Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)


Trakanon Raider
If you ever really doubted the possible existence of life on other worlds, just fire up this game, hit the galaxy map and take a look around -- and that's just one freaking galaxy.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Personaly I would never chose to risk any cargo/credits flying a Type 6/7/9 if there was a chance I could lose it to someone who had a Viper and an attitude. The reward for taking that risk would have to be so high (250+% markup) that it would not be viable for a game this large. Considering how little chance there is to actually meet another player once you head out from the core worlds it would be a rediculously easy way to get money. With just a little more reward, say 10%, I would rather do 11 roundtrips then 10 to get the same money.

Basically it's not that hard to make it work. The bonus profit should only apply to systems in actual civil war - with combat zones out and everything. Now in those combat zone stations the profit margins should skyrocket for anything war related - weapons, medicines, food. Not the shitty "slightly above Galaxy average" that I've seen when shipping shit to Ho Hsi.
Also stolen goods should become regularly tradeable as long as they're not illegal - and obviously all types of weapons should become legal trade goods.

So you have traders actually willing to head there for increased profits, and pirates to head there for hunting for these traders. Traders have a choice between using combat haulers like a cobra or asp and attempting to fly there on their own, or use large cargo haulers with escorts.

Now so empty systems don't become massive profit generating honey pots, the demand of the stations depends on how many players go there.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This resource extraction site is a GOLD mine for bounties. I just had 400k in bounties then I flew into an asteroid -_-

Taking a break from it until I can get the courage to go back at it.

Running Dog_sl

This resource extraction site is a GOLD mine for bounties. I just had 400k in bounties then I flew into an asteroid -_-

Taking a break from it until I can get the courage to go back at it.
Ouch. It looks like the servers have problems at the moment so its a good time to have a break.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I was hanging around a resource site yesterday, somewhere outside Ervate one of those NW100-CR-1 places... Anyways was a ghost town, figured I must have been doing something wrong and left.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This resource extraction site is a GOLD mine for bounties. I just had 400k in bounties then I flew into an asteroid -_-

Taking a break from it until I can get the courage to go back at it.
How do you find these perfect extraction spots? Are those the ones at the navigation menu?


Lord Nagafen Raider
The system I'm in has 3 asteroid belts around a planet, A..B..and C. The actual resource extraction does not show up until you get near the planet...and even then its a difficult to supercruise near because its inside the asteroid belt and it just drops out of out supercruise forcefully when you get near the belt.

The one that I've been farming starts me out at 45 Km when I drop out and I have to fly to it. There are at least 10 sidewinders using mining lasers for the first 3 minutes, then Wanted Anaconda's and Pythons start dropping in and a whole bunch of Security forces show up, I just fly around and tag stuff and try not to die.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I traded my viper in for a hauler and maxed its FSD. Its got a 25 LY capable jump distance and I did a little bit of trading using Slopey's BPC. It took me all over the god damn place so I'm at least 100 LY from where I started, back in a viper and camping this resource site until I decided otherwise.


What's the easiest way to tell where I can sell certain cargo? I want to go back to combat stuff but I can't sell my hauler until I sell the tobacco I have in my hold.


I'm interested in this game but have a question.

If I wanted to fly around (even though the time it would take) is the game truly free roam where/whenever I want? It just seems like you warp to a destination and fight/mine/hunt in there and leave. Feels like it's just zones you warp into. Am I wrong?


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
You definitely get the feeling you're flying around. This is the only space flight game I've seen where it still feels like you're flying your ship at superlight speeds.


Wow, I tried mining for about half an hour, and I think it may have given me boredom cancer. If you ever thought that EVE mining was just too much fun for you to handle,Elitemining is the life for you.


Finally started getting to grips with it today. Doing Space Trucker for now using the TradeDangerous add on. It's pretty sweet.
Now, next ship? Should I just get the Zorgon Peterson Hauler and then save for the Cobra or skip that and go for the Adder or Viper for a more multi purpose ship?


Useless lazy bastard.
Basically it's not that hard to make it work. The bonus profit should only apply to systems in actual civil war - with combat zones out and everything. Now in those combat zone stations the profit margins should skyrocket for anything war related - weapons, medicines, food. Not the shitty "slightly above Galaxy average" that I've seen when shipping shit to Ho Hsi.
Also stolen goods should become regularly tradeable as long as they're not illegal - and obviously all types of weapons should become legal trade goods.

So you have traders actually willing to head there for increased profits, and pirates to head there for hunting for these traders. Traders have a choice between using combat haulers like a cobra or asp and attempting to fly there on their own, or use large cargo haulers with escorts.

Now so empty systems don't become massive profit generating honey pots, the demand of the stations depends on how many players go there.
If the bonus was large enough it might work (talking about a HUGE fucking bonus here, I have troubles seeing me leaving a 2700cr/round trip route to go play war profiteer for anything less then 5000+cr/round trip), but you would only ever see traders at the warzones in open then. Imho they need the PvP flag system if they want a more "alive" universe.


Molten Core Raider
Finally started getting to grips with it today. Doing Space Trucker for now using the TradeDangerous add on. It's pretty sweet.
Now, next ship? Should I just get the Zorgon Peterson Hauler and then save for the Cobra or skip that and go for the Adder or Viper for a more multi purpose ship?
You can trade in your ship in part exchange and get most of the cost back so just upgrade when you can.


Trakanon Raider
I did some mining today, bought myself an Adder with the proceeds. Had a surprisingly good time doing it. Far more entertaining than EVE mining (and frustrating). If there was one word I had to use to describe this game, it's "finicky".