EQ Never


EQ next isn't going to be like any MMO we've seen so far, it's honestly just a whole new type of game imo.
Anyone expecting it to be what we have seen for the last 14 years, or any type of MUD is going to be very disappointed.

Either this game won't work at all, or will be the next big thing. There really is no middle ground for this one.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Still hoping I can make a blink/slide pbAOE healer... Would be dirty.
Want to make a blinking rogue tank. Mob wants to move on past me to squishies? Sure, let me just blink behind you and backstab you back to me. Dodge his attacks, he tries to attack that wizzie again? "Come ere!" Now they just need to give me a spear with a rope attached...


EQOA Refugee
The more I read, this game seems it have potential to be different. There really isn't much on the horizon to be excited about. The art direction doesn't bother me much either. Have they shown working water with the voxel tech at all yet?


Lord Nagafen Raider
This game has fresh ideas, very strong support from a good team, and made Blizzard tuck their tails and start over. That alone says I'm backing the right horse in the race.
In all honesty there is no game on the horizon that attracts me like EQ Next. I hope the combat is not a clusterfuck super easy because they hate healers, but it's all about how good the AI is, how good Storybrick is and how fucked up the class system is.
Heartstone open beta just proved me that Blizzard is still good at designing games, they are also correcting the huge fuckup that was D3, but I think they'll have to do much more to match EQ Next.

It's been a while since last I did it, but I'm cheering for Soe right now.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
In all honesty there is no game on the horizon that attracts me like EQ Next. I hope the combat is not a clusterfuck super easy because they hate healers, but it's all about how good the AI is, how good Storybrick is and how fucked up the class system is.
Heartstone open beta just proved me that Blizzard is still good at designing games, they are also correcting the huge fuckup that was D3, but I think they'll have to do much more to match EQ Next.

It's been a while since last I did it, but I'm cheering for Soe right now.
Same here. I didn't think I would cheer for them again because EQ2 was botched pretty badly and they weren't the best at customer service with EQ itself. I remember how hard it was to get responses to serious game flaws in EQ and how often they released expansions that didn't really add to the game. Two paid expansions a year, sub costs, and they still gave such bad CS and poorly implemented expansions? Not really acceptable.

They have improved dramatically and make good games now. I don't think they hate healers per se but hate the idea of a person who could just sit there and look at health bars most of the time. I remember in Warhammer that my shaman and disciple both had to do different things as well as healing. I really liked how I had to manage my Waugh as a shammy to either heal or dps depending on the situation. I watched the flow of battle and adjusted my abilities to the groups needs. I've always thought a healer should have strong management skills. You oversee how the battle is going and adjust the fight to bring your party victory. You don't just hit CHeal to the tank every so often and hope you don't get aggro. Or hit HoTs and then use a smaller heal to top the tank off depending on how hard he's hit.

They want to move forward and I'm excited that they are moving past WoW instead of just trying to find a variation. This is the first game I've seen in ages that seemed to look at every single facet of the game and tried to see if there could be improvements or a fun alternative.


Lord Nagafen Raider
A little disappointed in the last developer response video that talked about shared resources and mobs, etc. Again, citing that seemingly phantom concern that everyone sees other players as "competition."


Trump's Staff
A little disappointed in the last developer response video that talked about shared resources and mobs, etc. Again, citing that seemingly phantom concern that everyone sees other players as "competition."
Ya... Apparently some time in the last 10 years it was determined that competition in games is evil, and collaboration is our messiah.

I don't get it, personally.


Ya... Apparently some time in the last 10 years it was determined that competition in games is evil, and collaboration is our messiah.

I don't get it, personally.
No one wants to wait 4 days in line to get jboots only to have it ks'd then wait 2 weeks for CSR mediation and be told "Did you get the kill credit? Sorry, can't help you."


Trump's Staff
No one wants to wait 4 days in line to get jboots only to have it ks'd then wait 2 weeks for CSR mediation and be told "Did you get the kill credit? Sorry, can't help you."
I've said it before... But there are ways to keep targets contested, while still allowing players to access content when they 'want' (dynamic spawning etc)

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I need to make an "I liked EQN before it was cool" avatar pic. It's nice to see the thread swing around though, because like it or not, this game is going to be the MMO revolution. Really the only downside to this game is the EQ name on the box, everything else so far is at least okay-ish to awesome.

Basically you can be a Troll Ninja Paladin with Guns.
I was hoping for an ogre pirate samurai with a cannon lol
Red Panda Pirates. Jeez, get with the program.

Excellent point. I don't want to have to multiclass a hybrid freak to be worthwhile. If want to construct a true dps archer only , or a full out tank only and so on I want it to be viable.
Obviously class talk has as much substance as Pantheon right now, but I'd bet that focusing on a character idea will work out. You'll probably still multiclass because *your* mental picture of a "full out tank" uses abilities from the Warrior, Defender, Juggernaut and Weaponmaster classes. The beauty will be if they make a good class system people will run different "perfect tanks" (you can play different control decks in CCGs or different tanky bruisers in LoL, and that's what they are trying to emulate). In addition to that people will use situational abilities for specific encounters, like slotting "feet of stone" that cancel knockback while fighting on a narrow ledge above lava.

If they dont screw it up, of course. Always a possibility.


I am just worried that they are headed down the Guild Wars 2 route. While it sounded good in theory, the group mechanics in PVE was terrible. GW2 should be the benchmark in combat that you steer clear away from, not the one that you set your sight to obtain.


I think the only downside of this game is it seems to be so complex with so many ideas that they can't possibly deliver everything because I assume they are even confused by it all.

Best thing they did was attach landmark to it, and hopefully with enough sandbox elements the players will shape the game to come in every aspect. Things the devs didn't even think of will be thought up by the player base much like EQ was.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The hardest part of EQN will be it's mass appeal. The challenge of the game may enrage the housewife or little kid. It's obvious they plan to use new and different techniques to conquer bosses. You're going to get, why is he hitting me and not the guy whacking him?! Well.. it's because you're healing the guy whacking him..

It has the potential of being awesome but expect complaints and possible nerfs:-( SoE needs to have a hard stance with what they made and really get behind it.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
A little disappointed in the last developer response video that talked about shared resources and mobs, etc. Again, citing that seemingly phantom concern that everyone sees other players as "competition."
Yeah, my major disappointment as well. Maybe the reason they are doing this is because of the massive battles to start up a city or to kill a dragon. The books have made dragon killing to be extremely difficult to actually accomplish. Instead of having to form a raid or making dragon killing just a guild function, their philosophy allows everyone to help rid their 'home' from the scourge. I'm hoping they are serious abut PvP being a huge focus. Because battlegrounds and arena just won't cut it(not saying it's what they plan).


Golden Knight of the Realm
I am just worried that they are headed down the Guild Wars 2 route. While it sounded good in theory, the group mechanics in PVE was terrible. GW2 should be the benchmark in combat that you steer clear away from, not the one that you set your sight to obtain.
I know, it's like they took the public events, weapons = skills, and dodging > healing from GW2 and threw them into their newest iteration of EQN.
I hope storybricks turns out ok though, and doesnt get so out of control/complicated that they have to reign it back in to the point that you know orcs will always either be on this road, that hilltop, or in the cave in between the two.


I know, it's like they took the public events, weapons = skills, and dodging > healing from GW2 and threw them into their newest iteration of EQN.
I hope storybricks turns out ok though, and doesnt get so out of control/complicated that they have to reign it back in to the point that you know orcs will always either be on this road, that hilltop, or in the cave in between the two.
I am so fucking sick of public quests its not even funny. While the initial ones in Warhammer weren't awful, every subsequent game that has introduced them has been an abortion. GW2 has them all over the place, and its nothing more than run into a pack of mobs and AE, AE, AE, AE ad nauseam. FF14 has them to the point to where you literally level from 5-Lvl cap running around spamming your AE skill and nothing more. Run to current zone, wait for fate to pop....run into the middle and hit 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2. Nothing else is more efficient than that. Rift....run to shiny crystal / cloud and AE, AE, AE, AE, AE.

I don't mind shared resources or being able to tag a mob someone else is killing, but public quests in their current state have no place in an MMO environment. They have so many more detriments to including them that it hurts the state of the game rather than helping it.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, my major disappointment as well. Maybe the reason they are doing this is because of the massive battles to start up a city or to kill a dragon. The books have made dragon killing to be extremely difficult to actually accomplish. Instead of having to form a raid or making dragon killing just a guild function, their philosophy allows everyone to help rid their 'home' from the scourge. I'm hoping they are serious abut PvP being a huge focus. Because battlegrounds and arena just won't cut it(not saying it's what they plan).
Wow does this shared boss loot now and it is really popular and works pretty well. The larger raid targets can still take an organized group, just if little Timmy shows up and helps you dps the boss he gets his personal loot roll too.

Thats different than public quests tho, you might be able to go up and tag ordos solo while a raid is killing him and get loot but you sure as fuck aren't gonna show up to him solo or see a big disorganized ungrouped mob kill him ever.

Rifts original raid rifts were also pretty good, they let anyone come help for some rewards but the best item drops were in the chests that went to the guild that opened the rift.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I am just worried that they are headed down the Guild Wars 2 route. While it sounded good in theory, the group mechanics in PVE was terrible. GW2 should be the benchmark in combat that you steer clear away from, not the one that you set your sight to obtain.
GW2 combat is pretty decent imo. Only pitfalls are them balancing it based on PVP and heals that arent self-only are too weak. And from those two PVP balance is the bigger issue.

They said you'll have healers in EQN (I think), just that you dont need them or can do stuff without them. That could mean faceroll easy content but that assumption runs counter to several statements of them saying it'll be a challenging game that has you mix up your tactics to learn from a defeat. Assuming healers are in, group dynamics are half-set already. Just need something like tanky bruisers and you're set.

Healers for EQN sound like enchanters/bards for old EQ. You didnt need them. But you still had tons of people craving the convenience of having them. If they put healers into that situation that's still fine imo.


This is shaping up to be a blend of all the sterile, casual MMO features of the last decade. This is seriously embarrassing. It's amazing that developers keep churning out games that don't inconvenience but also don't engage.

I haven't really kept up with the Brad McQuaid news. Have his ideas about a "hardcore" MMO gained any traction?