I am going to respec from STR/DEX soon I think I am not even that far into the game but I want to try this Sword of Night and Fire or whatever I found today. I guess I'll push Faith with it and get incantationts to fuck around with too. I've certainly found a lot of prayer books (like 6 so far) just fucking around.Kinda wish I went incantations over sorcery. They just seem way cooler and more diverse.
i do it. everyone else in the world uses controller and loves it. I did a little remapping. you have to change a menu option to make it display hotkey tips for things in real people language instead of calling everything R2 etc.How is mouse and keyboard gameplay?
The is the first From game that I’ve played with multiplayer turned off and I can’t imagine playing with it turned on in any future games. I’m sure the few items I’ve missed because of it is t worth seeing that bullshit spam all over the place and dealing with trolls and assholes putting signs near levers and whatnot.
There’s a pickup after you zone in. He’s a gimmick fight.Found the first boss I'm not sure how you're supposed to beat as a melee build. The giant fire snake "lord" of Volcano Manor. Gonna have to progress more before I go after him. Hes not particularly difficult as a sorcerer but I dont do enough damage to not run out of flasks since it's a 2 phase fight
There’s a pickup after you zone in. He’s a gimmick fight.
It’s a weapon with low equip requirements.I was wondering what that was. I picked it up but didn't notice it go anywhere or do anything
I was kind of planning on restarting for future playthroughs but if the game gets progressively harder maybe I'll stick with NG++
Overall sorcery is pretty one dimensional and not really all that fun. I went sorcery and ended up using my sword pretty much everywhere where I don’t need longer range. Incantations definitely seem like what I really wanted, sorcery is just various flavors of shoot something in a direct line at a target.
I beat it fine on Mouse Keyboard. I assume you have a scroll wheel on your mouse which is integral. I also have an MMO mouse but sadly it can't be mapped. The Key mapping for PC is dogshit though.How is mouse and keyboard gameplay?
I started 2 Handed Sword + Board. There are some amazing Faith Weapons that you can still play SWORD + BOARDish with (Blasphemous Blade, Curved Greatsword etc) but having the incantations to buff + utility and also being able to use some of the crazy faith weapon arts is amazing. I definitely feel like the game actually got a lot easier when I wasn't trying to play no Magic at all and just Melee shit. Now with a few incantations you can make fights so much easier, and the sword arts are just OP.I went for traditional sword and board build, but now I'm like... Look at all your fancy magics