EQ Never


Trump's Staff
Meh, I've been wanting to make my own dungeons to play through for years. I just hope the tools are useful and powerful.


Elisha Dushku
Haha what Brad?

Don't have an Aradune jpg handy... But this'll do.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Meh, I've been wanting to make my own dungeons to play through for years. I just hope the tools are useful and powerful.
It will all be canned. If anyone has design experience, imagine basically having a tool which will place canisters and loot chests with a right click on a preloaded overhead map.

So much fun... Its... EMERGENT!

(4 people have already left leaving these idiot managers)


Elisha Dushku
For good measure you can tell us what three cities Georgeson visited for EQNext reveal prep given that SOE only has studios in two cities (SD/Austin).

David Georgeson ?@DaveGeorgeson 10 Jul
@DaveGeorgeson errr..three cities. Coming home doesn't count.

David Georgeson ?@DaveGeorgeson 10 Jul
I just flew 6165.9 miles, visiting four cities in two days to help our team prep things so Aug 2nd goes spectacularly. Yeehah!
Edit: Hat Trick.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Bob is dubious. Very dubious.
Not really dude Some guy before asked me how I profited from all shit knowledge.

I don't.

I wont ever.

I come here and post it.

I have no agenda, if I did.... I would open an Utnayan blog.... God knows, as well as anyone here, I could.

But you know? in the last 8 years I have been posting here, I have called out the bullshit of these people. [Including Requiem..$10 ...That's the reason why I was banned. Bcause I called out his ad shit)

I will continue to call it out.
I have insight for all of it. And if it saves a few bucks, good. If I get shit because some idiot internet moron thinks I am trying to make a name for myself, well, fuck you.

I will never open a blog. I will never open a site. I will never profit. I just tell the truth.

To all,1_ tad10 is an obvious shill on this one. 2) Fuck the guy. It will be buy to play anyway. 3) Our genre where gaming meant something,... its gone....


Mr. Poopybutthole
Confirmed drunk.

I'll extrapolate: Tad10, even if I think he is fucking ludicrous on some of his stances, is borderline dead on about EQ:N expectation wise. People can "hope" for different shit, but what we are going to get is a combination of what has come before combined with player made content and SANDBOX! related stuff. He isn't delirious or posting otherwise, even if he is posting a shit-ton with a total lack of information and next to no speculation on his part. Shill, Tad10? Nope. If anything, you are anti-shilling for pretty much no reason.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
For good measure you can tell us what three cities Georgeson visited for EQNext reveal prep given that SOE only has studios in two cities (SD/Austin).

Edit: Hat Trick.
Hat Trick for what you idiot? Maybe the moron should talk more about the game....

Oh wait...

(When money should be spent more on development after 5 stop starts then marketing.... news at 11... from 2008)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not at all. You're just fuckstick.

Nice try.
I'll bite. You disagree with any stance I've taken because...? Please tell me it has something to do with mechanics, which is 99.99% of my posts in any mmorpg related train of thought. If you are disagreeing because of .01 of my posts, I'm gonna have to say you're being silly. I have no illusions about what EQ:N is going to be. Your rage-filled posting, however, makes me think immediately of a drunken spurned lover who just wants to hate-fuck everything while still calling it trash. Calm down dude, you are regressing from the knowledgeable and sensible UT that has spawned since they banned/rebanned/banned again you from the FoHboards, and I called your rebirth good even back then. Don't go nutzo again, k?


Elisha Dushku
To all,1_ tad10 is an obvious shill on this one. 2) Fuck the guy. It will be buy to play anyway. 3) Our genre where gaming meant something,... its gone....
I am pointing out to you that very weird shit is going on with respect to the EQN reveal. No MMO company has ever been this secretive about a reveal and I'm sure every SOE employee (or former employee) is under an extremely nasty NDA. So no, I don't think you or Flipmode or anyone else has a real grasp on what EQN will be like. Yes, a little true information has trickled out (Flipmode correctly called Kobolds as a playable race) emphasis on little. Expect some surprises on Aug 2d.

@Mr. Creedy - maybe one, not all three.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'll bite. You disagree with any stance I've taken because...? Please tell me it has something to do with mechanics, which is 99.99% of my posts in any mmorpg related train of thought. If you are disagreeing because of .01 of my posts, I'm gonna have to say you're being silly. I have no illusions about what EQ:N is going to be. Your rage-filled posting, however, makes me think immediately of a drunken spurned lover who just wants to hate-fuck everything while still calling it trash. Calm down dude, you are regressing from the knowledgeable and sensible UT that has spawned since they banned/rebanned/banned again you from the FoHboards, and I called your rebirth good even back then. Don't go nutzo again, k?
Then I saw this...

I'll extrapolate: Tad10, even if I think he is fucking ludicrous on some of his stances, is borderline dead on about EQ:N expectation wise. People can "hope" for different shit, but what we are going to get is a combination of what has come before combined with player made content and SANDBOX! related stuff. He isn't delirious or posting otherwise, even if he is posting a shit-ton with a total lack of information and next to no speculation on his part. Shill, Tad10? Nope. If anything, you are anti-shilling for pretty much no reason.
You win?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Three substantive posts in a row without any intervening posts despite other active posters.

Get with the program.
Here is your check. Have a nice night.

PS:Rezz... Tell Sage to knock it off already.