Much like the regurgitated feels data from Etchazz that is never right but always repeated...this isn't quite right. First, remind me of the value of Rangers? Maybe tell me how good Wizards were compared to mages? Pallies? Druids in larger groups. Necros in raids past the first couple? This is just one problem with a poorly made game that wasn't ever fixed properly. That's why healing, tanking, dps were given to all classes to a point in WoW. No one wants to be the shit stain in the raid. No one wants to waste 50 levels as a Ranger...just to find out you were getting even more worthless. We don't play to be special in just one small aspect in a game.
You mention stupid habits. What exactly was camping? Is that not the origin of WoWs rep grinds? Did you raid in EQ? Talk about not thinking unless you were part of the core healing, tanking, control group. It was very simple programming. EQ had bi-yearly expansions just to keep you in the loop. Not to fix shit, just to keep you playing. Their leveling grind wasn't because they wanted something special. It's because the game was never finished on time. They built artificial bottlenecks all over the place...because they were shitty programmers.
I love the talk about community and grouping with EQ. Then I look at grouping and conversations in the P99 and EQ threads. Chock full of people boxing. "I 3-box but I really wish another EQ came out where I could group with others for meaningful experiences"...yeah. Uh huh. "I've camped the same spot for days but I'm all about that grouping." BDO has lots of options. Superior options to EQ. Just because nostalgia is hitting all the right spots doesn't make BDO any less of a game.
I said that all classes have value, not all classes are equal. Rangers kite, can be temporary tanks if needed in a pinch. Wizards have some dps, and can port. Each class has a purpose. The problem in wow is that they have a measuring stick(combat parsers) that everyone is comparing each class to alot more than they did with EQ. By design classes in eq werent made equally in this way. Its almost as if they were making something new, and had no standard to create classes by aside from dungeons and dragons or something like that. It was a unique result.
Also alot of people play this game just to socialize. I have friends who do 6 month tours in afghanistan, and a way I keep in touch with them is to play eq with them and other friends that we share since getting on social media can be difficult there. Some people like to roleplay within the world of norrath. Its not always about killing the dragon for some. I mean some people like to just fucking craft ( which imo is retarded). Some people want to sit in the commonlands tunnel and call people turkeys.
Honestly who is anyone to say exactly how someone should play? This is why most mmos suck or fall flat on their faces. EQ was (atleast when I played) considered a game full of options. The journey for some can be more important than the destination.
Camping isnt the worst thing in an mmo. Its just an option for how to play. I agree that EQ revolved around the idea of camps way too much, but given how archaic eq is I am guessing that the tech just wasnt there for better AI or a more immersive world that gave players who didnt want to camp something equivalent. Leveling in games is great for casual play. Camping is great for people who want to play for 3+ hours at a time. You need a world that supports multiple styles to satisfy all timeframes. I agreee with you about the programmers gating content, and unfortunately its common practice for them to do what they do ( they also do it in eq2) and its bullshit. But at the least it was satisfying to overcome that challenge and get your first win with others who wanted to beat that content/mob. So though it was a dumb way to slow player progression, beating its odds was somewhat satisfying to players.
I think BDO is a very well made game, and some of the gameplay is genuinely satisfying. I just dont personally enjoy how little each class works together, and I honestly think questing is terrible in that game. I'll be damned if its not another flavor of the month game. You can laugh at people who hold eq or the holy trinity + support idea with people who only crafted as a joke, but its something that people here talk about consistently. Its something that I bring up to old friends who used to play casually and they talk fondly about the experience. They have done that for BDO a fraction of the time. If you think the game is better. Lets see if its being talked about in 3-4 years. I honestly doubt that it will be. and honestly, fuck that stupid black shitmonster its the worst idea in a game I have seen in a long time.
Boxing is just a byproduct of people being too addicted to this game. It happens in any mmo where it is possible to do so. Some people also play games to avoid socializing, but want to have a way to display value to others. So they play the mmo and also play as their own friends. Its fucked up and sad, but its the truth. Think about when the game launched, and people were "dual wielding" multiple accounts? They had to buy another PC to run the game. It took a high level of addiction, aspergers, and poor rationalization to make a decision like that.
TBH everyone should understand that there is no right way to make an MMO. Everyone is feeling different about what they do, and want to do in an mmo. Some people have massive in game goals. Some people want a medium to socialize and play. Some people want to pretend to be a gnome. EQ did all of these things at the time, and manages to do them in a unique way that is hard to find elsewhere at the time. Alot of people have come back to eq more than once. Do you think the same will be happening in BDO? Remember when they said that about archeage? What about Age of Conan? Warhammer? The list of forgotten games goes on.