EQ Never


Trump's Staff
Oooooh doing Q&A Ut?

What's the combat style? Races/classes? How far along is it? What continents are there and what's the world like? PvP? Raids? Instancing?



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oooooh doing Q&A Ut?

What's the combat style? Races/classes? How far along is it? What continents are there and what's the world like? PvP? Raids? Instancing?

For EQ next?


Elisha Dushku
No. Lets talk about Bob. How is he? I mean, your buddy, here in this thread.

I guess he was a guy that liked EQ and WOW?

(What the fuck?)
I'd rather figure out how much you've had to drink tonight. Is this you, Ut?



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Lets go ahead and answer Quaid's question... Tad you seem to be awfully angry at the truth...

Quaid: Combat style: 1`..2...3..4... for specials. To make it more action-y, left click for a ... well, worthless attack.... as you and a few in this thread know! races... Same as EQ. Classes. Doesn't matter. You pick up an item, you are THAT class.

OOPS.... Maybe I gave away too much with that last part.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The LOTRO problem: cool world, the epic questlines were interesting (though the myriad of kill 10 x quests weren't) but the combat was pure meh.
Pretty much exactly. The mix of queued/instant and strange cooldown timers between them was just jarring after having felt the fluidity that was Vanilla WoW. Even EQ and FFXI felt more responsive, which when you have a hotbar is absolutely pathetic. Rift initially looked like it was swinging the right way, but the whole moddable class thing became more of a liability than something truly awesome. They took the concept of rotations that WoW started to lean on and went full retard with it, to the point where as a Warrior you could literally make 2-3 macros and be top DPS in raid fights. That is the pendulum swinging way the fuck the wrong way hah. WAR actually had fairly responsive combat and a cool concept/world (imo, I <3 GamesWorkshop IPs) but the game simply didn't work in many aspects.

My meat and potatoes is and has always been the mechanics. I really hope that they at least sort of get into them a bit during the Keynote and don't just drop shitloads of buzzwords to coincide with pre-rendered footage =/ I'm in for at -least- a month+ with FFXIV:ARR at this point, but when EQ:N releases next year, I still want it to be something worth playing. Because SKs.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The mix of queued/instant and strange cooldown timers between them was just jarring after having felt the fluidity that was Vanilla WoW. Even EQ and FFXI felt more responsive, which when you have a hotbar is absolutely pathetic.
Am I reading a thesis or playing a fucking video game.


Holy fuck. That post really just happened. I hope you people are not this stupid.


Trump's Staff
Lets go ahead and answer Quaid's question... Tad you seem to be awfully angry at the truth...

Quaid: Combat style: 1`..2...3..4... for specials. To make it more action-y, left click for a ... well, worthless attack.... as you and a few in this thread know! races... Same as EQ. Classes. Doesn't matter. You pick up an item, you are THAT class.

OOPS.... Maybe I gave away too much with that last part.
Oh good god tell me classes aren't tied to weapons


Mr. Poopybutthole
Am I reading a thesis or playing a fucking video game.


Holy fuck. That post really just happened. I hope you people are not this stupid.
Did you play LOTRO? Compared to contemporary games? The combat was fucking clunky and it borderline copied directly abilities from previous games but put them in a clunky ass combat system that had strange as fuck timing attached to it. This isn't new information UT. It isn't which director is fucking which project lead and how they are both inferior, but it is a pretty well known and accepted fact about LOTRO.

How drunk are you? Secondary Edit: They have improved combat by leaps and bounds. But if you played in the first year or two of release, you -should- have been angry as fuck that someone actually got paid to implement their combat system. It was goddamn atrocious compared to contemporary systems. It wasn't strategic or anything similar. It was still whack-a-mole spam, but it relied partially on animation and partially on cooldown to create a weird ass amalgam that did not feel "good" in any way/shape/form. Going to just assume you didn't play it and aren't familiar with how removed it felt from actually playing the game.

Edit: Quaid - Most likely he is referring to abilities/skills being linked to equipment. Another idea I am going to imagine they stole from me! Otherwise they are directly copying FFXIV's initial version, let alone copying its reborn version 2 years later, and still releasing at a later date. They might not have the innovative chops that I would like them to have, but shameless pirates calling theft innovation they most likely are not.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Good can be subjective. I agree with an earlier post by either convo or flipmode - whatever eqn is, it isn't eq1 redux or vg redux. That's why I worry about shit like action-oriented combat. For some people on this thread EQ lore + action rpg combat = orgasm. For me, not so much. As Zehn, DMX, Draegen, Rezz, et. al. have commented no matter what gets revealed on the 2d maybe 1/2 the thread will cheer and the other 1/2 will be out for Butler & co.'s blood.
That's pretty much a given. I'm just hoping I will be in the cheering half.

... the odds and TTH/MMORPG/Massively accolades suggest that it is at least decent and given the state of the industry decent is enough to a big deal. Vanilla WoW was never better than decent and that plus the WoW IP made Blizzard billions. The WoW IP is an order of magnitude larger than the EQ IP but that still means tens or hundreds of millions for SOE.

Now it is true that TTH/MMORPG and Massively could be blowing smoke out of their respective arses but the probability of that lowers with each successive accolade. The only person who has seen EQN and didn't seem to give a shit about it was the suit from Curse, which I would normally credit except the guy in the interview gave off the impression that he didn't give a shit about anything ever, so tough call.
I think you give them too much credit. If SOE told them to suck cock in their reviews for an early, legitimate view at EQN during E3, they would trip over each other to get on their knees. Simply because it would get them a ton of traffic, no matter what their actual opinions on the game, and that's what they are after. You can always spin it later if the game turns out bad.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Here it is in a nutshell.

You will create your own content.... ala architect.

Whoever downloads it and plays it, you will be allocated "sony coins" to spend on inventory QoL items or whatever they put on the cash shop. Why make content when the players do it for you!

Sandbox Baby!


PS: Real developers are pissed because in SOE land it makes their job seem trivial.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Ut's drunken posts are confirming bad jokes/concepts I have posted previously. Not sure if I should worry for him or for Sony =\


Elisha Dushku
Here it is in a nutshell.

You will create your own content.... ala architect.

Whoever downloads it and plays it, you will be allocated "sony coins" to spend on inventory QoL items or whatever they put on the cash shop. Why make content when the players do it for you!

Sandbox Baby!


PS: Real developers are pissed because in SOE land it makes their job seem trivial.
We already knew this. Crafters will be able to download player made items to use in their crafting. So Bob Ross can, for example, create a kite shield (assuming no Sony made Kite shields are available) and then Jr. Ross can buy that and use it in crafting a Shield +1 of Vorpal Resistance, possibly altering colors but not textures.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
We already knew this. Crafters will be able to download player made items to use in their crafting. So Bob Ross can, for example, create a kite shield (assuming no Sony made Kite shields are available) and then Jr. Ross can buy that and use it in crafting a Shield +1 of Vorpal Resistance, possibly altering colors but not textures.

But this goes to content too. Less effort, more money.

Not that bad of an idea.... I mean why create content and pay those people when players will do it for free for cosmetic items? Or... STATION COINS!

Wait..... How far down are we doing?


Elisha Dushku
Ut's drunken posts are confirming bad jokes/concepts I have posted previously. Not sure if I should worry for him or for Sony =\
Ut isn't confirming anything. Supposedly classes are non-static but it takes a bit more than picking up a fiery avenger to become a Paladin.