EQ Never


Elisha Dushku
large scale wars as in rally calls and fought and won as in predetermined outcome.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
You have to see the irony of all this. The developers have created a platform for their customers to develop a game they are supposed to make. It's genius from a business perspective but I don't understand why anyone would want this to be the future of gaming. It's like going in reverse. I should be pulling a $60k salary (pulled out of my ass) if I'm making content for a video game just like all the other mmo world developers.

This is cheaper than even using some shitty korean game developer. Somehow SOE has figured out an even cheaper way of making games than outsourcing. The most amazing part of all this is that if people say the content sucks.. guess what? YOU CAN ONLY BLAME YOURSELVES LOL!
True if they end up sitting on their Loral's!

I would like to know if the player contests are global across all servers or per server. Players on each server voting for their own stuff? Would pulling in a more dynamic feel if you have to switch servers and their cities are completely different from server to server.

Coworker has this view also on devs not doing anything as for creation with this, my counter was "UT....Maps!".

This was one of the earlier forms of player based content that hit big! Other games have been doing this of later also, STO and Neverwinter as examples. Sometimes you can get better stuff from players than game designers, hell even in coding the community comes out with mods or fixes for these games. Look at the ElderScolls series with players on modding.

The other case, they aren't going to just stop creating anything at all (assumption) but an option to have player stuff in the game. Sometimes not having deadlines, full plates and overworked life issues can open up others creativity with no or less limits. Its hard to fight against some homebody that has some OCD on temple design or that over-induced coffee addict grinding out content!

If you end up paying for the land and size you use then how is this not Second Life? Buy, sell items and rent/sell land for cash? Minecraft copy with Second Life options. This is turning into FRANKENQUEST!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Give me a Magic Carpet 2 Game with rideable fantasy monsters and wow gnome Gyrocopters and the voxel farm engine, and I think I could die a very happy gamer. Likely 3-4 days after it comes out from a lack of sleep. But I will be smiling.


Elisha Dushku

Audio interview with Georgeson. Good questions. Good answers.

-Never do same thing twice (repeated)
-MOBA-like combat
-Every situation will require different roles. You want a damage shielder, support role (buffs/occasional healer/teleport/movment abilities). Multi-classing will allow anyone to play any role, a group will designate who plays what role.
-Actual sorta discussion on combat
-Less looking for specific classes, more looking for people who are good handling different roles.
-Iron Golem is more than 1 group content.
-Crushbone has 1,000 of orcs.
-AI can adapt on the fly (if they're smart).
-May require multiple groups - up to you. Not a formalized raid in an instance. May need a force to "take it on" (editor's note: Fear Break?).
-No static content. You can't fight repeatable raids. Kill a dragon he is gone. Something else may replace eventually but would be different conditions.

-Weather systems not discussed. Weather of some sort will be in game.
-Evil/Good in same guild may have problems working together some days. Some future co-operation will be limited.
-Betrayal? Yes you can change your ways. May be a challenge depending on how deep the hole you've dug. May want to have an alt because you don't want to change your evil bastard character so you have to then roll up a good guy.
-EQN/L full blown persistant MMO. Free movement between/world (repeated). More coming (at gamescom?? not clear).
-Can transfer templates that adhere to art direction for EQN in addition to adventurer class - only thing he can mention right now (so more things going between the two games)
-Everyone wants to build Player Towns and Guild Halls for EQN. We want to support that.
-Again (x4) claims are not destroyable in EQN/L unless you give an asshole trustee rights.
-We will introduce things from EQN to EQN/L like combat and/or PvP - I am getting ahead of myself can't say more - can develope into something you don't expect.

Fun Question?
-EQN - using whirlwind was the most fun, drilling into the earth.
-EQN/L - dev team showing off to each other. That's when we decided to go with Landmark and made it it's own game.

Ed. Note - nice poster in background, wish that had been available at SOE Live.

Edit: After hearing this interview I am now seriously cravingWaffles. Also an EQN character named Waffles.



No static at all? Really? So when Nagafen is dead he'll never return and only one person will ever own a Cloak of Flames? Or the more likely scenario that loot like that won't be tied to a boss, I guess. I'm having a hard time comprehending how completely ruling outanystatic content is a good thing. I feel like this will prevent names like Nagafen from ever being a raid mob.


Elisha Dushku
No static at all? Really? So when Nagafen is dead he'll never return and only one person will ever own a Cloak of Flames? Or the more likely scenario that loot like that won't be tied to a boss, I guess. I'm having a hard time comprehending how completely ruling outanystatic content is a good thing. I feel like this will prevent names like Nagafen from ever being a raid mob.
More like Dragons like big caves so when Nagafen is dead, another dragon might take his place (since here is this nice big empty cave) or something else might fill up the cave (a bunch of slimes? whatever)

From the interview there are no more raiding X named mob raids. You can go with your group to kil Y type of mob raid. (Let's go find a dragon to kill, but you won't be able to kill and re-kill Nagafen).


More like Dragons like big caves so when Nagafen is dead, another dragon might take his place (since here is this nice big empty cave) or something else might fill up the cave (a bunch of slimes? whatever)

From the interview there are no more raiding X named mob raids. You can go with your group to kil Y type of mob raid. (Let's go find a dragon to kill, but you won't be able to kill and re-kill Nagafen).
I find myself at least somewhat forgiving compared to a lot of people but I still don't like the sound of this. Who would remember Nagafen if a new dragon took his place with each new group of adventurers that killed him?


Elisha Dushku
I find myself at least somewhat forgiving compared to a lot of people but I still don't like the sound of this. Who would remember Nagafen if a new dragon took his place with each new group of adventurers that killed him?
Might be an epic kill just to kill any dragon.


Elisha Dushku
I hope so. I hope it's designed to wax group after group and if a dragon is defeated, it better have left some permanent marks.
Yes, I want to know the death penalty.

With respect to difficulty, he seemed to indicate taking out Crushbone was going to be a multi-guild task. You'd have to think taking out a dragon should be equally as hard.


Trump's Staff
Between EQN, Titanfall, and EVE: Valkyrie in 2014... My free time is looking more and more spoken for.


Molten Core Raider
If they have epic kills, heck most group+ size kills, not drop items but rare, very rare, ultra rare, etc crafting materials used to create that tiers best gear then its no big deal if dragon A never comes back, but gets replaced by dragon B, or vampire A, or lich A, etc.

I think it could work better and be more realistic if you killed said dragon and then had tons of materials to craft cloaks, shields, armor, dragon toothed daggers, etc, etc. And that this would be how the best items are acquired. The epic raid would be down for 7,14, 28 days whatever and it would take that long if not longer to craft all the items. I know it is another pipe dream but it seems a more fantasy realistic (hehe) to me then killing a dragon and just finding gear.


Molten Core Raider
I might sound very negative, but can't see how this epic dragon fight won't turn into a slugfest like the dragons did in GW2, especially so since nothing is instanced. And if there's no connection to lore at all, i.e. the mob is called "Red Dragon of Doom A" and once he's dead, his brother B takes over, then the whole thing might be even less interesting than killing THE Nagafen once a week.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
What I am wondering is, how much of the game will be handcrafted and designed (regardless who did it, players or devs)? The landmass is supposed to be bigger then EQ1 and EQ2 combined. That's alot. Will they just design content like EQ1 had at launch, say a dozen dungeons and places and a dozen towns and their vicinity, and the rest of empty wilderness that is meant to be taken over by SB AI mobs to make their homes away from the slaughter? Or do they plan to handcraft all of that overworld and place their content (relic in the mine example) all over those square miles?

I'm curious if there will be memorable NPCs if each of them is a unique slowflake that's gone once you kill it. It would be awesome of monster reputations develop depending on what happens, like that red dragon that has beaten off every adventuring group so far for months. Of course, that requires very difficult content. Little Timmy will drag it all down just like Tad suspects.


If you enter a dragon lair and kill all the inhabitants, you'll end up with an empty lair. It'll remain empty until another NPC (that likes that sort of lair) moves in. It's not like you're going to be returning to the same lair to kill the same NPC, or even the same type of NPC, over and over again.

As for epic loots, they should do a two-tier approach. They need to have an instant gratification reward; something that you can use right away. They also need something like an investment reward; a piece of a greater (and better) reward. The instant reward could be something like the dragon carrying a key which opens the dragons vault that holds his dragon hoard of gold, resources, and artifacts. The dragon itself should drop dragon bits, like bone (for amor), teeth (for weapons), scales (for armor/shields), and so on.

The idea is that dragons hoard a lot of rare valuables, but you will end up making the really good stuff with the resources the dragon dropped.