Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I followed this guy's runs back when he was doing them and I always thought this was one of the hardest challenges possible. He had over 1100 attempts and he didn't cheat the randomizer either (some others have removed dragons or did size limitations for certain areas, for example).

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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
So are any spirit summons besides mimic worth using now?
I don't understand how you get that feeling from those patch notes? Unless I'm missing something it looks like summons were buffed except for mimic tear.

If the implication of your statement is that summons were never worth using before that's categorically false.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't understand how you get that feeling from those patch notes? Unless I'm missing something it looks like summons were buffed except for mimic tear.

If the implication of your statement is that summons were never worth using before that's categorically false.

I mean with the buffs are any other summons anywhere near as good as mimic? With some boiled crab and prayerful strike the mimic is immortal. Even if you don't want to use prayerful it's worth switching up after you summon the mimic.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I mean with the buffs are any other summons anywhere near as good as mimic? With some boiled crab and prayerful strike the mimic is immortal. Even if you don't want to use prayerful it's worth switching up after you summon the mimic.

If you’re not tanky then Dung Eater is arguably the best summons in the game.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I mean with the buffs are any other summons anywhere near as good as mimic? With some boiled crab and prayerful strike the mimic is immortal. Even if you don't want to use prayerful it's worth switching up after you summon the mimic.
I mean, there have already been tons of streamers who are beating the DLC with only DLC summons (only healing to help). Some of them are pretty beefy/powerful but I'm not sure they compare to a mimic tear if you're actually speccing for the mimic. If you're a caster, under leveled or something like that then it's a lot different story.

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I mean, there have already been tons of streamers who are beating the DLC with only DLC summons (only healing to help). Some of them are pretty beefy/powerful but I'm not sure they compare to a mimic tear if you're actually speccing for the mimic. If you're a caster, under leveled or something like that then it's a lot different story.

I get it that you can do different things with weaker summons. But just from a min max pov, once you get mimic there's no sense summoning anything else. It's kind of ridiculous how weak everything else has always been next to a mimic with a powerful weapon ash.


<Silver Donator>

Man I don't know how many times I beat Sonic the hedgehog and part 2 over and over. That was great. There was just something tickling the back of my mind of I recognize that music, and then it clicked.

Remember getting a damn video game magazine at a drugstore back when those were a thing, and it had the method to unlocking super Sonic in part 2. I think it's why I played it so much when I was young, just made the game a blast.


Regimen Morum
Man I don't know how many times I beat Sonic the hedgehog and part 2 over and over. That was great. There was just something tickling the back of my mind of I recognize that music, and then it clicked.

Remember getting a damn video game magazine at a drugstore back when those were a thing, and it had the method to unlocking super Sonic in part 2. I think it's why I played it so much when I was young, just made the game a blast.
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Avatar of War Slayer
But can you beat all Elden Ring bosses on two different system at once, the 2nd system using a dance pad?

Also imagine the footjobs she could give ... :emoji_thinking:



A Mod Real Quick
I love my Mimic Tear (Jimmy). Crutch #1.
Blasphemous Blade is too good not to use. Crutch #2
None of the shields look really cool. Crutch #3 but in all fairness guard counters are awesome.

Beat the dlc today, excellent content. Biggest complaint is that the final area is lacklustre, should have been leyndell v2.0. All the boss fights felt fair, I did beat them post nerfs so there is that to consider. Took me so long because I started a new character after the dlc released and I suck at the game, hence the crutches, but I am having fun.

Doing the dlc before burning the erdtree doesn’t do anything though I still haven’t burnt the thing because I am stuck on Melenia. Autocorrect fucking hates her name and I still think it’s it not a well designed fight but whatever.

Unquestionably one of the greatest games ever made. I want more.
It is in fact so good I got my first tattoo
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