Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)


I'm Amod too!
If you intend to go into trading I can't stress enough gettingEliteOCRandEliteOCRReader. Those will help tremendously with optimizing trade routes. You will have to put in some work to get a database of station markets started but it will pay off.


Molten Core Raider
Wouldn't hesitate to buy this. Thoroughly enjoying it. Might just be a late entry as my game of the year.


2 Minutes Hate
If you intend to go into trading I can't stress enough gettingEliteOCRandEliteOCRReader. Those will help tremendously with optimizing trade routes. You will have to put in some work to get a database of station markets started but it will pay off.
Sounds complicated.

How does this shit work? I take screen shots, and I'm feeding them into EliteOCR, however it can't find the System Name. Do I have to do that manually every time? Do I have to keep clicking "Add and Next? for each thing?


I'm Amod too!
You have to add the system name near the top when you start each scan. Unfortunately the system info can't be captured from the screenshots. And yes, keep clicking the add and next button for each item. In the options menu there is a check box to automatically add lines that are considered "high confidence" but that doesn't seem to work right now. Then export the finished scan from that program as a .csv file and import the csv into the reader. Do that for every station you want. I stopped once I had found a good trade route.

The older beta tools worked much easier as they would just read the market data from memory but Frontier poopooed that so everyone has been switching to the OCR tech as a replacement. For now we're stuck with it (or until a less scrupulous person makes a tool). Frontier has said they would consider adding some of the info into an API but god knows when that will happen or how useful it'll be.


I'm Amod too!
No argument there. There is alsoSlopey's BPCtool for the more lazily inclined. It crowd-sources it's database so you get tons of systems added as other players update the database but the disadvantage is it's much harder to add new data because, at least in the last version I used, it doesn't have OCR tech so you have to type in line by line. I also didn't like the fact that everyone can see the route since other people can effect the value of items in a station. So if you found a really great route others would see it as well.


I'm Amod too!
One thing you should search around for is a High Tech solar system. There's a few reasons to be near one. They tend to have a large selection at the shipyard as well as a large choice of outfittings. If you can find one near an Agriculture system even better. The High Tech system will always be importing food and the Ag system will be importing a bunch of items from the HT. I've been making my fortune by selling Progenitor Cells to my local Ag system and then bringing Tobacco back. I'm getting ~1100 profit per ton round trip (about 700 per ton for the Cells and 400ish per ton for the tobacco).


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I think the thing to remember aboutElite, when trying to judge if it's a "good" or a "bad" game is that it's first and foremost anichegame. By that I mean for a small group of people (probably a few hundred thousand, at most) it will be the game of their dreams, but for most others it will be too time consuming, unintuitive and pointless. I'd put it there along with games such as Eve, the X series space games and a lot of simulation type games. You have to want to role play the part and make your own story, live the game, then you're going to love it. If you want a quick and good space fighting sim like, for example, Freespace (or is it Freelancer? came out about 10 years ago) then you won't like this game.

The way I see it, if they log player's playing times then there'll probably be a very large percentage that play for less than 5 hours and then never again, and another large percentage that play 5+ hours a day for days and months on end, and very little in between.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
to my surprise I want to log in today again and play more. I really doubted yesterday whether I would play this again, especially during the hydrogen fuel incident when I actually got sick in the stomach


Molten Core Raider
Trying out a joystick first time ever on PC. Bit of a pain getting it set up.

Downloading the profile linked in the following post :

Logitech Extreme 3D Pro? - Page 6

Forward thrust = A
Backward thrust = Z
Open/close Galaxy Map = M
Rotate Galaxy Map = left mouse button & mouse movement
Zoom Galaxy Map = mouse wheel
Toggle Rotational Correction = C
Toggle Lights = L
Engage/Disengage SuperCruise = J ?
Engage/Abort Hyperspace = H ?
Look around = right mouse button & mouse movement
Navigation/Contacts Panel = 1
Comms Panel = 2
Systems Panel = 3
Radar Panel = 4
Reset Focus (return to 'normal view') = Left Shift
Next Tab in Panels = E
Previous Tab in Panels = W
Quick Comms = Spacebar
Deploy/Stow Weapons = Enter
Next Firegroup = .
Previous Firegroup = ,
Toggle Silent Running = Del
Deploy Heatsink = V
Increase Scanner Range = PageUp
Decrease Scanner range = PageDown
Power Distribution = Arrow keys (SYS = left, ENG = up, WEP = right, balanced = down)
Eject all cargo = D

And Joystick functions:
Pitch/Roll/Yaw = Y/X/Z -axes, Z-axis = stick twist (for Yaw)
Throttle = Throttle (forward only)
Toggle Reverse Throttle = Button 12
Primary Fire / Deploy Hardponts = Trigger (Button 1)
Secondary Fire = Thumb Trigger (Button 2)
Select Target / Select Menu Item = Button 3 (bottom left button around hat switch)
Cycle Next Subsystem = Button 5 (top left button around hat switch)
Cycle Next Target = Button 5 (top right button around hat switch)
Boost = Button 4 (bottom right button around hat switch)
Lateral/Vertical Thrusters / Move Cursor in Menus = Hat Switch
Toggle Flight Assist = Button 11
Toggle Landing Gear = Button 9
Toggle cargo Scoop = Button 10
Fire Chaff = Button 7
Use Shield Cell = Button 8

Anyone know where I put this file and does it stay as a .binds file ?

Also happy to listen to any basic advice on key bindings for the joystick as I'm already on the verge of throwing it through the window

Running Dog_sl

Having a lot of fun doing exploration in this.

Any general tips for that play?
The basic scanner reaches out to 500 LS or so when you fire it. I never bothered with the intermediate scanner because the range increase didn't seem worth the cost. The advanced one saves a ton of time because it finds everything in one go, but it costs a fortune.

The detailed surface scanner requires a basic /intermediate/advanced scanner to work. All you have to do with it is get close enough to the planet you are targeting and it will automatically get a lot more information on it than the other scanners provide and more cash for the info. Finding metal-rich planets can net you a lot of money.

Remember you can scan inhabited systems as long as they don't have system data on the galactic map. These can be surprisingly profitable as they often have metal planets in them.

If you're hunting for stars and planets, they all tend to lie in the same plane, so following orbital rings can work. Also if you see an NPC ship in flight, try going back along it's trail.


Molten Core Raider
So the gist of it is you go explore shit, get loot, get bigger/better ships and can explore "deeper" ?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So the gist of it is you go explore shit, get loot, get bigger/better ships and can explore "deeper" ?
it's a sandbox. The sandbox needs more sand, though.

I just received a 150cr fine. I have no idea why. Game should really tell you why