EQ Never

Lore? What lore? What is it about wielding a sword that makes your respawn point only available in a city? What about wielding a staff means this same mystical respawn point can be anywhere?

Explain yourself.
think i edited this when you were replying at first:

you know why man, because they could. you dealt with it and created your own fun in a world created by someone else.

also magic users have a stronger affinity with the netherworld and upon death their souls can be returned to a place of their choosing provided that they had cast the appropriate spell in the area. cities and towns which include a guilds devoted to magic bind their affinity to the netherworld through these guilds and allow non magic users to return to the city upon their death.


Trump's Staff
think i edited this when you were replying at first:
Ah ya that's what happens... Sorry I missed it.

Ya I remember that argument from back in the day too, and it really never held water for me then. Its old logic from PnP games. Yes, you could make an argument for inconveniencing melee classes from this 'lore' perspective, but what did it add to gameplay?

In my opinion, nothing except frustration.


Trump's Staff
Lol, quite the declaration.
That it is, but can you disagree with it? :p

Imagine showing the EQ players whining about death penalties and forced player interaction mechanics in 1999 a summary of how MMORPGs are made now in 2013... I think they'd stfu, don't you?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not really. The people who wanted that stuff either never left EQ or went back to it or other games like it. That still leaves the huge majority of the market still thinking the same thing they were then(especially as most of them are now older, with families and a lot less time).

Nostalgia and "my first mmo" drive most people's rose colored glasses, not actually missing certain mechanics and design.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This never made sense to me, and it was absolutely horrible being a warrior. Especially in my noob years when I was trying to run across the Karanas all the time. I had no SoW, no invisibility, no benefits to traveling, AND I couldn't bind myself unless it was in a city. If anything, casters should have had the restriction and melees should have been able to bind anywhere if they could find a caster to do it for them. Not that that would have made sense, or would have been smart game design, but it would have been better.
Heh. The harshness that EQ put on melee for certain things was one of it charms imo. I was stuck in a Velious dragon dungeon wing for 3 days once because I crashed during the raid and was stuck at the foot of the named, with nobody able to get to me. It's been a long time so not sure why I was bound there and didn't have a gate potion. But I do remember logging on every few hours to beg for help and everyone in the guild laughing at me.

Those 3 days sucked but it is memories like that in EQ that stayed with me to this day. While I remember almost nothing in any other mmo.

edit: It's human nature to laugh at misery, even our own. Wile E. Coyote falling to his doom at the bottom of a canyon all the time was what made the Road Runner cartoon epic. Not the Road Runner winning.


Molten Core Raider
I think people would mostly agree that things have gotten to watered down these days. Another problem is that there is a severe lack of variety in MMOS. Everything is trying to be WoW. And then WoW itself keeps watering itself down.

I think it's pretty fucking brave of SOE to actually try to make a sandbox EverQuest. Someone trying something new.


Registered Hutt
As far as the "should there be instancing?" thing, I still think phasing has a lot more potential for awesome. Instancing isn't nearly as necessary as it once was if you get into phasing. Bioware tried it, but they fucked up with a lot of shit. Part of the issue with WoW is that they sometimes use phasing to give you less content, not more. I'd like to see phased world bosses and dungeons. I'd like to see entire zones changed during raid events for the benefit of everyone. So rather than running away from raid events because raid mobs will shit on your group, you get unique shit from the stuff you're already doing. On the other hand they and their event are phased so you can't grief them and vice versa. I'd like them to still be visible though, and that's one of the issues of WoW's implementation I'm frustrated with.

The only small comparison I have to this is when you killed Ony and Nef in vanilla WoW, when you turned their head in for the quest reward it visibly hung above the gates of Stormwind/Orgrimmar, and anyone in the respective city got the dragonslayer buff that was AWESOME and lasted 2 hours. If someone killed the dragons you may have heard of it while out leveling in the boonies, and you'd hop on a griffin/wyvern to get back to the city for the buff.


Fuck raiding anyway.

Raiding is for people who suck. Here's how it works. You are johnny noobcake, level 2 ranger. It takes you months to reach level 10, then many more months to reach 20. You finally start getting in groups and slog your way through the 30's, and you start sucking a bit less and getting the hang of a few things. Eventually, you slog your way through the 40's too. Then kunark comes out and suddenly you have a whole bunch of new grinds to do, and some really deadly dungeons. You only went to Karnor's Castle a few times and died horribly, died so bad travelling through Burning Woods you nearly lost your corpse after dying and rage quitting. In Chardok you fell in a hole and had to pay for a necro to summon you outta there. And sebilis requires a key, that's gay.

But that's where raiding comes in. You get in to a few pickup raids and you don't really have to do anything... You meet up with the army of people at the wiz spires and some kind wiz ports you all up there. You just hang around at the back while some uber people pull the mobs to the group. You press your hotkey and just stay quiet at the back. It takes many weekends, but eventually, you have a raid bow, raid weapons, and some raid armor. People recognize your name as you are now part of "teh raid scene" and you eventually manage to join a guild full of other people just like you. The guild has about 100 people and they can do their own raids, all organized by a few super stressed guild leaders, shouting at all you plebs like gunnery sergeant hartman.

But that's ok. You just go with the flow, and before you know it, you have a full set of the best gear in the game. And now places like Karnor's Castle don't seem so bad any more! You might only be a ranger but your gear is so good now you can practically tank! And your weapons are so good you can engage auto attack and go afk and still do good dps. The world is your oyster. You still haven't even seen a lot of it, and most of the good stuff you have seen after basically engaging cheat codes, but still, you have raid gear and that means you are elite.
Maybe that's how it works in everquest but the only thing hardcore about guilds in that game was the hours, there's no such thing as floating through real raid content these days.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think people would mostly agree that things have gotten to watered down these days. Another problem is that there is a severe lack of variety in MMOS. Everything is trying to be WoW. And then WoW itself keeps watering itself down.

I think it's pretty fucking brave of SOE to actually try to make a sandbox EverQuest. Someone trying something new.
I agree to a point.

But I don't think its as black and white as a lot of people seem to think.

There's some things from EQ that seemed to have been forgotten yet were awesome and other things that were just stupid and only provided frustration, annoyance and dislike.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Maybe that's how it works in everquest but the only thing hardcore about guilds in that game was the hours, there's no such thing as floating through real raid content these days.
You never played on a FFA server.

There isn't a script ever written that compares to the tactics of another guild trying to steal your raid boss (or visa versa).


Elisha Dushku
As far as the "should there be instancing?" Phthing, I still think phasing has a lot more potential for awesome.
Phasing is dynamic weaksauce. I'd rather have a truly dynamic world, fortunately that's supposedly what we're getting.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
"dynamic" is really becoming just another PR buzzword, if it already isn't one.

Imo the only true dynamic content you can put into a game is pvp based and then its not really content, but just "rules" and the players create the content via pvp.

PVE just doesn't have the exponential variety and flexibility pvp does.


You never played on a FFA server.

There isn't a script ever written that compares to the tactics of another guild trying to steal your raid boss (or visa versa).
Was pretty much talking about pve but your post still rebuts qwertys retarded stance on raiding.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It was a pve server, we just didnt' have any interference from GM's because it was consensual FFA. Trains and all. The rotations never worked so the GM's gave up trying to police us.

But as you say, even that refutes qwerty's post.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Rofl that's it? And all the people who were just waiting for that crap.

I am worried about all the people who have turned SOE from the devil to their now savior.