surprised to hear it wasn't doing so well, seems to be getting good reviews and word of mouth in my city.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This movie was awesome, 9/10 for sure.

These types of movies have to be a serious challenge to make, from a story, writing, and continuity standpoint. They did a really nice job with it. Cruise and Blunt are great in these sci-fi roles.


Silver Knight of the Realm
So I have one criticism and one question:

So Tom?s character gets to reset each day when he dies because that?s how the aliens conquer the planet. He kills the alpha and dies from what I thought is the alpha?s blood spilling on him. If these alpha?s had the ability that Tom hijacked why even send out the alpha?s in the attack. Just kill one as soon as your side is aware it?s losing. Especially after it had already been done by Emily Blunt?s character.


Ok, Tom is almost dead or dead when the Omega?s blood or whatever covers him and sends him back in time to the where the movie started. Does this mean that he?s now in an endless loop where every time he dies, he will be sent back to that point in time again?

As for the movie over all, I liked it a lot. Was entertaining, kept me glued to watching it wanting to know what?s next and the ending was a bit unexpected. The final fight sequence was a bit much and over the top but enjoyable.


Trakanon Raider
Are you all fucking idiots? the top movies have been super hero movies for the last 3 years.,,,,,
OMFG one shitty Tom Cruise film failed, and it must be the end of the world. Maybe if he went back to making decent flicks again instead of this cliche bullshit people would give a fuck again.

Put Avengers against the vagina twihard, and tell me what wins that week..

And for the person that compared it to the same marketing as Dredd do you ever leave the house? I've seen more shit for this movie littered everywhere then I ever care to see again.,
Dredd had abysmal marketing until it hit Blue Ray
Agreed. Cruise hasn't made a good movie in almost 20 years (probably jerry maguire). The budget and the advertising isn't the problem, it's the movie itself that's just not very good. A guy continuously repeats a moment in time in order to finally try and get it right. i liked it better the first time it came out when it was called "12 monkeys."


Agreed. Cruise hasn't made a good movie in almost 20 years (probably jerry maguire). The budget and the advertising isn't the problem, it's the movie itself that's just not very good. A guy continuously repeats a moment in time in order to finally try and get it right. i liked it better the first time it came out when it was called "12 monkeys."
Groundhog Day came out before 12 Monkeys. Just saying.


The belief that Tom Cruise hasn't made a good movie in 20 years is one of the worst film opinions I've ever heard.

Minority Report, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, Mission Impossible 3 and 4, Collateral are all great. Even his crappier action movies are entertaining.