EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I feel like the problem with the first three expansions, and Velious is the least offensive in this respect - is that the expansions are victims of everything being known. Theyre great for nostalgia, obviously. But the BIS's are known so well, even to people to that have never played another class, that nothing is a surprise anymore when it comes to knowing somethings value. With the Mischief Loot Ruleset, Ive seen some stuff that I had no idea existed. But I didnt know it existed for a reason - its garbage. If it dropped in my group 24 years ago, it was immemorable at best.

Then, on top of that, Classic and Kunark have such complete shit when it comes to itemization. Take Lustrous Russet for example, it made at least some semblance of common sense that pieces would have wisdom, or intelligence, on them. But when that whole suit of armor was annexed by the Warrior Class and renamed Indicolite, those stats no longer made any sense. Thats a specific situation, but loot as a whole during those two era's is just hot garbage. Thats WHY the BIS is so well known. Thats also why Classic and Kunark, in my opinion, kind of hits a brick wall with the Mischief Loot Ruleset. Why in the ever living fuck would I camp this moderate upgrade for 5-10 hours, "if" I can just go to a scheduled raid a few times, enjoy myself with the bros, and get my BIS? Velious still has this to a degree, but its dialed wayyyy tf down.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Honestly, the tower only served to make the loot situation even worse. This was fun for a bit to play but it wears thin very quickly. Mischief was new as an idea and thus the first go around was actually fun. This time I enjoyed the leveling enough but everyone knows everything and so there is no mystery at all. I wish they would have changed up the loot system some how to add back the mystery. With people making a living off Krono and since there is no mystery, everything is camped. I'll Log on sometimes to raid a bit or play with my Wife, but I do not have the desire to go all out like I thought I would. Its all been done.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Outside of like the PE hammer and a rogue weapon basically all the VP weapons should rot every time, even the first time you do VP. VP weapons are garbage.

And the SoW sword.

Rest no one cares about.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Tower completely ruined this servers economy from the get-go I think. On Mischief I had made upwards of like 8-10 krono just via normal selling of loot we got during the levelling process... But on this server with Kunark + Tower loot, nothing is worth anything, and the folks that knew to farm tower for thousands of plat per day have just marked everything up. Stupid. Nobody cares about loot for any slot available via tower, so I can see the playerbase dying off HARD very quickly.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
1kr selling price for 5 drops (currently, more coming soon) that make all gear in those slots irrelevant until PoP. Or just do it yourself in an hour or two for free.
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Trakanon Raider
It's crazy that this game is 25 years old and gear can have a bunch of random irrelevant numbers and people will STILL unironically think it's better then gear that has less numbers but useful ones like AC, ATK, Haste and focus effects.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

It wasn't zero DKP, we got OW Gore during that fracas. I got another VP sword I'm probably not gonna actually use.

I can't help feeling sour about GoD, as even without WoW, it would have still ended up causing me to quit. It's actually a pretty good expansion in modern days, tons of content.

I was a tester for GoD, and I vaguely recall us being ignored on everything aside from glaring bugs, meanwhile I was testing WoW, and they actually made use of good feedback (Blizzard of old, those were the days)

GoD on live must have been incredibly bad. I imagine 90% of the playerbase not being able to do any zones beyond Natimbi, raid-geared tanks getting steamrolled by random nocs, etc. Time-geared groups could probably actually move beyond Natimbi and do some Qinimi and maybe even take a look at Barindu! Then they get to Tipt/Vxed and get flattened by yard trash mobs that hit harder than PoTime Rallos.

I didn't do anything with GoD until like Fall 2005, a year and a half after it came out, and by then I guess they fixed most of that stuff, because it was a lot of fun content and very doable at that point. Clearing Uqua for the first time as a mid-level guild was an all-timer EQ memory.
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<Gold Donor>
It's crazy that this game is 25 years old and gear can have a bunch of random irrelevant numbers and people will STILL unironically think it's better then gear that has less numbers but useful ones like AC, ATK, Haste and focus effects.
The tower gear has ATK on it, and rumor is the next piece might have haste. Focus effects aren't in until Luclin, where hopefully we see some movement on the slots anyway.

edit: Funny seeing shit like the Heiro cloak only being useful while leveling. Thank god for random loot or I might not even have seen one this server.
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Toe Sucker
Im surprised heiro cloaks are trying to be sold for like 5k. I cant imagine dropping almost a krono on that when the tower shit exists even while leveling, specially when the iksar hide cape is like 700 max


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Im surprised heiro cloaks are trying to be sold for like 5k. I cant imagine dropping almost a krono on that when the tower shit exists even while leveling, specially when the iksar hide cape is like 700 max

Hierophant cloaks and superiority necks are still useful for your alts until they hit 55. Thus they still hold some value(I dont think they are worth what people pay for them though). They will crash eventually, as the leveling market shrinks and shrinks.

Hierophant already falling below a kr, necks are still going for 1 though.


Golden Squire
Tower items have completely killed Teek excitement IMO. Sitting at Int Stat Cap (298/255) as a level 55 wizard with 5 tower items and shitty ass gear. Just need a mana robe and beat kunark .. 4300 mana at level 55 lawl with 4 pieces of gear naked and not optimized mana gear substitute for the over cap int.

What a dumb dumb decision to have this 55 shit in the game for new tlp.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Tower items have completely killed Teek excitement IMO. Sitting at Int Stat Cap (298/255) as a level 55 wizard with 5 tower items and shitty ass gear. Just need a mana robe and beat kunark .. 4300 mana at level 55 lawl with 4 pieces of gear naked and not optimized mana gear substitute for the over cap int.

What a dumb dumb decision to have this 55 shit in the game for new tlp.
I mean, at least now we can actively gear for resists without neutering our characters. Or, in the other slots, find the +HP/+Mana gear that would normally be +Int instead. Ill work my way around it. But in general, I've found gearing casters isnt near as enjoyable to do as it is gearing a melee. My warrior was infinitely more fun to gear on Mischief because I could see an actual difference in how much damage I did, or had done to me. Gearing my enchanter and.. Im like.. Great, I can cast one more spell before going OOM now. I agree with whoever said it earlier, the focus effects would have made gearing a caster a lot more interesting.


Toe Sucker
if you non-casual raider fellas wanna sell a woven shadow chest and/or the shaman legs lmk how much and ill parcel ya


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Melee has always been more satisfying to gear then casters. Especially weapons.

Reason twink melee are so fun and twink casters are just like ok "I have lots of mana/hp".


Tranny Chaser
Now that we're a couple of weeks in it's impossible to call Teek anything but a success. The prior year Oakwynd launched with a medicore ruleset to then fall victim to a currency/item dupe from the introduction of the tradeskill depot. Even before that the economy was heavily inflated from the PL crews and the constant demand for more max level characters from the playerbase. When Luclin launched and it was time to cash in on a massive bonus to AA exp gain it just...didn't work? Cheating was rampant. Botting was rampant. I was of the opinion that the 25th anniversary server would get everyone to show up but once they saw the terrible state of the game that would be it. Next year the new TLP would fail and the whole thing would be kind of over. Daybreak had held off on a Mischief clone longer than anyone thought they would and it was a proven crowd pleaser but what about everything else?

The launch went fine. For the number of people trying to play it's hard to complain. There was a lengthy queue for the first two days but it got tackled. Everyone went to implement all the strategies refined on Oakwynd regarding boxing and dubious software got a suspension.


Some other anti-cheat went in to action. The more flagrant shit people paid to use got riskier and harder to come by. The surviving box crews out in the wild look like they used to look back in the day. They look like they're being operated by human beings and are far less odious. The PL crews were slower to get going and while inflation is always going to be a thing it's going to take more time to have a character leveled (and thus be more expensive) with no incentive for people to have several max level characters they never play.

Cheating reigned in a little, boxing reigned in a little, the servers work, the queue was short-lived, people showed up to play in huge numbers. I even had Daybreak make me whole when I had five krono poof from my inventory. I don't know what the fuck is going on and I don't know if it is going to last but it honestly feels like a different company is running the show. They even quickly addressed the amount of platinum the tower key quests were generating. On Oakwynd handing out millions of platinum to strangers wasn't enough to convince them there was a dupe. Their official position was they looked in to it and didn't see an issue. It took so long to get legacy experience to apply to AAs that a bunch of people just went and gave Season of Discovery a try instead. They could have immediately issued bonus global exp and just...didn't? For anyone that skipped Oakwynd it's hard to convey just how fucking awful everything Daybreak did was.

Daybreak deciding it actually gave a shit wasn't what I was expecting but I never in a million years thought we'd see this many players also really give a shit. After Sleeper, Combine, Fippy, Vulak, Discord, Agnarr, Coirnav, Selo, Miragul, Mangler, Aradune, Rizlona, Mischief, Thornblade, Vaniki, Yelinak and the donkey punch that was Oakwynd there still exist hundreds of people willing to poop sock against each other and do it for Kunark loot no less all the while this motherfucker


is floating off in the distance.

It's inconceivable.

And they're not just poop socking. Reminiscent of World of Warcraft the two teams are going hard on consumables to push the envelop and secure wins. Planar wands, Kedge clicks, Lynuga earrings and others used en masse while lugging around a combined load of alchemical potions and powders that would earn you a respected nod from Hunter S Thompson. After spending 70 hours leveling one character people are leveling up boxes and personas of the premier dps classes to better use the 14 seconds they have before a raid target falls over. It's not for the loot either. With the Anniversary Tower everyone has more hit points, mana, mana regen, health regen, attack and resists now they would have been possible with this eras full best in slot. It's only going to get more ridiculous as time goes on. Check this out -


Not only is there a new floor of the tower unlocked each month with presumably another piece of gear to wear but Teek gets the Planes of Power at the start of December. That's 12 slots every single person is going to be able to upgrade day one minute one with level 65 gear plus augments to then spend the next four months in PoP. Again. If rewards include non-lore rings, earrings or bracers it's 15 instead of 12. Meanwhile Gorenaire has never been more popular in a quarter century as 400 people try and zone out of Karnor's Castle to take her down all for bragging rights. For those of us doing the instanced guild thing soaking in loot the highlight reels look like the craziest fucking shit. The chillest dadmode ruleset server plus tower candyland and this game can still generate this much enthusiasm.

I wonder if recruitment has begun for the 26th.
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