EQ Never


I registered just to add that EQ Next is an abortion of a game.

I see a lot of effort to rationalize the poor game design into something that might work IF it works like theory A, B, C. The foundation of your game shouldnt be ...well it sucks so far but if they do X, Y, Z it might not suck as bad. Most of the discussion seems to revolve around that concept. At best this is a title that should have been marketed as an Action RPG with no meaningful character development. To claim this Action RPG is revolutionary for MMO's is pure stupidity. All they did was make an Action RPG and then say how awesome this new MMORPG concept is. There is nothing revolutionary here at all.

-40 classes with 4 abilities each? How is that a class?
-No exp/no lvls/no skill based progression.... It is a light action RPG title with lots of fancy graphics to lure in the kids.
-Destructible environments.... BFD. I find the entire DigDug meets Battlefield/COD gameplay tedious to even think about.

I could just go on forever about how bad EQ Next is but simplay stating the obvious will not have any impact. They somehow think they are onto something.

The reason other recent mmo's failed that attempted to clone WoW is simply...why pay to play a WoW clone when you can play WoW. I get that they didnt want to be a WoW clone and that makes good sense...most people were looking forward to that. In the end though they tried too hard and in doing so made a game which perhaps might appeal to young console gamers but really offers little interest as a MMORPG.

Let's hope future game designers use this as a model reference on how arrogance and incompetence can sink your product.

Ill pass on this CF of a concept.
I reject this premise. From what info we have, I see plenty of MMORPG. This is not the first person, DIKU, zoned, mobs stand around, strict raiding schedule, tank cant pvp, MMO youre looking for(Although I would love EQ3 as well). That MMO is not going to come from a AAA studio.

I am an ol' school gamer who is looking forward to EQN for what they are attempting to make. Just the tiered zones potential is enough to pique interest. By release, there is going to be a lot of Everquest in Everquest Next.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I see a lot of effort to rationalize the poor game design into something that might work IF it works like theory A, B, C. The foundation of your game shouldnt be ...well it sucks so far but if they do X, Y, Z it might not suck as bad. Most of the discussion seems to revolve around that concept.
Well, the truth is we just don't know much. They told us a lot more than was shown to us.

I think it's just as bad to claim it's a complete failure with no possible way of being any good. I mean, I can understand if you don't like the style they're headed towards, but it's still possible for them to make that style work despite you disliking it.

-40 classes with 4 abilities each? How is that a class?
Weapon Abilities are also based on your class. So it's atleast 12 unique abilities per class, most likely (there may be some sharing of Weapon Abilities). Plus, we don't know for sure if classes will have more than 4 abilities to choose from despite only being able to use 4 Class Abilities at a time.

-No exp/no lvls/no skill based progression.... It is a light action RPG title with lots of fancy graphics to lure in the kids.
I'm not so sure. It's very possible that it could end up being a very shallow experience. But we really don't know enough specifics.

Tad seemed pretty convinced that it's going to take a lot of time and effort to become the 'best' anything, even if it's mostly horizontal progression over vertical progression.

-Destructible environments.... BFD. I find the entire DigDug meets Battlefield/COD gameplay tedious to even think about.
I think it will be very gimmicky most of the time. However, I think it's mostly going to come into play in their crafting system. Also, because of the ability to dig through the world, it also opens up the idea of a multi-layered zone, which is a pretty interesting concept.

I'm sorry you dislike it. Maybe there is hope they will create an EverQuest HD if Landmark does well enough.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
I registered just to add that EQ Next is an abortion of a game.

I see a lot of effort to rationalize the poor game design into something that might work IF it works like theory A, B, C. The foundation of your game shouldnt be ...well it sucks so far but if they do X, Y, Z it might not suck as bad. Most of the discussion seems to revolve around that concept. At best this is a title that should have been marketed as an Action RPG with no meaningful character development. To claim this Action RPG is revolutionary for MMO's is pure stupidity. All they did was make an Action RPG and then say how awesome this new MMORPG concept is. There is nothing revolutionary here at all.

-40 classes with 4 abilities each? How is that a class?
-No exp/no lvls/no skill based progression.... It is a light action RPG title with lots of fancy graphics to lure in the kids.
-Destructible environments.... BFD. I find the entire DigDug meets Battlefield/COD gameplay tedious to even think about.

I could just go on forever about how bad EQ Next is but simplay stating the obvious will not have any impact. They somehow think they are onto something.

The reason other recent mmo's failed that attempted to clone WoW is simply...why pay to play a WoW clone when you can play WoW. I get that they didnt want to be a WoW clone and that makes good sense...most people were looking forward to that. In the end though they tried too hard and in doing so made a game which perhaps might appeal to young console gamers but really offers little interest as a MMORPG.

Let's hope future game designers use this as a model reference on how arrogance and incompetence can sink your product.

Ill pass on this CF of a concept.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
So then all this crying about no trinity is really people not understanding this (ignorance).
Well, not exactly.

The point is, the game can be either:

- Very easy: Not require any role whatsoever in a group to be able to kill a given mob (trivial "every ratonga for itself" DPS zerg scenario)
- Simple: Require combos of specific roles, not necessarily tank+heal, but one of which is sufficiently generalizable to most fights to be adopted by the player population (the "new trinity" scenario)
- Total hardcore: Requires different combos of specific roles, which differ heavily from fight to fight, and must be adapted dynamically to your group composition (the "fully dynamic strategy" scenario).

My point is, the 3rd possibility leads to tears from the average player. In any other game, at the point the average player realizes he needs to learn 20 different strategies according to what mob class he fights, and figure out beforehand which ones aren't possible with his current pick-up buddies, and ragequits, he has purchased your 60$ box, and maybe spent 1 or 2 months of $15 subs, so you're ahead. But in your Smedleyed F2P MMO, at that point, your average player has maybe spent 5$ buying an additional row of bank slots, and will flee without you having recouped any investment.

So, 3rd possibility is not an option. Given that the devs heavily hint that there's no dominating roles (i.e., not scenario 2), you end up with scenario 1 and GW2 Next when the inevitable nerfs occur during beta.

Or, being SOE, they may intend 3, and the gaming population will figure out how to do 2. /cheer us.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, not exactly.

The point is, the game can be either:

- Very easy: Not require any role whatsoever in a group to be able to kill a given mob (trivial "every ratonga for itself" DPS zerg scenario)
- Simple: Require combos of specific roles, not necessarily tank+heal, but one of which is sufficiently generalizable to most fights to be adopted by the player population (the "new trinity" scenario)
- Total hardcore: Requires different combos of specific roles, which differ heavily from fight to fight, and must be adapted dynamically to your group composition (the "fully dynamic strategy" scenario).
Why is it an all or nothing scenario?

They've said their AI is very scaleable. They can make roaming Orcs functionally retarded for Jimmy Casualandthey can make Lord Nagafen as smart as IBM Watson for Johnny Hardcore.

They say they want high risk vs high reward scenarios. We'll have to see exactly how this pans out, though.


Trakanon Raider
I won't play unless people who stupidly wander into vox's lair and agro her get frozen into blocks of voxel ice and left there forever.


Trakanon Raider
I won't play unless people who stupidly wander into vox's lair and agro her get frozen into blocks of voxel ice and left there forever.
Maybe the players are made of voxels too and you can chip away at them for permanent player model changes...
I'd love to see someone's leg get cut off and have to have a peg leg.
*you have found Creslin's Toe* -- Loot all


Trump's Staff
AI should be a pretty simple thing... Just set up NPC's to use an if/then system like FFXII's gambits and set em loose. Add another layer for sub routines and you're golden.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I wonder how smart they can really get the AI.
I'm not really sure. But beyond that, they could just really reduce the room for error, reduce the amount of reaction time, etc.

Oh you didn't move out of the Orc [Swing]?No problem! Maybe you'll get the hang of it after being hit 20 more times champ!

Didn't move out of Lord Nagafens [Breath of Infinite Infernos]?Your great grandkids are going to feel the burn.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Maybe the players are made of voxels too and you can chip away at them for permanent player model changes...
I'd love to see someone's leg get cut off and have to have a peg leg.
*you have found Creslin's Dick* -- Loot all
This is what you meant to type.


Elisha Dushku
But I can tell you right now if you get rid of Butler and Georgeson and get in a few people who can actually lead a team (rather than a team hating their guts) .
Who cares if Butler is an asshole? Christopher Nolan is an asshole but makes pretty good movies (DKR aside). What do you want? Someone who hugs a lot but makes shitty games? The only reason people read you is because you're an asshole, but an entertaining one.

EQN has a solid game design. My only objection is that it is not something I can play 8 hours at a time because action combat means no-downtime, and I personally like downtime. That said, it'll be huge, anyone thinking differently is an idiot, and oh yes that includes you Ut.


Molten Core Raider
EQN has a solid game design. My only objection is that it is not something I can play 8 hours at a time because action combat means no-downtime, and I personally like downtime. That said, it'll be huge, anyone thinking differently is an idiot, and oh yes that includes you Ut.
I think I agree with Tad mostly.

That said, if they said tomorrow you can pre-order the collectors edition for $119.99 with early beta access would any of you buy in with what you have seen so far?