EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


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<Gold Donor>
dammit know GIF


Lord Nagafen Raider
So basically just log in once a week, say you're missing a krono, get enough plat to buy one, and then log off and do it again next week? Is that what everyone is doing?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No because they actually check if you are missing one. I've yet to hear someone get plat back that didn't actually miss a krono.

If you are not sure if you are missing one then yeah.

I've got low enough kr(only 38) that its easy to tell if one goes missing. But I also only EC tunnel maybe once a week if that, so I am not interacting with fradulent krono all that much.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So basically just log in once a week, say you're missing a krono, get enough plat to buy one, and then log off and do it again next week? Is that what everyone is doing?

What you do is buy a krono from someone for plat. That person trades you the krono and then a little later the krono poofs from your inventory. But the person that traded you the krono now has it back into their inventory. So now they have the krono and the plat. You being the person whom the krono poofed from petitions and get platinum back.

If your smart you know the trick and just team with someone, or do it yourself to get infinite plat.

This is how we have the hyper inflation currently on Teek.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So what's the trick? Do it in a zone with 400 people and alt-f4 as the trade processes?


Lord Nagafen Raider
The daily growth isn't as steep as observed on that day, but still compounding about 7% daily. Projection through end of August is about 700k.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The daily growth isn't as steep as observed on that day, but still compounding about 7% daily. Projection through end of August is about 700k.
Amod Amod I think we need to get some diamondhands enabled for this thread
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
What you do is buy a krono from someone for plat. That person trades you the krono and then a little later the krono poofs from your inventory. But the person that traded you the krono now has it back into their inventory. So now they have the krono and the plat. You being the person whom the krono poofed from petitions and get platinum back.

If your smart you know the trick and just team with someone, or do it yourself to get infinite plat.

This is how we have the hyper inflation currently on Teek.
From what I understand, only fraudulent krono gets removed. Is there any way to know if the krono being traded is legit or fraudulent?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hard to belive anyone with that many stolen cc #s would use them on Kronos. Unless they bought 300, in that case it's on dark paw.

People don't have that many stolen numbers who play eq.
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Tranny Chaser
I beginning to wonder if this has anything to do with fraud at all.

There are all kinds of accounting issues with digital goods like krono. I assume they're purposefully "deleting" krono people have and replacing them with platinum to free up cash held by the company that is otherwise inaccessible until the krono are consumed.
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<Gold Donor>
There are all kinds of accounting issues with digital goods like krono. I assume they're purposefully "deleting" krono people have and replacing them with platinum to free up cash held by the company that is otherwise inaccessible until the krono are consumed.
That doesn't sound legal.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How long do companies have to keep the value on a gift card before they can claim it back?


Tranny Chaser
That doesn't sound legal.

All they really have to do is start enforcing rules regarding RMT and confiscate krono they identify have changed hands illicitly somewhere somehow. If they make a couple mistakes along the way meh. You're welcome to petition for reimbursement.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
There are all kinds of accounting issues with digital goods like krono. I assume they're purposefully "deleting" krono people have and replacing them with platinum to free up cash held by the company that is otherwise inaccessible until the krono are consumed.

from an accrual perspective it moves it, I don’t think they actually have to hold cash though

shrinking the krono population and making rmt cash leakage will incentivize more cashflow for future servers though. This may just be a krono prison server for them (let the krono cover to plat and be prisoner here, instead of being on new servers)
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That doesn't sound legal.
And what are you going to do about it????? You going to go hire a lawyer and go after them? Fuck no.

They know this, and so they can continue walking the grey area that makes people question the system. As long as there are addicts and worker bees, they will continue making money regardless of how corrupt it is. In fact I would be willing to bet if they took every Krono away and replaced it with plat, people would still play the game.

The only thing the consumer can choose to do, is to stop playing the game.


Trakanon Raider
And what are you going to do about it????? You going to go hire a lawyer and go after them? Fuck no.

They know this, and so they can continue walking the grey area that makes people question the system. As long as there are addicts and worker bees, they will continue making money regardless of how corrupt it is. In fact I would be willing to bet if they took every Krono away and replaced it with plat, people would still play the game.

The only thing the consumer can choose to do, is to stop playing the game.
Or you could just not partake in Krono at all, and play the game like it was designed in the first place...
  1. Pay for a subscription (at this point, its as cheap as one trip to McDonalds, so don't give me this can't afford it bullshit)
  2. Actually play your character to get your levels instead of paying for a power level with krono... shocker... actually playing your character! WHAT?!
  3. Earn your gear by playing your fucking character from level 1 to 60 and getting the drops that literally fall like candy from a piñata ... if you can't gear yourself in 60 levels on this server, there's literally something wrong with you
  4. Earn your raid gear by ***shocker*** RAIDING with your guild... and again.... raid loot drops like fucking candy from a piñata ... so... yeah... if you have to buy raid gear with krono, you're doing it wrong
  5. And, lets not forget the Anniversary Tower gear that puts all raid gear to shame for like 3 expansions
There is literally no reason other than laziness to need Krono on the Teek server. Zero. Nada. None. Zilch.

Maybe it's time for all the lazy ass krono users to uninstall the game and move on because you clearly don't enjoy playing the game seeing as you pay for gear and power levels with krono rather than.... PLAYING THE GAME.

I'm sorry, but Jesus Christ people... it's not the power levelers and krono sellers that are the issue here. It's you. If you just played the game instead of paying to win, you wouldn't need krono. And, before you say, "but what about my boxes... I need krono to pay for their accounts". Here's an idea. Make friends in game, and play with them instead of playing a MMORPG solo with your 6 box. But, nooooo. You need all the gear for yourself and don't want to compete with others in your group. Well congratulations mr greed. Enjoy your vanishing and ever inflating Krono.

I'll be over here not being effected by Krono prices at all because again... I have no krono nor do I care if I ever get any krono. I make friends in game that I group with to get my levels, I get my gear by playing my character, and if I want raid gear, I will raid on my character at that time. Krono doesn't exist in my world, and quite frankly, I don't miss it. The game is a hell of a lot of fun when you actually play the game and stop paying to win.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'll be over here not being effected by Krono prices at all because again... I have no krono nor do I care if I ever get any krono. I make friends in game that I group with to get my levels, I get my gear by playing my character, and if I want raid gear, I will raid on my character at that time. Krono doesn't exist in my world, and quite frankly, I don't miss it. The game is a hell of a lot of fun when you actually play the game and stop paying to win.
What do you do with your excess wealth in EQ?