Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
For sure, once I hugged his side, it got so much easier. There's really only one move you have to watch out for when doing that.
I've yet to beat the Caelid Bell Bearing Hunter. He's aggressive AF and hits like a truck.
Once you have cleared Two Princes (or gotten the backdoor elevator to them) farming that long stair run in reverse is really easy and great XP. I generally always farm it to extinction on plays of DS3.
That sounds a lot more interesting than the sleep-inducing grind I found of slaying that one magus right by Nameless King's door and running back and forth to the bonfire. With Covetous Ring +3, Shield of Want, that ridiculous Mimic helmet, and switching weapons to the Mendicant Staff right as the magus dies, I get like 7000 exp every time (it's like 1800 without those things I think) and the loop only takes like 20 seconds. Which comes out to a level every 3 minutes or so but it's pretty damn mind-numbing. I only did it for a little while because it put me to sleep.
I'll try the stair run in reverse thing. I finished Ashes of Ariandel and Dreg Heap outside of the bosses, so basically all I have left is the double Demon of Hatred, Nameless King, Sister Friede, and all of Ringed City. Demons aren't too bad, almost got it a couple times. Nameless King I haven't even figured out how to fight, and Sister Friede is full beastmode. In most of the From games she would be the game's toughest fight. Malenia and Sword Saint are tougher, maybe Orphan. In DS3 I think she's like #3 or 4 which is kinda nuts.
He’s one I got the eye from the wife when I yelled out after winning. It was after kids were in bed. She was in the right. But fuck yeah. Beat that cunt. The hunter.I've yet to beat the Caelid Bell Bearing Hunter. He's aggressive AF and hits like a truck.
I've yet to beat the Caelid Bell Bearing Hunter. He's aggressive AF and hits like a truck.
There may have also been one or two dungeons with death-chariots that I noped out of.
Guess I need to figure out what's still fun to play after all the patches. What sort of shape are arcane/bleed builds in now? This is where I left off with the last character I started before getting distracted by some other game:
View attachment 532963
Never did finish my faith build either. That one I quit earlier though, only got to like level 35 (and didn't actually get anywhere close to Blasphemous Blade that I intended to use for it) before I decided this one would be more fun.
Sucks that there's no preload on Xbox. Hopefully that doesn't mess up the NZ trick at all, it should unlock at 8AM EDT on the 20th if you time travel.
Never did finish my faith build either. That one I quit earlier though, only got to like level 35 (and didn't actually get anywhere close to Blasphemous Blade that I intended to use for it) before I decided this one would be more fun.
Is the Mohg spear still good? As you can see, I've already got it at +10. I think if I were to use something else as a main weapon I would start a fresh character rather than have wasted a somber ancient dragon stone.You can use This talisman and this dagger. Here is a list of all weapons with innate bleed build up.
Is the Mohg spear still good? As you can see, I've already got it at +10. I think if I were to use something else as a main weapon I would start a fresh character rather than have wasted a somber ancient dragon stone.
PGGamer has a few new? details on their website. Seem there are DLC only 'Scadutree Fragments' that can only buff stats/items in the DLC but go away while you are in the main game area. It was mostly an overview of Fromsoft. I assume it's the same article that is in their print mag in the UK. Don't know if they still sell mags in USA or not. I still remember when their Christmas edition was 400+ pages, ahh the golden age of PC gaming.
Anyhow if anyone cares:
Cover story: Shadow of the Erdtree is the culmination of decades of FromSoftware RPGs, and a gargantuan finale for Elden Ring
FromSoftware's Hidetaka Miyazaki on ending Elden Ring with an epic final verse.www.pcgamer.com
ahh fuck it, there is no way I'm going to be strong enough with my new toon. between my health, my birthday, and zero stamina I cannot play enough to get there. I'm going to keep playing my new toon as I'm having fun. I may break out my level 270+ char out if he's not too far out. I 'beat' the game with him.Be a shame if you can't take some of your power increases from SOTE back into the main game.
I'm in Altus Plateau, when I hit the game hard on Tuesday the itinerary is Altus->Mt Gelmir->Volcano Manor->Leyndell->Mountaintops. Also get Rivers of Blood, Gold Scarab, and get access to Radahn and Mohg. Hopefully end up at like level 120 (50 now). If this character ends up not being strong enough for the DLC I might end up having to play my NG+++ level 275 char instead. That would suck and mean I wasted 15-30 hours (whatever it ends up being) on the new char. We'll see.