Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
But there are also cases, that I can't reproduce reliably, where you'll shoot the same target that security forces are shooting and they'll aggro you w/o you going wanted. I've tried to see if it matters the bounty on the target, like if it is just 100 - 300cr, but that also seems to not be reliable. That's only for testing, not that I'd suggest you spend time hunting down things with 100cr bounties. Also comparing factions doesn't seem to work. It is just very nebulous as to when you'll get aggro and can SC out and back vs. when you get a wanted tag and have to go pay the fine. Pretty sure any time I've accidentally shot something that is Clean it is immediate Wanted status, in the sections i'm in.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Putting a few stray shots into someone shouldn't give a bounty, period. Putting a few stray shots into someone that is then destroyed in the next, say 5 minutes should acrue a bounty. Putting a few stray shots into someone that is then destroyed (by said shots) should acrue a bounty. Surely they can tighten this up.

I've been sitting at a nav beacon playing space cop for a good 20 minutes or so, while space truckers warp in and their escorts just light me up for no reason. Sucks needing to kill 2 Sidewinders for 100cr a piece.
The cops are there to do their job, you're interfering. It makes perfect sense that the cops have zero tolerance for stray shots going their way.

There is an alternative, bounty hunt in Anarchy systems. Stray shots go completely unpunished there. Well, you still need to deal with whomever you shot.

Your other issue should be fixed now.

But there are also cases, that I can't reproduce reliably, where you'll shoot the same target that security forces are shooting and they'll aggro you w/o you going wanted. I've tried to see if it matters the bounty on the target, like if it is just 100 - 300cr, but that also seems to not be reliable. That's only for testing, not that I'd suggest you spend time hunting down things with 100cr bounties. Also comparing factions doesn't seem to work. It is just very nebulous as to when you'll get aggro and can SC out and back vs. when you get a wanted tag and have to go pay the fine. Pretty sure any time I've accidentally shot something that is Clean it is immediate Wanted status, in the sections i'm in.
Bounty you shot was on the same faction as the police. A known bug, fixed with 1.04


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
But there are also cases, that I can't reproduce reliably, where you'll shoot the same target that security forces are shooting and they'll aggro you w/o you going wanted. I've tried to see if it matters the bounty on the target, like if it is just 100 - 300cr, but that also seems to not be reliable. That's only for testing, not that I'd suggest you spend time hunting down things with 100cr bounties. Also comparing factions doesn't seem to work. It is just very nebulous as to when you'll get aggro and can SC out and back vs. when you get a wanted tag and have to go pay the fine. Pretty sure any time I've accidentally shot something that is Clean it is immediate Wanted status, in the sections i'm in.
It's when they're the same subfaction as the police.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I want to like this game....maybe it's too sandbox for me or something (borrowing that from a co-worker today). Having never played anotherElitegame (one was out like 30 years ago?), the lack of any direction is a bit rough for me so far. I'm not sure where I should go or what I should be doing. I can use the system map and frameshift ability to travel to a dock that says it has commodities for sale, but I'm uneducated on which stations I can land at or what I should buy in location A to sell at location C, etc. Last night my night ended by me going to two different locations to try to sell my cargo (4 algae I think) only to have my docking request denied at both locations. I'm unsure of why this was. I'm sure it's explained in some menu somewhere, I just don't know where. I won't give up on it, but it's just rough as hell going from noob to understanding anything.


Trakanon Raider
Probably declined because it was full. Play solo for a bit (never been denied a station landing at something that didn't need a permit), see if you still dislike it then. I love the openness, but I don't play for very long stints.


Golden Squire
I want to like this game....maybe it's too sandbox for me or something (borrowing that from a co-worker today). Having never played anotherElitegame (one was out like 30 years ago?), the lack of any direction is a bit rough for me so far. I'm not sure where I should go or what I should be doing. I can use the system map and frameshift ability to travel to a dock that says it has commodities for sale, but I'm uneducated on which stations I can land at or what I should buy in location A to sell at location C, etc. Last night my night ended by me going to two different locations to try to sell my cargo (4 algae I think) only to have my docking request denied at both locations. I'm unsure of why this was. I'm sure it's explained in some menu somewhere, I just don't know where. I won't give up on it, but it's just rough as hell going from noob to understanding anything.
Yup, if you're doing open play you're getting denied because the station was full. Normally you can keep trying or just watch for somebody to fly out and hit it pretty quickly.

I started two days ago and I'm really enjoying it now, but yeah, the learning curve is steep. I just started messing around with running materials from station to station to sell them where they are in high demand. Having a ton of trouble finding the named mobs for these "hunt and destroy" type missions, though.

Running Dog_sl

Yup, if you're doing open play you're getting denied because the station was full. Normally you can keep trying or just watch for somebody to fly out and hit it pretty quickly.

I started two days ago and I'm really enjoying it now, but yeah, the learning curve is steep. I just started messing around with running materials from station to station to sell them where they are in high demand. Having a ton of trouble finding the named mobs for these "hunt and destroy" type missions, though.
If you're talking about the hunt-the-named-pirate missions that give 100k+ rewards, be aware those guys are in Anacondas. You'll need at least an upgraded Viper with shield cells to go up against one of those. Look in the Unidentified Signal Sources for clues.

For "hunt X pirates / smugglers / etc." you can usually do those at Navigation Beacons near to the stars, with a little patience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There was a thread today on the official forums from a guy who massively exploited the founders world outfitting complaining about being wiped down to 1k credits.

Good stuff.

Running Dog_sl

There was a thread today on the official forums from a guy who massively exploited the founders world outfitting complaining about being wiped down to 1k credits.

Good stuff.
Exploited Credits and Billionaires
We finished this process around lunchtime as expected. For clarity, we removed any exploit-gained credits and assets by removing the credits from the commander?s accounts. In the event a commander had already spent most of the exploited credits, we sold off their assets in reverse order in which they bought them to repay their debt. We have directly emailed all the Commanders who were affected by this. As mentioned yesterday, we will continue to monitor for exploits and to remove exploited-credits and assets from the game in the future.

Status Page
It?s live! You can visit it here:Elite:DangerousOfficial Game Site | Epic multiplayer space adventure. We shall post any service disruptions or planned maintenance on this page. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed here:Elite:DangerousStatus Updates</title><link>http://www.elitedangerous.com/status</link><language>en-us</language><item><title>Welcome.
[ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Progress Update - 09/01/2015


Speaking of credits, this is a nice and clear way of showing a rare cycle:



Useless lazy bastard.
There was a thread today on the official forums from a guy who massively exploited the founders world outfitting complaining about being wiped down to 1k credits.

Good stuff.
Got a link Quin? Cant seem to find it, tho it might have been locked/deleted


Golden Squire
If you're talking about the hunt-the-named-pirate missions that give 100k+ rewards, be aware those guys are in Anacondas. You'll need at least an upgraded Viper with shield cells to go up against one of those. Look in the Unidentified Signal Sources for clues.

For "hunt X pirates / smugglers / etc." you can usually do those at Navigation Beacons near to the stars, with a little patience.
I ended up doing a few of these last night and made enough off of the mission and the bounties to actually feel like I'm not sitting in poverty. I mean, I still don't have enough for a ship or anything, but I upgraded some internal stuff on my ship and I plan on getting a decent pulse laser or two soon.

I did bump into one of the hunt missions with a guy in an Anaconda. I jumped in, scanned him, and got the hell back out before he could turn around.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Anyone able to offer any help on upgrading ship parts? I'm docked currently and looking to upgrade weapons, but I'm having a hard time seeing which weapons are equipped to compare. On one screen I can see I'm 'loaned' weapons, but not sure which items will be an upgrade. Am I just strictly going by the red or blue arrows to indicate dps, power draw, etc?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Don't bother upgrading your Sidewinder. It's actually quite fine for what it is, and reasonably capable in combat. Save up for an Eagle or Viper.


Golden Knight of the Realm
And ya you're pretty much just going by the red and blue arrows. Not a whole lot of depth to it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And ya you're pretty much just going by the red and blue arrows. Not a whole lot of depth to it.
That's only correct if you're not actually giving a shit about what you are going to do with the ship and have infinite power supply to run the best of everything. There's a lot of depth into outfitting a Viper.