EQ Never

Meh, if its a cash-shop game, I don't care if the totally bad-ass looking weapons and armor are in the shop. Have the dropped gear have the highest stats, and the cosmetically awesome gear in the shop with a transmog option and they're bound to make money hand over fist.


Trakanon Raider
i can't really fathom why having a monthly sub is such a big deal. if $15 a month to pay for your entertainment is too steep, then you shouldn't be playing video games in the first place. for me personally, i'd much rather pay the monthly sub and have access to everything in the game (and on equal footing with everyone else) than to have to be forced into using a cash shop to play the game. i look at it like going to an amusement park: just let me pay the full price at the gate and have unlimited access to everything in the park rather than not paying anything up front, but charging me for every ride i want to go on separately, and allowing people willing to spend twice as much money, to go to the front of the line ahead of me.


<Gold Donor>
This is why so many people hate WoW, Bnet kiddies, and people like you. Your fucking retarded, a distraction, and, at best a way for someone to use quotes to let the rest of the people reading a thread know you dont fucking read before you reply.

Is there not a monk panda quest rep grind LFR thread for you to shit up?
Huh, was this directed at me?


EQOA Refugee
We all know that dev resources are limited. So if devs start selling the cool looking gear in the cash shop, that means that there is little chance of those cool looking items to ever drop in the game themselves. Look at SOE's track record. All the cool mounts and unique graphics are for sale. On top of needing a sub to get full access to the game. All that shit used to be in the game already. These cash shop are money grabs. Plain and simple. I agree with other posters, if $15 is too much, you need a new hobby.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Yeah but one of the reasons f2p works is because of the zero barrier to entry. Remove the box price and allow free play up to a point and you can gain that advantage while still requiring a subscription to enjoy the full game.
You know this existed since before the "F2P" wave, right? It's called "free trial". The only difference being that most free trials did put a limit on time rather than level. Or sometimes both.

(and free trial is essentially what the "F2P EQ" model is)


The only reason i'd be mad I missed the unveiling is if they pulled a war hammer and gave out beta access there. I'm sure there will be plenty of people there covering the event so we should be able to see the videos fairly fast I hope. I'm going to vegas late june too just missed it!


Silver Knight of the Realm
The only reason i'd be mad I missed the unveiling is if they pulled a war hammer and gave out beta access there. I'm sure there will be plenty of people there covering the event so we should be able to see the videos fairly fast I hope. I'm going to vegas late june too just missed it!
I'm sure the people attending will receive beta access, who knows when they'll be able to access the beta though.

Also, Domino is back at SoE and on EQ next.


Molten Core Raider
You know this existed since before the "F2P" wave, right? It's called "free trial". The only difference being that most free trials did put a limit on time rather than level. Or sometimes both.

(and free trial is essentially what the "F2P EQ" model is)
The difference with a more traditional trial is not only losing access to the account, but when the trial is over they are faced with a box price + a sub price to continue; that's a pretty steep pay wall. Trials are also rather limited. My model would essentially be an unlimited trial giving people on the fence more time to become invested. At no time would a user feel 'threatened' to be cut off. Not to mention MMOG client downloads tend to be huge and going through that trouble for a brief 2 week trial might turn some people away. What designers should really strive for is encouraging users to make friends in the game so that leaving the game means leaving your friends. A time limit on trials is counterproductive to this goal. It might be a bit sleazy but you could probably advertise the game as being outright free rather than merely having a trial as well using my model.

I would argue that it is psychologically significant to know that you will never lose access to the game. These f2p models are largely just head games making users feel like the game is free or cheaper when they are in fact not. Even if you farmed tedious crap to earn what you could otherwise buy in a cash shop, you lose out overall since you spend WAY more time farming than just working an extra hour in RL to pay a subscription. My model gives a strong impression of freeness by allowing for unrestricted play of alts to mid level, and even raiding with your high end guild after an expired sub-- you just couldn't loot anything.

Actually EVE does something similar to my suggestion. They have a time limited trial, but the client is essentially free with the 'box price' being a mere $5 (first month sub costs $5 more) and they lower the pay wall further by offering the first 3 months subscription at a discount. Expansions are free. Everything is paid for by subscriptions. EVE is 10 years old and has more subs now than it ever has.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Could be worse, they don't offer any subscription model and only have a cash shop with .99cent to save your toon as a permanent save/start after a short tutorial of the game. You can create as many toons you want but will cost you .99cent per toon. Worse still, .99 cent to unlock lvl 10-20, .99cent again lvl 20-30, etc. Guild creation... .99cent, unlock guild member limit from 25-50.... .99cent.
Think you get the point.


I'm sure the people attending will receive beta access, who knows when they'll be able to access the beta though.

Also, Domino is back at SoE and on EQ next.
Huh, she didn't last long at Trion. She was well-loved while she was at SOE so it's good to hear she's back all the same.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Huh, she didn't last long at Trion. She was well-loved while she was at SOE so it's good to hear she's back all the same.
She said she resigned last month, she wasn't axed.

For those who haven't heard already: last month I resigned from Trion, and accepted a producer role on SOE's upcoming project EQNext. I'm super excited about the project, and very touched and grateful that so many people seem so happy to welcome me back. I had no idea so many people even knew who I was, let alone would have so many kind words. ? I can't wait to help make this game amazing!


She said she resigned last month, she wasn't axed.
Wasn't trying to imply she was.


What exactly does her producer role entail and what happened to the guy she replaced? Seems pretty late in the game to be changing that kind of stuff up?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Producer is a catch all term. It can mean anything from getting funding, hiring people, running things to making coffee and cleaning the bathrooms.

Given her experience, I'm sure she is higher up the food chain than coffee girl.


Silver Knight of the Realm
What exactly does her producer role entail and what happened to the guy she replaced? Seems pretty late in the game to be changing that kind of stuff up?
Not sure, I do know she worked a lot on tradeskill quests/quests in eq2 and eventually became an associate producer on the game. People change positions a lot at SoE, so hard to tell what this really means.


Trakanon Raider
Not sure, I do know she worked a lot on tradeskill quests/quests in eq2 and eventually became an associate producer on the game. People change positions a lot at SoE, so hard to tell what this really means.
Oh yeah, that's right; she did tradeskill stuff for a while. I never really cared about that stuff, but I recall that people who did do crafting really liked her. Certainly can't hurt to have her on EQN.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Oh yeah, that's right; she did tradeskill stuff for a while. I never really cared about that stuff, but I recall that people who did do crafting really liked her. Certainly can't hurt to have her on EQN.
Yeah, everyone liked her, she was also very much involved with the community.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
I do wish it was suggested in the preview for the event that there'd be some time w/ the game on the floor or beta access for attendees, would probably get me to go just for that.