@Ritley I had a much more aggressive post written up before I edited it down. Some of that was I don't care how many git gud's I get, you'll not sway me! haha
And you make good points, why not just come back later? I don't know how, but I've been programmed to basically play games on rails. So the fact that I know that Tree Sentinel exists now means I can't just bypass him and move on. In my brain, I'm like if they didn't want me to beat this guy right here and right now, they wouldn't have put him right here. So as Khane so accurately points out, it sometimes takes a long time to win, but you will win. My problem is though that once I win I don't get that rush of endorphins and the awesome feeling of accomplishment. I'm just glad it's over and thankful the annoyance is over. So beating hard boss fights doesn't thrill me or something I enjoy at all.