EQ Never


I do wish it was suggested in the preview for the event that there'd be some time w/ the game on the floor or beta access for attendees, would probably get me to go just for that.

It's supposed to be playable. It was mentioned at SoE Live 2012. I'm too lazy to find the video, however.


I found it. 42:45 for the start of EQN segment. Skip to exactly 46 minutes for the quote:SoE Live 2012 Welcome Reception

Transcipt. It's the last paragraph before the comments:SoE Live Transcript

It's totally supposed to be "touchable". I assume that means playable.

Dr Ent_sl

I'm pretty close to vegas, might swing by on Friday to see reveal/try to get in to beta. Do they usually give things like beta only to those that buy the $100+ tickets?


Far as I know warhammer is the only game to actually give beta access at a live event like this, I was just saying i'd go to this if they did that. They havn't said any plans about a beta or even if there will be one.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
They've had playable betas / beta cards in bags at Fan Faires in the past (or just outright flagged all registered accounts attending). Pinged them on Twitter and they deferred to the announcement as all the info they were able to share.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well they handed out full expansion packs (keys) at Fan Fairs the last years, and i fully expect em to give beta keys at that event.
Sucks when you are transatlantic though.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm pretty close to vegas, might swing by on Friday to see reveal/try to get in to beta. Do they usually give things like beta only to those that buy the $100+ tickets?
can You just swing by? I thought this event was ticket only.


FoH nuclear response team
I'm kind of on the fence with going. For whatever reason tickets to Vegas are 3x more expensive than tickets to California which is further away.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Summer tourist season? Dunno.

I'm tempted to drive down to the strip and check it out on friday. Will have to see anything comes up before then.


has an outie
Somewhat random, but the EQ fan faire were something I always I enjoyed and were awesome. I can't wait for this game, ESPECIALLY if it's an open world similar to UO/(maybe)original EQ.


There's an easy solution to the optical shit of people having cooler gear they paid for vs. gear you raided/earned in the looks department. And that's putting a toggle under the graphics options that turns off player purchased items on all players/other players. If the option isn't enabled, you see them wearing some graphical model that is generic for the level range they are. Enabled for just you? The only visual shit you see is stuff you purchased or items earned in the game. Enabled across the board? You see all the pixels that everyone spent money on. There's no option to turn off earned gear, but there is one for purchased.

That way people who don't give any fucks about what other people look like? Can view all the silly shit people spend money on. And the people who do have many fucks to give about the way others look? Can avoid seeing all the sparkly shit.

Hell, put in multiple toggles so that you can see friends and guildmates in their silly shit if you want since they might feel hurt if you don't want to see their silly shit.

The deal isn't really removing the silly shit, but not forcing it upon others. Pretty simple solution, imo.

Something akin to the above would allow developers to still sell models/whatever, but players who don't want to deal with rainbow ponies and space pimp mobiles won't have to.
That's actually a really good idea.


Molten Core Raider
I hate cash shops so much. I just think the thought of paying for something just changes the game completely. You should be able to find everything in the world or craft, no reason to have to buy it. Selling exp pots makes it mandatory for me to buy them, so it just changes the game for me. I'd rather do a subscription outside of the game for some reason paying money for something inside of the game just changes the feel of it for me. I wish EQN devs would PLS DEDICATE A WHOLE TEAM to just 50+ group raid quest shit to do content that is going to make me feel like grinding is worth working up to something. I don't mind grinding at all as long as I can see a purpose for the grinding in the future. Like fire giants, or shroom kings. I love how EQ dunegons just got harder and harder as you went deeper eventually turning into raid content with boss at the end. They were fun to work through as a group. I didn't feel like I was just clearing trash.
I very much miss challenging group mechanics which are gone because of the trend toward solo centric play and lack of involved group mechanics.

when WoW became round up mobs and ae them (WoTLK) all was lost it seems