Compared to the base game where every corner of every map had something to do in it.
I have to hard disagree with this.
Other than Liurnia, Leyndell(although let's face it, Leyndell is basically just one giant ass Legacy dungeon, rather than an "open world" area) and the underground areas, this is pretty true of the base game as well.
Altus Plateau is a gorgeous area, but the boss fights there are super bland, easy, boring and there isn't much going on in general. Shaded Castle was about the only "standout" area here to me.
Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula both have giant ass swathes of totally empty space, outside of Morne and Stormveil that's pretty much all they are.
Caelid is much the same, only add a fuckload of scarlet rot swamp bullshit. Radahn's beach is
entirely unused, other than the one little tomb at the very edge of the beach.
Consecrated Snowfields is just one giant, empty snowfield with fucking dogshit visibility in much of the zone. So not only is it mostly devoid of shit to do, you can't even see half of it.
Mountaintops of the Giants is very similar, although some of the views/vistas save it because of how badass they are. But the river area? The giant frozen lake? Lots of empty space.
Now, having said all that, I just completed Gravesite Plain in the DLC, went back and did Azula, and I'm starting to understand the complaints.
While the areas look fucking awesome, music is fantastic, atmosphere top notch, etc., the whole scadoosh tree mechanic is very "meh" and kills a ton of replay value. I honestly don't even mind that the mobs hit hard as fucking trucks to the point I've swapped out to the phys dmg reduction talisman. I do enjoy bosses that force you to "avoid" perfectly, rather than just facetank like a tard. What I hate about it is what a fucking HP sponge most shit is early on. I don't mind having to play "near perfect", but I hate when I have to keep it up for 4 hours because the boss doesn't take any damage. I smoked the living shit out of Mohg with Eleonora's (not the best weapon against him, obviously) and then I felt like I was using a fucking +1 rapier against the first Gaol Knight (despite him being bleedable). And that was even with +2/+1, since I had explored around a bit before fighting him.
I mean, it's still great and I'm still having fun. But I do agree that my desire to replay this is dwindling pretty quickly and I'm only through the first area. Going back to finish Azula after made me realize that the base game really is just better thought out, designed, mechanically more enjoyable, smoother, etc.