EQ Never


Golden Knight of the Realm
That's probably why some people are upset. They said "Give us X, we will then give you Y". Instead they got X,but gave Z.

If you have these kind of stretch goals with a reward, its probably a good idea to have the reward ready to go or at least give a time-frame in the original announcement.
They wanted EQ1 back, looks like they got it?


Elisha Dushku
Your missing the point. The point is that this is the FIRST thing they have promised us. If you do this for us, we will do that for u. So we beef up there promotion hoping for just a little "something" of a glance of "something" like they said. And they flat out gave everyone the finger. If you don't see my point don't quote my shit, your just a retard.
Relax buddy.

1. First thing was the painting.
2. This is hardly giving 'everyone the finger'
3. Full reveal is in 9 days.


Trump's Staff
So wait... Kobold is a playable race? So what's that supposed to be? A double kick in the balls?


Relax buddy.

1. First thing was the painting.
2. This is hardly giving 'everyone the finger'
3. Full reveal is in 9 days.
Do you work for SOE or? For someone whos been following this game since 2009 and begging for something after EQ2 that would be playable for more than a month without maxing out and having nothing to do, this video was suppose to give us something BEFORE Aug 2 or your 9 days it was a teaser and we got straight rolled. I"ve been waiting to see this game on a level of code red for like fucking 6 months since they(u) have been blasting all these comments about how the game is on the level of a golden unicorn, tell me there's no finger.... say it again... RICK ROLL. SOE straight shitting on ppl straight out of the gate before the game is even released. I swear to god if I didn't <3 eq1 so much I wouldn't care. But if this game sucks... mmo's are doomed for how many years? What am I going to play wildstar....lol? Fuck that.


So wait... Kobold is a playable race? So what's that supposed to be? A double kick in the balls?
Triple kick actually. That whole line about "so you can help us out" is probably a reference to player created content in the worst kind of way. I didn't think they would, but that makes it sound like they'll release something similar to Dungeon Maker and then just tell the players to make all their content before release.


Elisha Dushku
Triple kick actually. That whole line about "so you can help us out" is probably a reference to player created content in the worst kind of way. I didn't think they would, but that makes it sound like they'll release something similar to Dungeon Maker and then just tell the players to make all their content before release.
Whatever it is, it won't be anything like Dungeon Maker.

@Rolx cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Triple kick actually. That whole line about "so you can help us out" is probably a reference to player created content in the worst kind of way. I didn't think they would, but that makes it sound like they'll release something similar to Dungeon Maker and then just tell the players to make all their content before release.
What a fucking brilliant idea. Release beta, put in dungeon maker.. let players do the work for free, then launch said dungeons at launch... amazing. You should work for soe they would maky more money prob.


Whos going to create the first real sandbox... Where players design the whole game for companies, all they have to do is sit back and nerf stuff. Players design monsters, players design zones, players create lore... they accept / reject the best/worst without having to put out any money to pay some nerd to do it. Just an open plot of endless landscapes no cities no nothing.. just give like 100000 ppl the skills to level up to make tools then build the world. Then companies wouldn't have to do anything. There just the "god" creating adam.


Elisha Dushku
Awesome convo, but seeing that you hate fps so much makes me know your bad. And thats that.
1. It's you're. Your is possessive: your house. You're is a contraction: you are bad/you're bad.
2. FPS has no place in an MMORPG, particularly EQN.