I love my Mimic Tear (Jimmy). Crutch #1.
Blasphemous Blade is too good not to use. Crutch #2
None of the shields look really cool. Crutch #3 but in all fairness guard counters are awesome.
Beat the dlc today, excellent content. Biggest complaint is that the final area is lacklustre, should have been leyndell v2.0. All the boss fights felt fair, I did beat them post nerfs so there is that to consider. Took me so long because I started a new character after the dlc released and I suck at the game, hence the crutches, but I am having fun.
Doing the dlc before burning the erdtree doesn’t do anything though I still haven’t burnt the thing because I am stuck on Melenia. Autocorrect fucking hates her name and I still think it’s it not a well designed fight but whatever.
Unquestionably one of the greatest games ever made. I want more.