EQ Never

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Is that the case with this game, this lore, this world? If race plays a significant role in the game you experience then I would agree multiple starting cities but if choice of race is more flavor than anything else what's the point. I understand that under normal circumstances Dark Elves are evil(ish) but in this universe does this apply?
Seeing as they appear to be designed to be the anthesis to the elves proper, I'd say yes. Look at the concept art, even the description notes about their hair seem to indicate they are at odds.


Avatar of War Slayer
Not silly at all. What would be even cooler is if NPC behavior changed depending on the weather as well, via StoryBricks. Although that might be being a little too hopeful.
yeah. I mean, I've talked about it before. I fucking LOVE the idea of a sim mmo. True npc interaction. weather, etc you name it.
I was so excited in wow beta, 20min into playing, running up to Dun Morogh, and you see these snow leopards. And the Leopards will attack the "critters" in the area. Rabbits. As well as players, and Dwarf npcs. (cant remember if they are hostile to the boars in the area as well). They also, avoided the road, but if they did get too close to the road, the patrolling Guards would attack the Leopards. This was unfortunately, basically the most complex npc interaction in the game. Go to Elwynn, and the spiders do not attack the murlocs, nor kobolds, despite the doodads of kobalds in the spiders cocoons.

Predators should behave like predators. Social packs, lone hunters, or what have you. Spiders should attack everything that enter their "web". Cats, should follow npcs, and attack ones that are smaller then they are..

The problem here is where is the GAME in all this. And how does throwing in 2000 players into the mix change the ecology? Players invariably strip mine, and/or cause mass extinctions. and as for the game. Minecraft, dwarf fortress, simearth, etc, are not exactly conclusive to raids.

Generally when I talk about things like this in a game, I separate this into a totally different format. More like UO. focus on merchants, crafting, etc. Particularly with advances ala minecraft, DF, etc.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Is that the case with this game, this lore, this world? If race plays a significant role in the game you experience then I would agree multiple starting cities but if choice of race is more flavor than anything else what's the point. I understand that under normal circumstances Dark Elves are evil(ish) but in this universe does this apply?
We're not sure, because SOE dodged the question at one of the panels (listen until 13:55).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNSQg...tailpage&t=768

The elves have a different origin than they did in EQ1.

EQN's Gods will also be very different:http://www.eqnextfans.com/news/25360...everquest-next


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I have a different theory about the 1 starting city. What do you think 90% of the population is going to do upon first playing this game? Thats right, start digging a hole in the first patch of ground they see, or start wrecking any building in a 2 mile radius just because they can. So, if you contain all the damage of people figuring out the game and messing around with the physics of the world into a single smallish area, then by the time the novelty of plowing through walls with whirlwind wears off, hopefully people won't be so quick to destroy the first glimpse of City of Mist just because they can. With multiple cities you'd have the noob damage spread out much greater than condensing it in 1 starter city.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
What do you think 90% of the population is going to do upon first playing this game?
On the PvP Server? Attacking the first AFK person they see while making this face with SOEmote.



Trakanon Raider
one starting city for all races is lazy, shitty programming. seriously, you're telling me it's doable in the original EQ in 1999 but somehow would be too taxing to do it in 2013 and beyond? the depths at which the people posting here will go to defend the devs at sony is truly pathetic. they had a chance to make a truly epic next gen EQ game, and they are doing whatever they can to fuck it up, and that's the truth of it. they are shitting in your mouths and calling it a sundae, and you are letting them.


Screw starting cities. If EQN is taking place right after the exodus, I want to start a new toon in a tier 5 zone and have to work to get to where I need to be to progress.


I'm starting to think that Qeynos is a Rallying Cry. That's why it's one city at launch. Well, that and the lore explaining that the remnants of the Combine left Kunark (I guess they sailed east to Antonica/Tunaria/Amaril). So figure late alpha, early beta the devs will start the Qeynos Rallying Cry and players who test the game will be building Qeynos.

Then you get to launch, and all those folks will have missed out on the "founding of Qeynos", so the game will start a new Rallying Cry: Halas. Maybe the one after that will be Ogguk. The point is, Qeynos will be the only city at launch on every server, but it won't be the only city in the game ever. Over time more cities will be built via Rallying Cry, and I'm guessing that a year or two after launch you'll be able to start your new character in any of those cities.


Golden Baron of the Realm
one starting city for all races is lazy, shitty programming. seriously, you're telling me it's doable in the original EQ in 1999 but somehow would be too taxing to do it in 2013 and beyond? the depths at which the people posting here will go to defend the devs at sony is truly pathetic. they had a chance to make a truly epic next gen EQ game, and they are doing whatever they can to fuck it up, and that's the truth of it. they are shitting in your mouths and calling it a sundae, and you are letting them.
I think most people here are very skeptical at this moment but how can you be so judgmental of a game you've never even played to form an opinion on? Maybe wait a bit till you see more info released, game footage, reports from people who you respect their opinion that have been in beta etc. etc. etc.


I think most people here are very skeptical at this moment but how can you be so judgmental of a game you've never even played to form an opinion on? Maybe wait a bit till you see more info released, game footage, reports from people who you respect their opinion that have been in beta etc. etc. etc.
You from reddit bro?


I still see people on other forums posting "I'm sure they're much farther along than we think. We are going to see beta for EQN shortly after beta for Landmark."



Mr. Poopybutthole
one starting city for all races is lazy, shitty programming. seriously, you're telling me it's doable in the original EQ in 1999 but somehow would be too taxing to do it in 2013 and beyond? the depths at which the people posting here will go to defend the devs at sony is truly pathetic. they had a chance to make a truly epic next gen EQ game, and they are doing whatever they can to fuck it up, and that's the truth of it. they are shitting in your mouths and calling it a sundae, and you are letting them.
It's funny how you make up this entire narrative in your head, that has absolutely no basis in reality. Too taxing? Who has ever claimed that?

If it's pathetic that people are defending the devs, then it's equally pathetic that you're doing all sorts of mental gymnastics to hate on them.

PS: They've already said there will be more than one starting area to spread out the population.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
One of my biggest concerns is how sandbox is the game really going to be? Breaking shit isn't a sandbox.. Hell I don't even know wtf a sandbox is at this point but I don't feel like EQN is it. If anything I worry it might have too much rail to it. How else will the players complete the rally calls to move the game in the direction the devs want? There is a scripted ending regardless of what players do. At least that's my understanding. So for now this is a Smedbox not a sandbox.

Not knowing all the class/combat and AI stuff its hard to make a solid prediction on how engaging and fun it will be.. Games have changed but AI really hasn't. I feel like we lost some really cool class abilities like FD pulling and such for no good reason. If you're going make a bunch of AE zones you may as well give us back the single pull dungeons with cool utility.


Sparkletot Monger
one starting city for all races is lazy, shitty programming. seriously, you're telling me it's doable in the original EQ in 1999 but somehow would be too taxing to do it in 2013 and beyond? the depths at which the people posting here will go to defend the devs at sony is truly pathetic. they had a chance to make a truly epic next gen EQ game, and they are doing whatever they can to fuck it up, and that's the truth of it. they are shitting in your mouths and calling it a sundae, and you are letting them.
There is no starting city... At least when the server first opens. At some point there will be multiple cities.

The entire premise of the game is you are returning to a continent laid waste and the originality of the game is that it is making you actively rebuild it and then maintain it. What about that is so difficult to understand.. The cities are there.. They are just waiting to be unlocked. How is that shitty programming? I think it's pretty badass.

Why the fuck do you need a starting city anyway? Quest hub? Merchant? There is nooooo other way those roles could be filled? Guess what.. Won't be yellow question marks over static npcs heads either. Your complaint over how everyone is going to do the same quests and have the same armor tells me you haven't read the info. Quests aren't how you are used to with static npcs and repeatable rewards. Quest givers are reactions to players actions. The quests are unlocked by how an npc perceives you and what you have done. Read up on storybricks. Cities are only necessary because you keep mentally framing the game as WoW II.

So if the quests and tasks given are, as SoE has said they will be, a combination of NPC desires in a changing environment, reaction to players action and a reaction to what the individual player needs, why do you need a starting city?

As far as players just starting to dig. So? Let them... They can either control the thickness of an area or flag areas indestructible. Additionally the respawn of materials is variable depending on the number of people in an area... So everyone in a highly populated area all digging will cause the ground to close up almost as soon as they stop digging. Really shouldn't be an issue.

And.. "Shitting in our mouths and calling it a sundae"? Really dude? Drama Queen much? When people write shit like this I wonder how out touch they could be. IT'S A FREE GAME. Holy fuck.

Do you know how much like this you sound?



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Guess what.. Won't be yellow question marks over static npcs heads either.

And.. "Shitting in our mouths and calling it a sundae"? Really dude? Drama Queen much? When people write shit like this I wonder how out touch they could be. IT'S A FREE GAME. Holy fuck.

Do you know how much like this you sound?
From Reddit /r/EQNext

From Dave Georgeson:

?We have this book called a Rohsong, and it has all kinds of tips and hints in it. We know what you?ve done in the past. We know that you?ve done a bunch of crafting or done a bunch of exploring or done a bunch of combat. And what we?re going to do through the Rohsong is give you tips and hints on how to get to more of the stuff that you have already shown us that you like to play. We?ll be guiding you into areas of the world where you might find that stuff.?

Sounds Just like a huge yellow mark to be honest. A book of tips and hints eh?

One thing I hoped for was a game where I had to figure my own stuff out, like WHERE I SHOULD GO. Not to have some little magical BOOK telling me what or where I should go.

Hard mode, PVP, Death Penalty, no TIPS server please.

Oh plus original Gnomes.