the overall level/world design seems great. layers circling back into each other. secrets, etc..
theres a few things, that keep me away though. (basically, their studios entire library)
1. its ugly as sin. its dark, brown and ugly. full of death, decay and rot.
2. its depressing as fuck. same idea, but now the storylines. I am sick to death of pyric victories in vidya as the good end, and most others just outright bad ends. The shit is insufferable, and out of control..
like, Imagine if they took their game design and set it in the Feywild, and you were just surrounded by asshole Elves, Unseelie, Fairies, Dryads, and shit. instead of just undead ruins over and over.
3. I didnt like the controls. (darksouls) I dont like games that use both top buttons actively. I felt like I was fighting with the controls the entire time I played. I wasnt fighting monster, I was fighting the controller. (I don't remember if I tried to play with kb/m)
4. lack of civilization. back to this one again. I like to feel like I'm fighting for someone, and that the world is lived in.