EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
I’m having a blast just playing personas. I got a 60 cleric and now a 45 wiz. My box is a 40 something bard. Just having fun grouping with friends and pugs too. Definitely the most fun I’ve had playing casually since EQmac.
This is exactly where my brother and I are right now.

We played up our mains (monk and shaman), got our tower gear, and went and played personas. We're honestly having more fun doing that on this server than we had doing the raid-raid-raid we did on previous servers.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
This is exactly where my brother and I are right now.

We played up our mains (monk and shaman), got our tower gear, and went and played personas. We're honestly having more fun doing that on this server than we had doing the raid-raid-raid we did on previous servers.

Personas are cool and I like being able to Shang Tsung into different classes. Always wanted some kind of multi-class system in EQ. That said, the exp bonus week spoiled the hell out of me for leveling personas and it's been tough to get into grinding ever since then.
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Trakanon Raider
Free trade and all that is fine and dandy but man, class epics should all be no trade and no drop.

That would stop the fucking bots right in its track with the Monk red headband quest in South Karana. Jesus fucking Christ! (at least i managed to get Head of Ghanex Drah, thanks to that one being a static spawn)

Camped Targin the Rock for six hours one day and eight hours the other night, never saw the fuckhead at all, bought the Code of Zan Fi from EC. Raster of Guk is supposely even worse?? Thanks again Edaw for the idol. Fucking camps....
Its not going to be a popular opinion, but I'm just going to say it. I completely think that the epic quests should have been 100% doable via LONG soloable/groupable content with raids offering a SHORT CUT to completion rather than being the only way to complete them.

The fact that the epics are gated by raids is why people are able to put such high demand on selling parts or all of an epic quest.

But, unfortunately, the designers of the time back then felt that being able to swing your electric penis around to compare sizes in EQ was the way to go. So fuck the average gamer in the name of epeen envy. Thank God most MMORPGs have moved away from the idea of only the top 1% getting to enjoy the best of the game.
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Trakanon Raider
Democracy Manifest or Eastern Coalition depending on your exact time. Democracy Manifest has Kubat (the brains behind TEB) so I assume they're pretty solid.

It's Pacific Coalition, Eastern was Coirnav, and they are Oceanic not EU.

I think there's a Rampage guild here as well as Democracy Manifest.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Things I'm still WTB: Painbringer, Mrylokar's Helm, Rubicite Arms, any decent monk shoulders, Scaled Hierophant equipment for any slot except BP/pants.


Canuckistani Terrorist
One of the biggest QoL additions finally got added nearly 20- years late:

You can no finally do a /who when you right click a name with default UI.

How fucking hard was that to implement FFS, took long enough.


Karazhan Raider
Anyone have a hand of the maestro and spiroc wingblade for sale/MQ? Can spend a krono on each
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<Gold Donor>
Regime Regime , I sent it all to your cleric :)

Screenshot 2024-07-23 232243.png
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Been loving the personas and hanging with some of the FoH board bros



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Trakanon Raider
Reminds me of when a bunch of us on the boards linked up in P99 back in ~2010. Definitely more fun for a while, up until people started taking it too seriously.
This is one of the things that my brother and I have made a conscious effort not to do on this server... take things too seriously. We're just playing the game and having fun. We are FNF in Faceless, but neither of us have gone on a single raid on this server at all. We just don't see the need to get involved in raiding yet. The Kunark start, tower gear, random loot, and free trade has made this the least sweaty server ever. I don't know that my brother will ever get back in to raiding much, but I will definitely be there in Luclin and possibly some in Velious.

As for now, we are both just chilling and playing up personas. Its the most fun we have had in EQ in many, many years.

My main is Risiko on the server (main persona is 60 shaman). My alt is Peppie, the gnome wizard in the screen shot above with Regime. Looking forward to level 20, so I can name him Peppie La`Boom lol.


TLP Idealist
EQ TLP doesn't even start until GoD. Before that it's just a place people go to milk krono from nostalgia simps.
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Log Wizard
<Gold Donor>
GoD is the best "early" expansion on TLP. Not close.
This is super interesting to me. I remember back in the day when GoD/OoW came out a lot of people really hated this period. I remember lots of guildies quitting, complaints about how GoD was overturned, and just the aesthetic of the expac being weird. Was thinking this unique to my guild/playgroup or did something change since then that these expacs are seen more favorably?


El Presidente
This is super interesting to me. I remember back in the day when GoD/OoW came out a lot of people really hated this period. I remember lots of guildies quitting, complaints about how GoD was overturned, and just the aesthetic of the expac being weird. Was thinking this unique to my guild/playgroup or did something change since then that these expacs are seen more favorably?
It was overtuned on live when it first was released. TLP is not that. BiC is a good quest and you'll use that aug for a long, long time. PoP turns quickly into log on for time raids and otherwise don't play much on TLP. I guess it's a little different with randomized loot, but I always felt that people liked PoP more for nostalgia reasons than anything else.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This is super interesting to me. I remember back in the day when GoD/OoW came out a lot of people really hated this period. I remember lots of guildies quitting, complaints about how GoD was overturned, and just the aesthetic of the expac being weird. Was thinking this unique to my guild/playgroup or did something change since then that these expacs are seen more favorably?

The tuning thing I remember. But that is hardly an issue these days.

The naming is still bad, but so was luclin. Honeslty its just nice to see something different and GoD offers quite a bit of things to do.

I also think after years of seeing the first 3-5 expansions so much, people just got tired of it. Also for a lot of classes things really don't open up and get interesting till PoP or after.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Its just so hard to slog through pop and then ldon on tlps. It is so fucking retarded they don't combine them