EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


<Gold Donor>
No worries - just working on an alt, appreciate you checking.
Screenshot 2024-07-25 120751.png
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TLP Idealist
I am curious, how much does random loot help reduce this? Because I agree, its part of the problem. PoP boiled down to time and that was it. But with shared loot, I assume time loot is spread out? So you can actually do other things, not just for flagging?

Same with OoW(though even outside anguish I dont remember many raids, queen/king and mpg trials you did enough to flag and preferably never went back). Though DoN will be with it this time, so raids there and some group progression content to do too.

This is my first time on this type of server, so not 100% sure how it works in later expansions.
Basically every expansion is better with random loot because it lets us do a bunch of content we normally ignore. In Omens you generally do MPG and CoA because it’s one big table. King/Queen are their own table and don’t matter at all.

In DoN you do 4 dragons instead of 2. In DoDH you do Demi and several of the Blood raids. Etc etc.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
What do knights typically do in raids past Velious?
SK's offtank adds, tank trash, kite. When a strat calls for summon tanking, they are great at that bc of their ranged aggro spells/abilities. Once you reach SoD iirc you get your first legit dmg mitigation disc. If you're well geared you can tank raid mobs. There's also the Armor of Experience vet AA & glyphs to help w/ mitigation. DPS also remains solid and they have some nice burn abilities.

Never played a pally but there is some overlap. Offtank, trash tank. DA pulling/tanking. Their splash heals and cures are really good.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Your primary job as a knight is to soak up the tank loot needed to carry your boxes through all the group content outside of raids.
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Vyemm Raider
Is there a writeup anywhere for this tower stuff? I heard you could start doing it at level 1 but when i tried to do first key quest the orc oracle that spawned was like level 21. Trying to understand how it works. I don't really have much time to play but if I can do this stuff solo I'd definitely like to get the tokens farmed up at least.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there a writeup anywhere for this tower stuff? I heard you could start doing it at level 1 but when i tried to do first key quest the orc oracle that spawned was like level 21. Trying to understand how it works. I don't really have much time to play but if I can do this stuff solo I'd definitely like to get the tokens farmed up at least.

Not 100% sure how the spawning works with levels. Most people seem to do them at on 60s and if they want it easier bring a low level that triggers the boss spawn, so that it is around level 30 for the key quests. The missions inside the tower(the ones the keys activate) is where most people were using level 2 mages with buffs to go through it quickly.
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Tranny Chaser
Is there a writeup anywhere for this tower stuff? I heard you could start doing it at level 1 but when i tried to do first key quest the orc oracle that spawned was like level 21. Trying to understand how it works. I don't really have much time to play but if I can do this stuff solo I'd definitely like to get the tokens farmed up at least.

Once you have the keys you can do all the floors with a level one character. They key quests themselves have some scaling to them. If you're level one that orc is still level 20 or 21 and he scales up to still being group content for level 60 characters. If you're on Teek you can just buy all the keys and get right to coin farming or you could form a group and knock them out. I've not tried twinking the piss out of a level 20 character to solo the key quests but it wouldn't surprise me if you could do it on a SK.

The newest floor sends you to the Emerald Jungle and has zero fighting so you can do that solo.

Has anyone tried to do the floors with max level characters with the last patch? One of the reasons everyone cheeses them is they were way too difficult.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I was able to do all the floors with a relatively mediocre group of 60s. We had one death, some dudes shaman box got stuck and ate frontal aes - note we still won despite that shaman.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Is there a writeup anywhere for this tower stuff? I heard you could start doing it at level 1 but when i tried to do first key quest the orc oracle that spawned was like level 21. Trying to understand how it works. I don't really have much time to play but if I can do this stuff solo I'd definitely like to get the tokens farmed up at least.

The key quest mobs scale to average group level but there is a minimum mob level of around 20-30. If you have two accounts, group a 60 and a lvl 1 and the mob will be around 30 so easy for the lvl 60 to kill. The lvl 1 needs to be in zone but can just sit at zoneline. I just did the quests on both the 60 and the 1 at the same time so I got an extra set.

If you persona down to lvl 1, persona back to 60 before you hit combine on the key because the achievement rewards scale to level (get more plat and an AA at 60).

Completing the tower rooms unlocks the items on the vendor but you need to be higher level to see anything beyond the ornaments. Don't really need to do the mage thing, any class can solo the tower rooms at low level with druid buffs since you don't actually need kill credit, if mobs kill themselves on damage shields alone it still counts. The tower rooms scale to the highest level that has zoned in, mobs will literally level up instantly if a higher level character zones in.

I recommend watching Aeths guides to do the key quests quickly.

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anyone have harmshield or shroud of undeath sitting in their banks for sale ?